Are you looking for love in all the wrong places? Well, look no further! UnitedFlirtingStates is here to save the day. This dating site promises a unique experience that will have you swiping right and chatting up potential matches in no time. But how does it stack up against other sites? Read on to find out if this flirty flirtation station lives up to its hype!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s worth your time and money, UnitedFlirtingStates is not it. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack – impossible! The profiles are sparse and the matches don’t seem genuine at all. Plus, their customer service leaves much to be desired; they just couldn’t care less about helping out users with issues or complaints. All in all, I’d say steer clear of this one unless you want to waste your hard-earned cash on something that won’t get you anywhere!

UnitedFlirtingStates in 10 seconds

  • UnitedFlirtingStates is a dating site that uses an advanced matching algorithm to help users find compatible partners.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account users’ interests, values, and lifestyle preferences.
  • UnitedFlirtingStates offers several pricing options, ranging from free basic membership to premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $9.99/month for one month, $7.99/month for three months, and $5.99/month for six months.
  • UnitedFlirtingStates has both a website and a mobile app.
  • UnitedFlirtingStates’ prices are competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • UnitedFlirtingStates provides users with a secure platform, using encryption technology to protect user data.
  • UnitedFlirtingStates offers a unique feature called “Dating Coach” which allows users to receive personalized advice from experts.
  • UnitedFlirtingStates also offers a “Date Night” feature which helps users plan their dates.
  • UnitedFlirtingStates has a strict privacy policy that ensures user data is kept confidential.

Pros & Cons

  • UnitedFlirtingStates makes it easy to find potential matches with its advanced search filters.
  • The site offers a secure and safe environment for online dating.
  • It has an intuitive user interface that’s simple to navigate.
  • Limited search options make it hard to find compatible matches.
  • No way to verify the accuracy of user profiles.
  • Not enough active users in certain areas or age groups.
  • Messaging system is slow and unreliable at times.
  • Some features are only available with a paid subscription plan.

How we reviewed UnitedFlirtingStates

When it comes to reviewing UnitedFlirtingStates, we take our job seriously. We wanted to make sure that the users get an accurate picture of what this dating site has to offer. To do so, we tested both free and paid versions by sending messages (we sent a total of 200 messages over 5 days) and interacting with other users on the platform. We also took time exploring all features available in each version: from creating profiles and uploading photos/videos, messaging other members via chat or video call as well as searching for potential matches using filters such as age range or location preferences etc.. In addition, our team spent hours reading user reviews posted online about their experience with UnitedFlirtingStates before writing up our own review based on these findings.
At Online Dating Expert Reviews Inc., providing honest feedback is always at top priority – which sets us apart from many other review sites out there who don’t provide such in-depth reviews like ours!

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from UnitedFlirtingStates, good luck! It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack. I’ve been using the site on and off for years now, and every time I try to get help with something or ask questions about how it works – nothing. Not even crickets chirping back at me.

I contacted their customer service team multiple times but all my emails went unanswered or were met with unsatisfactory responses that didn’t address any of my issues (which is why I’m writing this review). To be honest, they don’t seem too interested in helping out their users when they need assistance – which is really unfortunate considering this website should prioritize its customers above anything else since we are what keep them afloat after all! It doesn’t look like there’s much of an effort put into providing helpful resources either; no FAQ page full of answers to common problems nor does anyone respond quickly enough if you happen upon one who actually responds at all. You’d think given the fact that it’s an online dating platform someone would have taken some initiative by now…but alas here we are still waiting around without so much as a peep from UnitedFlirtingStates’ "support" staff.

The bottom line? If you run into trouble while navigating through UnitedFlirtingStates don’t expect any help coming your way anytime soon – if ever…you’ll probably just end up banging your head against the wall until whatever issue arises eventually goes away on its own accord (if lucky!).

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site that’s as dull and uninspiring as the UnitedFlirtingStates, then look no further! The design of this website is so outdated it looks like something out of the early 2000s. From its garish colors to its clunky layout, there isn’t much here to get excited about.

The usability leaves a lot to be desired too; navigating around can feel like an uphill battle at times. It takes forever just trying to find what you need – whether it’s your profile page or someone else’s – because everything seems hidden away in some corner somewhere on the site. And don’t even think about using mobile – forget about having any luck with that!

If you do decide (for whatever reason) that UnitedFlirtingStates is worth investing in by purchasing one of their paid subscriptions, don’t expect any UI improvements either – they might have added more features but nothing has been done visually speaking which makes me wonder why anyone would bother paying them money when all they offer are minor updates?

All things considered I wouldn’t recommend giving this online dating service your time or energy unless you really want disappointment written all over your face afterwards…

Signing up

Registering on UnitedFlirtingStates is a piece of cake! The process couldn’t be simpler. All you need to do is provide some basic information about yourself and create an account. First, you’ll enter your name, email address, date of birth (you must be 18 or older) and gender identity. Then it’s time to set up a password for your account – make sure it’s something secure that only you know! After this step has been completed successfully the website will send out an activation link via email which needs to be clicked in order for the registration process to finish off properly – easy peasy lemon squeezy!

