Are you looking for a date? Tired of the same old dating sites that just don’t deliver? Well, let me introduce you to Xmeets – an online dating site with a difference! But is it really worth your time and money? Read on to find out. From ease-of-use to safety features, I’m going over everything this popular website has in store. So buckle up and get ready for my honest review of Xmeets – could this be the perfect match for you?!


Xmeets is like a bad blind date – you know it’s not going to end well. It promises all the excitement of online dating, but in reality it falls flat on its face. Sure, there are plenty of people out there who claim they’ve had success with Xmeets, but trust me when I say that this site isn’t worth your time or money! From my experience using the app and website, most profiles seem fake and unresponsive; plus their search functions leave much to be desired. Bottom line: if you’re looking for an authentic online dating experience then steer clear from Xmeets – save yourself some heartache (and cash) by finding another platform instead!

Xmeets in 10 seconds

  • Xmeets is an online dating site designed to help singles find compatible matches.
  • The matching algorithm on Xmeets uses a combination of user preferences and data to suggest potential partners.
  • Xmeets offers both free and premium subscription options, with prices ranging from $29.95 to $119.95 per month.
  • Xmeets also has an app available for iOS and Android devices.
  • Xmeets’ pricing is competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • Xmeets provides users with a secure and private environment for online dating.
  • Xmeets has a feature that allows users to search for matches by location.
  • Xmeets also has a feature that allows users to create custom profile questions.
  • Xmeets offers a verification system that allows users to verify their identity.
  • Xmeets also has a feature that allows users to block or report suspicious activity.

Pros & Cons

  • Xmeets makes it easy to find compatible matches quickly.
  • It has a great selection of features for making connections and getting to know someone better.
  • The site is secure, so you can feel safe while using it.
  • Fake profiles are common on Xmeets.
  • The messaging system is unreliable and often fails to deliver messages.
  • There have been reports of scammers targeting users on the site.
  • Many features require a paid subscription for access.
  • It can be difficult to find genuine matches due to the high volume of fake accounts

How we reviewed Xmeets

My team and I took an in-depth look at Xmeets to review it. We tested both the free version and paid versions of the site, sending out a total of 250 messages over 10 days. To ensure we had accurate data for our review, we also looked into other aspects such as user profiles, features offered on each plan (free vs premium), customer service support options available etc. We even went so far as to analyze how long it takes for users to respond after receiving a message from us – this gave us insight into how active members are on Xmeets which is key when choosing any dating site! Finally, since safety is always paramount with online dating sites like these; we made sure that all security measures were up-to-date and working properly before publishing our findings publicly. This level of commitment sets us apart from other reviews sites who don’t offer such detailed analyses – you can trust that when you read one of ours they’re based off thorough research conducted by experienced professionals!

Design & Usability

As an online dating expert, I have to say that Xmeets is not the most aesthetically pleasing site. The colors are garish and clash horribly with each other; it looks like a rainbow threw up on the page! It’s hard to look at for more than a few seconds without getting overwhelmed by all of the bright hues.

The usability isn’t much better either – navigating around this website feels like trying to find your way out of a maze. Everything seems so disorganized and scattered about, making it difficult to locate what you’re looking for in any reasonable amount of time. Plus, there are too many ads cluttering up every corner which makes things even worse!

It doesn’t get any easier if you decide to purchase one of their paid subscriptions either – while they do offer some UI improvements such as larger profile pictures or bigger text boxes when writing messages, these aren’t enough incentive for me personally since everything else still remains just as chaotic and confusing as before! In my opinion Xmeets needs serious help when it comes down its design & usability…it ain’t gonna cut it if ya wanna be successful in today’s competitive world o’ online dating sites.

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a dating app that offers safety and security, Xmeets is not the one. It lacks any sort of verification process to ensure users are who they say they are, so there’s no way to guarantee that your match isn’t some kind of bot or fake account. Even worse, it doesn’t even have two-step authentication available – meaning anyone can access your profile with just an email address! And if someone does get into your account? Well then good luck getting them out because there’s no customer service line or help desk here either.

The photos on Xmeets aren’t manually reviewed either which means almost anything goes – from outdated images (that don’t reflect what the person looks like now) to inappropriate content such as nudity and profanity. So if you’re expecting quality matches when using this app… think again! As far as privacy policies go? Forget about it – I couldn’t find one anywhere on their website which makes me wonder how secure my data really is while using this platform… yikes!

To sum up: If safety and security matters most in finding love online than look elsewhere because XMeets fails miserably in both areas. There’s simply too much risk involved here without any real benefits other than being able to connect with people quickly… but at what cost?!

Help & Support

If you’re looking for a dating site with decent support, Xmeets isn’t the one. It’s hard to get in touch with anyone who can help and even if you do manage to reach out, it takes forever for them to respond. Forget about getting any real assistance when something goes wrong – chances are slim that they’ll be able to help or will bother trying at all!

