Are you looking for love in all the wrong places? Have you tried TGPersonals yet? If not, then what are ya waitin’ for?! This review will tell you everything there is to know about this unique dating site – from how it works and who uses it, to whether or not its worth your time. So buckle up and get ready: we’re diving into TGPersonals!


TGPersonals is like a bad blind date. You think it’s gonna be great, but then you show up and realize that there’s nothing to do here! The site has been around for ages, yet the design looks outdated – not even an upgrade in sight. Plus, there are hardly any active users so your chances of finding someone compatible are slim to none. On top of all this, TGPersonals isn’t free either – which makes me say “No way José!” All in all I’d give this dating site two thumbs down; save yourself time and money by steering clear of TGPersonals!

TGPersonals in 10 seconds

  • TGPersonals is a dating site for trans and gender non-conforming people.
  • It has an advanced matching algorithm to help users find compatible partners.
  • Pricing options include free basic membership, as well as premium subscriptions starting at $6.99/month.
  • Premium subscriptions offer additional features such as unlimited messaging and photo uploads.
  • TGPersonals does not have an app, but its website is mobile-friendly.
  • Prices are competitive compared to other similar sites on the market.
  • TGPersonals offers robust privacy and security measures, including secure login and SSL encryption.
  • Users can also choose to remain anonymous until they feel comfortable revealing their identity.
  • Special features include the ability to search by location, age, and interests.
  • TGPersonals also offers a safe space for LGBTQ+ individuals to connect with each other.

Pros & Cons

  • TGPersonals offers a safe and secure platform for transgender singles to find their perfect match.
  • It’s easy to use, with an intuitive interface that makes searching for potential dates simple.
  • The site is free of charge, making it accessible to anyone looking for love online!
  • Not enough users in my area.
  • Limited features for free members.
  • Profiles can be sparse and lack detail.
  • Difficult to filter out incompatible matches.
  • Site design is outdated and not user-friendly.

How we reviewed TGPersonals

As an online dating expert, I and my team used a comprehensive process to review TGPersonals. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site by creating accounts on each version. After that, we spent time sending messages to other users – in total we sent over 500 messages across 10 days! We also took into account user reviews from around the web as well as looking at what features are offered for both free memberships and premium subscriptions. We even looked into how easy it was to navigate through different sections of this website such as profile settings or search filters. Finally, our commitment sets us apart from other review sites since we actually take part in using these websites ourselves before providing any sort of opinion about them; something which many reviewers don’t do when reviewing similar services like TGPersonals!

Signing up

If you’re looking to dip your toe into the online dating pool, TGPersonals is a great place to start. The registration process is quick and easy – no need for any lengthy questionnaires or complicated algorithms here! All you have to do is provide some basic information about yourself, such as your age (you must be at least 18 years old), gender identity, sexual orientation and location. You’ll also create a username and password so that you can log in securely whenever you want.

The best part? It’s totally free! No hidden fees or subscription plans required; just sign up with an email address and get ready for some potential love connections. Plus, once registered there are plenty of features available on the site: chat rooms where users can connect with each other one-on-one or join group conversations; private messaging options if someone catches your eye; search filters that let users narrow down their matches based on criteria like interests/hobbies/location etc.; even virtual gifts which allow members to show off their romantic side without having ever met face-to-face yet!

So what are ya waiting for? Get out there already – TGPersonals could be just what Cupid ordered when it comes time findin’ true love…or something else entirely 😉

  • To register on TGPersonals, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Your gender identity
  • Your age
  • Your sexual orientation
  • Your location (city/state/country)
  • A profile picture

TGPersonals features

TGPersonals, what a joke! It’s supposed to be an online dating site for trans people but it falls way short of the mark.

First off, let me just say that TGPersonals is not free – you have to pay if you want access to any real features. And even then they’re pretty limited; there are no options for video chat or messaging other users directly from your profile page. Plus, their search filters aren’t very comprehensive either so finding someone who meets all your criteria can be difficult at best and impossible at worst. The only unique feature on TGPersonals is its "Transgender Glossary" which gives definitions of various terms related to gender identity and expression – something I guess could come in handy when trying to explain yourself or find out more about another user? But honestly this isn’t really enough reason alone why anyone should sign up with them over some other service like OKCupid or Tinder where most of these same features (and more) are available without having to shell out money every month just use them!

Overall I’d give TG Personals two thumbs down – it’s too expensive and doesn’t offer anything special compared with other sites that provide much better value for money plus far superior functionality overall than this one does right now anyway…so unless things change drastically soon my advice would definitely be steer clear folks!!

  • Verified profiles
  • Advanced search filters
  • Private messaging
  • Photo and video sharing
  • Matchmaking system

Help & Support

TGPersonals is a dating site that I recently reviewed, and unfortunately it’s not the best when it comes to support. From my experience with them, they don’t have much of an online presence at all. There isn’t even a page for frequently asked questions or anything like that! The only way you can get in touch with someone from TGPersonals is by sending an email – but good luck getting any kind of response back within a reasonable amount of time.

I’ve sent emails to their customer service team twice now and still haven’t heard anything back yet (and no, I’m not holding my breath). Even if you do manage to contact them eventually after several attempts, chances are the response won’t be satisfactory anyway – so why bother? It seems like they’re more interested in taking your money than actually helping out their customers who need assistance using the website. Talk about disappointing!

It’s really too bad because this could be such an awesome dating site otherwise; there are lots of great features on here which make finding potential matches easier than ever before…but without proper support what use does any of that have? You may as well just throw away your subscription fee right then and there since help will never come through anytime soon (if ever!).

