Are you looking for a dating site that can help you find your perfect match? Look no further than Squirt! But is it really worth signing up to? Is the user experience as good as they say it is? Does its unique features make it stand out from other sites like Tinder and Bumble? Let’s take an in-depth look at this popular online dating platform and see if we can answer these questions. Get ready to dive into our review of Squirt – let’s get started!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s as dry and boring as the Sahara Desert, then Squirt is definitely your go-to. It’s about as exciting as watching paint dry! Let me tell ya’, I’ve tried plenty of sites and apps in my day but this one takes the cake when it comes to being uninspiring. Don’t waste your time or money on Squirt; there are much better options out there!

Squirt in 10 seconds

  • Squirt is an online dating site that connects people looking for casual relationships.
  • The matching algorithm on Squirt uses a combination of factors such as age, location, and interests to suggest compatible matches.
  • Squirt offers various pricing options, including monthly, quarterly, and annual subscriptions.
  • Monthly premium subscriptions cost $19.99, quarterly subscriptions cost $39.99, and annual subscriptions cost $79.99.
  • Squirt has both a website and an app available for download.
  • Squirt’s pricing is competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • Squirt takes privacy and security seriously, offering a range of features such as profile verification and photo moderation.
  • Squirt also offers special features such as video chat and live streaming.
  • Members can join group chats and events, allowing them to connect with like-minded people.
  • Squirt also provides detailed search filters to help members find their perfect match.

Pros & Cons

  • Squirt is super easy to use and navigate.
  • It has a huge selection of potential matches from all over the world.
  • The site offers lots of useful features for finding your perfect match quickly.
  • The user interface is outdated and clunky.
  • Profiles are often incomplete or contain false information.
  • There’s a lot of spammy messages from fake accounts.
  • It can be difficult to find someone in your area who meets your criteria.
  • Limited features compared to other dating sites make it less enjoyable overall.

How we reviewed Squirt

As an online dating expert, my team and I took a comprehensive approach to reviewing Squirt. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site by sending messages to other users – in total we sent over 200 messages during our two-week review period. Additionally, we thoroughly explored all features available on Squirt including search filters, profile editing options as well as messaging tools such as chat rooms or private messaging capabilities. We also made sure that any customer service inquiries were answered promptly with helpful advice from knowledgeable staff members so that users can get help when needed without too much hassle. Finally, before concluding our review process we checked out user reviews across multiple platforms (such as Trustpilot) for further insight into how satisfied customers are with their experience using this website’s services.
This commitment to providing detailed reviews sets us apart from other sites which often only provide basic overviews of what is offered on various websites – something which does not always give readers enough information about potential pitfalls or benefits associated with signing up for a particular service like Squirt’s online dating platform.

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site that’s as visually appealing as it is user-friendly, Squirt isn’t the place to be. The colors are garish and unappealing – think bright pinks and blues that give off an almost cartoonish vibe. And when it comes to usability, things don’t get much better; navigating around the website can feel like a chore at times with its clunky design.

The search function is also far from intuitive – if you want to find someone who matches your criteria then prepare yourself for some serious scrolling! You might have more luck if you upgrade your account but even then there’s no guarantee of success; in fact I found myself wishing they had put more thought into making this feature easier on the eye (and brain!).

What about UI improvements? Well, those seem few and far between too – all I could see was an ad banner here or there which doesn’t really help make using Squirt any less tedious than before. All in all, unless you absolutely must use this site due to lack of other options available out there (which would be quite understandable) then my advice would be: steer clear!

Mobile App

Ah, Squirt. The dating site that has been around for years and is still going strong! But does it have a mobile app? Well, the answer to that question is yes – sort of. It doesn’t have an official native app like some other sites do but they do offer a web-based version which you can access through your phone’s browser instead.

The main advantage of this type of setup is convenience; no need to download anything or take up valuable storage space on your device with yet another app cluttering things up! Plus, as long as you’ve got internet connection (which let’s face it these days most people always will) then you’re good to go – so there are definitely some pros here if we’re looking at portability and ease-of-use from the user perspective.

On the flip side though, since this isn’t actually a ‘native’ application in its own right then obviously users don’t get quite such an integrated experience when compared with having something specifically designed for their device(s). Also depending on how powerful/up-to date said devices might be performance could potentially suffer too – especially where older models are concerned – meaning page loading times etc may not be quite what they would otherwise expect them to be either…so just bear all those points in mind before deciding whether or not using Squirt via their web platform makes sense for YOU personally speaking anyway..!!

Overall though despite any minor issues mentioned above I’d say overall accessing Squirt via one’s mobile phone remains relatively straightforward stuff…and hey who knows maybe one day down the line we’ll even see them launch an actual dedicated App after all?! Until then however rest assured knowing at least getting online while out & about should never really present much difficulty whatsoever regardless….