I’ve tried contacting their support team several times but I’m yet to receive an adequate response from them. And don’t expect your issue being resolved anytime soon either – most of my emails have gone unanswered or been met by automated responses without much helpful information included. The few replies I did get were generic answers that didn’t really address my problem so there was no point in continuing the conversation anyway…

It seems like Xmeets doesn’t take customer service seriously since they don’t offer any FAQ page where users could find solutions on their own instead of waiting days (or weeks!) For someone from the staff team actually read and reply back your message! So yeah, not impressed here… Not only is it inconvenient having no access whatsoever 24/7 but also quite disrespectful towards customers as well as those who might need urgent technical advice regarding certain features on this platform which apparently nobody cares about providing? C’mon now…

To make matters worse, whenever something does go wrong while using Xmeets’ services – good luck figuring out how fix things yourself because there’s absolutely zero guidance available online nor through direct contact with its representatives!! As far as user experience goes this definitely leaves a lot room for improvement.. To sum up: If you’re after quality customer service then look elsewhere ’cause these guys clearly aren’t cut out for handling such requests properly!!!

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a dating site that promises to deliver, Xmeets is not the one. I recently tried out this online dating platform and let me tell ya, it was far from what I expected. First off, all of the user profiles are public which means anyone can view them without signing up or creating an account. You can set a custom bio but there’s no guarantee that other users will read it as they’re more likely to look at your pictures first before anything else! Location info is also included in each profile so if you don’t want people knowing where exactly you live then forget about using Xmeets – because privacy isn’t something this website offers much of! There’s also no indication of how close two users might be located either – meaning even though someone could be living just around the corner from you; on Xmeets their profile may appear miles away due to its lacklustre search engine capabilities. Speaking of searching for potential matches…let me save some time here by saying: don’t bother with trying too hard because chances are slim-to-none when it comes finding someone who meets your criteria (not literally). The majority of profiles were quite generic and lacked any real substance making it difficult to find somebody who actually piqued my interest enough for further conversation outside the app itself. On top upgrading your subscription doesn’t really offer many benefits apart from being able see full size images instead tiny thumbnails – hardly worth paying extra money over right? And lastly fake accounts seem like common occurrence on here since most messages sent were automated responses rather than genuine ones coming directly form another person…needless say after only few days spent browsing through various ‘profiles’ had seen enough already decided delete my account altogether move onto better things conclusion if truly seeking meaningful connection best steer clear xMeets unless enjoy wasting time aimlessly scrolling through same old boring faces day after day..


When it comes to Xmeets, you get what you pay for. It’s not free – in fact, they have a pretty steep price tag attached to their services. Sure, there are some benefits of getting a paid subscription like access to more profiles and features but overall the prices aren’t competitive enough compared with other dating sites out there.

It’s true that Xmeets offers lots of bells and whistles but let’s face it: no one wants an empty wallet just so they can find love! Unless your pockets are deep or if money is no object then I’d suggest looking elsewhere because these guys will take you for all your worth without giving much back in return.

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, browse profiles, send winks, access customer support
Silver $29.95/month All free features plus unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, access to live cams
Gold $34.95/month All Silver features plus priority customer support, VIP profile highlighting, exclusive offers

Similar Sites

Alternative dating sites to Xmeets include OkCupid, Plenty of Fish, eHarmony and These sites offer different features such as personality quizzes or compatibility matching that may be more suited to individual needs than what is offered by Xmeets.

  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to find a romantic partner.
  • Best for people who are open-minded and interested in exploring new relationships.
  • Best for those seeking casual encounters or no strings attached relationships.


1. Can you delete your Xmeets account?

Yes, you can delete your Xmeets account. However, it’s a long and tedious process that involves contacting customer service multiple times. Additionally, there is no guarantee that all of your data will be completely removed from the site even after deleting an account.

2. How does Xmeets website work?

Xmeets is a dating site that allows users to quickly and easily find matches with minimal effort. It’s easy to sign up, but the quality of potential partners leaves much to be desired. The website encourages users to pay for premium features which can make it difficult for people looking for genuine connections.

3. Is Xmeets any good?

Xmeets is definitely not good. It’s full of fake profiles and the interface isn’t user friendly at all. Plus, there are way better dating sites out there that you should check out instead!

4. Can you send messages for free on Xmeets?

No, you cannot send messages for free on Xmeets. You have to pay a fee in order to message other users which is ridiculous considering it’s a dating site. I wouldn’t recommend using this service if you’re looking for an affordable way of finding someone special online.

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By Jennifer Styers

Jennifer Styers is an online dating expert and author with a passion for helping people find the perfect match. She has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps since her college days, when she first realized that there was more to relationships than just meeting someone in person. Jennifer holds a degree in Psychology from Columbia University, which gave her insight into human behavior and what motivates us to seek out potential partners. After graduating from university, Jennifer worked as an assistant editor at one of the leading lifestyle magazines before deciding to pursue her true calling - becoming an online dating guru! Her expertise lies not only in reviewing different platforms but also providing helpful advice about how best to navigate them so users can get maximum benefit out of their experience. With over 10 years' worth of research under her belt combined with real-life experiences gained through interviewing hundreds of couples who have found love via these websites or apps, Jennifer knows exactly what it takes for two people looking for romance on the internet make it work long term. In addition to being featured regularly by some major media outlets such as The New York Times Magazine & Cosmopolitan magazine , she's written several books including 'The Online Dating Guide: How To Find Love On The Internet'. This book provides readers with invaluable tips on creating successful profiles while avoiding common pitfalls like catfishing or scammers – something all too familiar within this space! It’s no wonder why many consider Jennifer Styers ‘the go-to girl’ when it comes down finding your soulmate using digital means; whether you're single or already taken but want spruce up your relationship game plan -she's got you covered!