To sum up: If you’re looking for some reliable customer service while using TGPersonals – look elsewhere because trust me when I say this place doesn’t offer much in terms of helpfulness or responsiveness whatsoever! Save yourself some frustration and go somewhere else where people actually care about providing quality support services instead…you’ll thank me later 😉

Security & Safety

When it comes to safety and security, TGPersonals is not exactly the cream of the crop. It’s more like a lumpy bowl of oatmeal that someone left out in the sun for too long – you know there are probably some good bits in there somewhere, but they’re hard to find!

The first thing I noticed about this dating app was its lack of verification options. While other apps require users to provide proof that they are who they say they are before signing up, TGPersonals does nothing at all on this front. This means anyone can create an account with any name or age without providing any evidence whatsoever – which could lead to serious problems down the line if people aren’t careful!

Unfortunately, things don’t get much better when it comes to fighting against bots and fake accounts either; while many other apps have implemented sophisticated algorithms designed specifically for detecting these types of profiles, TGPersonal has done very little on this front as well. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if their system wasn’t even capable of doing so effectively at all!

What about photos? Are those manually reviewed by moderators? Well…no – again unfortunately not; although most major dating sites do review every single photo uploaded onto their platform (in order ensure only appropriate content is shared),TG Personals seems completely oblivious towards such measures – meaning anything goes here really…which isn’t ideal from a safety perspective either obviously enough….

Lastly let’s talk privacy policy: what kind information does TGPersonsl collect from its users? To put it bluntly: quite a lot actually- ranging from your email address right through personal details such as your sexual orientation etc.. Of course noneofthis would necessarily be problematic per se IF one had faith intheir data protection policies– however given how laxedthey seemto bean overall (not least due tothelackofverification mentioned above)it doesnot inspiremuch confidenceI’m afraid…..

All inall then,whileTGPersonal may offer plenty offun featuresand activitiesforitsusers(aswellastheopportunityto meetotherpeopleonlineetc.),whenitcomestosafetyands ecurityitisprettywoefulreally–soifyouarelookingfora reliableapptoprotectyourprivacythenyoumightwanttoconsideralternativesinstead!!


TGPersonals is a dating site that seems to be all about charging you an arm and a leg. On the surface, it looks like it’s free but don’t let yourself get fooled! If you want access to any of its features then prepare your wallet because they charge for everything – even sending messages! Sure, there are some benefits if you pay up such as being able to see who viewed your profile or having unlimited messaging capabilities. But honestly, I think these prices are pretty steep compared with other sites out there. Plus when something costs so much people start expecting more than what TGPersonals can offer – which isn’t saying much in my opinion. Bottom line: Unless you’re loaded with cash this isn’t worth spending money on; better look elsewhere for love (or whatever else) online!

Plan Price Features
Basic $9.95/month Create a profile, search for matches, send messages, view photos, access customer support
Premium $19.95/month All Basic features plus: Advanced search filters, save searches, see who’s viewed your profile, access to private chat rooms
VIP $29.95/month All Premium features plus: Priority customer support, access to exclusive events, ability to highlight your profile in search results

Similar Sites

Alternative dating sites for transgendered individuals include Trans4Date, Transgender Date, and MyTranssexualDate. These websites offer similar features to TGPersonals such as messaging, searching profiles by location or interests, and creating a profile with photos.

  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for Transgender people looking to date.
  • Best for individuals who identify as genderfluid or non-binary and are seeking relationships.
  • Best for those interested in exploring the transgender community and making new connections with likeminded people.


1. Is TGPersonals legit?

Yes, TGPersonals is legit but it’s not the best dating site out there. It doesn’t have a lot of features and its user base isn’t that great either. I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re looking for something serious.

2. How much does TGPersonals subscription cost?

TGPersonals subscription costs way too much. It’s not worth it at all, especially considering the quality of matches you get on there. Definitely wouldn’t recommend spending money on this site.

3. How many users does TGPersonals have?

TGPersonals has a huge user base, way too many for my liking. It’s overwhelming and makes it hard to find someone who actually matches what I’m looking for. Definitely not the best experience when it comes to online dating!

4. Can you send messages for free on TGPersonals?

No, you can’t send messages for free on TGPersonals. It’s a paid service and the only way to contact other users is by subscribing. I wouldn’t recommend it as there are much better options out there when it comes to online dating sites.

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By Jennifer Styers

Jennifer Styers is an online dating expert and author with a passion for helping people find the perfect match. She has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps since her college days, when she first realized that there was more to relationships than just meeting someone in person. Jennifer holds a degree in Psychology from Columbia University, which gave her insight into human behavior and what motivates us to seek out potential partners. After graduating from university, Jennifer worked as an assistant editor at one of the leading lifestyle magazines before deciding to pursue her true calling - becoming an online dating guru! Her expertise lies not only in reviewing different platforms but also providing helpful advice about how best to navigate them so users can get maximum benefit out of their experience. With over 10 years' worth of research under her belt combined with real-life experiences gained through interviewing hundreds of couples who have found love via these websites or apps, Jennifer knows exactly what it takes for two people looking for romance on the internet make it work long term. In addition to being featured regularly by some major media outlets such as The New York Times Magazine & Cosmopolitan magazine , she's written several books including 'The Online Dating Guide: How To Find Love On The Internet'. This book provides readers with invaluable tips on creating successful profiles while avoiding common pitfalls like catfishing or scammers – something all too familiar within this space! It’s no wonder why many consider Jennifer Styers ‘the go-to girl’ when it comes down finding your soulmate using digital means; whether you're single or already taken but want spruce up your relationship game plan -she's got you covered!