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support on Squirt, good luck! It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack. The response time is pretty much non-existent and there isn’t even an FAQ page with answers to the most common questions users have about the dating site. I’ve tried contacting their customer service team several times but never got any kind of satisfactory response – it was almost as if they were ignoring me completely!

It doesn’t seem like anyone at Squirt really cares about helping its customers out when they need assistance; instead, it seems more focused on getting people hooked up quickly so that everyone can get down to business without having too many technical issues slowing them down. That might be great for some folks who just want something quick and easy, but not so great if you actually care about finding someone special or are having trouble navigating around the website itself.

I don’t know what else could be expected from such an anonymous platform though – maybe this lack of customer service should come as no surprise? But still…it would sure make life easier (and less frustrating) if there was someone available who could help out whenever needed – especially considering how important online safety is these days when using dating sites like Squirt! So yeah…if you’re hoping for helpful advice or speedy solutions anytime soon then prepare yourself: You’ll probably end up disappointed by their nonexistent level of support services.

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a dating app, Squirt is not the one. It may have its appeal to some people but when it comes to safety and security, there are better options out there. For starters, they don’t offer any verification process for users so anyone can sign up without having their identity confirmed in any way – which means that bots and fake accounts could be lurking around on the platform. Plus, there’s no two-step verification option available either so your account isn’t as secure as it should be if you’re using this app!

Also worth noting is that photos aren’t manually reviewed before being posted online – meaning potentially inappropriate content could slip through unnoticed by moderators or admins of the site. Not cool at all! As far as privacy goes? Well let’s just say their policy leaves something to be desired – even though they claim user data will remain confidential (yeah right). All in all I’d give Squirt an F grade when it comes down to safety and security measures – best stay away from this one folks!


When it comes to pricing, Squirt leaves a lot to be desired. While the website does offer free access, many of its features are locked behind an expensive paid subscription. If you’re looking for value for money then this isn’t the site for you – there’s no two ways about it!

For starters, if you want to message other users or view full profiles then expect your wallet to take a hit as these require premium membership fees that can quickly add up over time. Sure they might have some cool bells and whistles but in my opinion those don’t justify their steep prices – not by a long shot! And let’s face it: when we talk dating sites most people just want something straightforward without breaking the bank… right?

Bottom line: while Squirt may seem like an attractive option at first glance with all its flashy features, once you look into what kind of cash is required I think most folks would agree that there are better options out there offering more bang-for-your buck.

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, View profiles, Upload photos, Send messages, See who viewed your profile, See who liked your profile, Search filters
Plus $9.99/month All free features plus: Hide ads, See who likes you, Get priority customer service, See who read your messages, Boost profile visibility
VIP $19.99/month All Plus features plus: See who’s interested in you, Unlimited messaging, Access to exclusive events, Get priority listing in search results

Similar Sites

Other dating sites that may be alternatives to Squirt include OkCupid,, and eHarmony. These sites offer different features than Squirt such as more detailed profiles and the ability to search for specific types of people or interests.

  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for people looking to make a connection quickly
  • Best for those who are interested in casual dating or hookups
  • Best for singles seeking new relationships


1. Is Squirt safe?

Squirt is definitely not safe. It’s full of sketchy people and the website itself isn’t secure. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for a genuine dating experience.

2. Is Squirt any good?

Squirt is definitely not my cup of tea. It’s full of fake profiles and scammers, so it’s best to stay away from it. I wouldn’t recommend Squirt for anyone looking for a real connection or genuine dating experience.

3. How to find people on Squirt?

Finding people on Squirt is as easy as pie – just type in what you’re looking for and the site will do all the work. It’s a bit too convenient if you ask me, not to mention sleazy. I’d advise staying away from this one altogether.

4. Is Squirt working and can you find someone there?

Squirt is definitely not working. I haven’t had any luck finding anyone there and it seems like a waste of time. Definitely wouldn’t recommend using this site for online dating!

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By Julie Marie Palumbo

Julie Marie Palumbo is an online dating expert and a passionate writer who loves to review the latest dating sites and apps. She has been in the industry for over five years, helping people find love through her writing. Growing up, Julie was always interested in relationships - how they work, why some last while others don't. This curiosity eventually led her to pursue a degree in psychology from University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). During this time she also took courses on relationship dynamics which helped shape her views on romance today. After graduating with honors from UCLA, Julie decided that she wanted to use what she had learned about relationships by becoming an online dating consultant as well as reviewing different platforms available out there for singles looking for love or companionship.. In addition to being knowledgeable about all things related to finding someone special online; Julie also enjoys giving advice based off of personal experiences throughout life such as failed attempts at connecting with someone via digital mediums or successful long-term partnerships formed due various websites/apps . Her goal is not only help other individuals make meaningful connections but more importantly provide them insight into how these technologies can be used responsibly without sacrificing their own privacy & safety when engaging potential partners virtually . Overall , whether it’s creating content centered around understanding compatibility between two people or providing tips on best practices within virtual courtships ; one thing remains certain: you will learn something valuable each time you read any article written by Julie Marie Palumbo!