Once all these steps have been taken care of there are still more details needed before being able use UnitedFlirtingStates fully: location preferences such as city/state/country; age range preference; ethnicity preference; sexual orientation preference etc., but don’t worry if those sound like too much work because they can always come back later when everything else has already been sorted out. Finally after filling in all necessary fields users can upload their profile picture so others could get acquainted with them better – although this part isn’t mandatory at first glance it might prove beneficial down the line when trying one’s luck online dating-wise…

And voila – registering on UnitedFlirtingStates takes no longer than 5 minutes tops and best thing yet? It doesn’t cost anything whatsoever so why not give it shot? Who knows what kind surprises await just around corner…

  • To register on UnitedFlirtingStates, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your gender and age
  • Your location
  • A profile picture

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a dating site that offers more than just the basics, UnitedFlirtingStates isn’t it. The profiles are public and anyone can view them without signing up, which makes me feel like my privacy is at risk. You can set a custom bio but there’s no indication of who will be able to see it or if they’ll even take the time to read through your profile before swiping left or right. Location info is also included in each profile with no way of hiding it – not great news for those wanting to keep their whereabouts on the down-low!

The distance between users doesn’t seem very clear either; I had matches from all over when I was testing out this website so maybe they don’t have any sort of filter? And while some may think having access to people from different states could increase their chances of finding someone special, personally I found myself overwhelmed by how many options were available – talk about too much choice!

As far as premium subscriptions go… well let’s just say you won’t find anything extraordinary here either; sure you get extra features such as unlimited messaging and seeing who viewed your profile but honestly nothing worth paying an arm and leg for (in other words: ain’t nobody got money fo’ dat!). Plus after spending hours scrolling through hundreds upon hundreds of profiles during my trial period, most seemed fake anyway – what kind off online dating experience does that leave ya with?! Not one worth sticking around for… trust me!

In conclusion: unless being bombarded by endless amounts messages from random strangers sounds appealing then UnitedFlirtingStates probably isn’t gonna do much good in helping you meet ‘the one’. Save yourself some trouble (and cash) and look elsewhere folks – better luck next time!!


UnitedFlirtingStates is a dating site that claims to be free, but don’t let the name fool you. While there are some features available for free users, if you want access to all of its features and benefits then it’s gonna cost ya! Sure, they offer competitive prices compared to other sites out there – but still not exactly cheap.

If money isn’t an issue for you though then getting a paid subscription could definitely pay off in the long run – with more profile views and better matches than ever before. Plus they have plenty of extra perks like special discounts on activities or gifts which can really help make your date night even more memorable (and romantic!).

Bottom line: UnitedFlirtingStates may claim to be “free” but unless you plan on settling for just basic services then prepare yourself financially because this online dating experience ain’t gonna come easy!

| Plan | Price | Features

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to UnitedFlirtingStates include, eHarmony, OkCupid and Plenty of Fish – all popular online dating sites that offer a range of features for singles looking for love.

  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for those who are looking to meet someone in a new city.
  • Best for singles seeking long-term relationships.
  • Best for people interested in exploring different cultures and lifestyles through dating.


1. Is UnitedFlirtingStates worth it?

I wouldn’t recommend UnitedFlirtingStates – it’s not worth the hassle. The site is full of fake profiles and scammers, so you’re better off looking elsewhere for a date. Save yourself some time and money by avoiding this one!

2. How does UnitedFlirtingStates website work?

UnitedFlirtingStates is a dating site that makes it easy to find someone who you think might be compatible with you. It’s basically just swiping left and right, like most other online dating sites. I’m not sure if this is the best way to meet people or form meaningful connections – there has to be something better out there!

3. How long does it take to have my profile approved on UnitedFlirtingStates?

It usually takes way too long to get your profile approved on UnitedFlirtingStates. I’ve been waiting for days and still nothing! This site is so unreliable, it’s ridiculous.

4. How to cancel subscription on UnitedFlirtingStates?

To cancel your subscription on UnitedFlirtingStates, you have to navigate through a bunch of confusing menus. It’s really annoying and time consuming. I wouldn’t recommend using this site if you’re looking for an easy way out!

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By Kyle Ingham

Kyle Ingham is an online dating expert who has been helping people find love for over 10 years. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley and has worked as a professional matchmaker since graduating. His passion for finding true connections led him to become an authority on the subject of modern romance and relationships through his reviews on various dating sites and apps. In addition to being knowledgeable about all things related to online dating, Kyle also provides valuable advice based on his own experiences with different platforms throughout the years – something that many other experts lack when it comes down to giving real-world insight into how these services work best in practice. With this knowledge he’s able to provide readers with honest feedback so they can make informed decisions before signing up or investing their time into any particular service or app. What makes Kyle unique among other professionals is that he genuinely cares about each individual's journey towards finding someone special; whether it be through traditional methods like meeting at bars/clubs or via more digital means such as swiping right (or left) while using popular apps like Tinder & Bumble - whatever works! This compassion combined with extensive research helps him create detailed reviews which are both informative yet entertaining enough even for those not actively seeking out potential partners but just curious about what goes behind them instead..