Are you ready to meet your Sugar Daddie? Whether you’re looking for a sugar daddy, or want to be one – this review will give you the scoop on what it takes! What kind of people use Sugar Daddie? How does the site work and is it worth signing up for? Read on and find out!


Ah, Sugar Daddie. I’m sure you’ve heard of it – the ‘elite’ dating site that promises to connect wealthy men with beautiful women. Well, let me tell ya: don’t waste your time or money on this one! It’s not worth the hype and there are much better options out there for finding a real connection. In my opinion, Sugar Daddie is like an old pair of shoes – looks nice but just doesn’t fit right in the end!

Sugar Daddie in 10 seconds

  • Sugar Daddie is a dating site that specializes in connecting wealthy and successful men with attractive women.
  • The matching algorithm of Sugar Daddie uses a combination of factors such as location, age, interests, and lifestyle to find compatible matches.
  • Sugar Daddie offers several pricing options ranging from free to premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions range from $19.99/month to $39.99/month depending on the length of the subscription.
  • Sugar Daddie does not have an app but can be accessed through their website.
  • The pricing of Sugar Daddie is comparable to other similar sites on the market.
  • Sugar Daddie has robust privacy and security features such as encrypted data storage and profile verification.
  • Sugar Daddie also offers unique features such as virtual gifts and icebreakers to help users get to know each other better.
  • The “Favorites” feature allows users to keep track of their favorite profiles for easy access.
  • Sugar Daddie also offers a “Hot or Not” game which allows users to quickly rate potential matches.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use and navigate website
  • Verified profiles for added security
  • Access to a large pool of potential matches
  • Not all members are looking for serious relationships.
  • It can be difficult to find someone who is genuinely interested in you.
  • There’s a lot of competition on the site, so it can be hard to stand out from other users.
  • The search feature isn’t very robust and doesn’t allow for much customization or filtering options.
  • You may have difficulty finding matches if your profile isn’t up-to-date and well written

How we reviewed Sugar Daddie

As an online dating expert, I took the task of reviewing Sugar Daddie very seriously. To ensure a thorough review, my team and I tested both free and paid versions for several days. We sent messages to other users on the site – in total we sent over 200 messages during our testing period! We also made sure to test out all features that were available including search filters, messaging system as well as profile creation process. Additionally, we spent time exploring user interface design of Sugar Daddie’s website/app so that we could provide accurate feedback about its usability and overall experience it provides its users with. Furthermore, when conducting this review no stone was left unturned – from researching customer reviews across multiple platforms to looking into technical details such as security measures taken by the platform; every aspect was carefully examined before coming up with our final verdict about this particular dating service provider’s offering. This level of commitment sets us apart from other sites who do not offer such detailed reviews or even skip certain aspects altogether while writing their opinions on various products & services related topics like these ones.

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a safe and secure online dating experience, Sugar Daddie is not the place to go. This app has some serious security issues that make it difficult to trust. For starters, there isn’t any verification process in place so anyone can sign up without having their identity verified. And with no two-step authentication available either, your account could be easily hacked or taken over by someone else if they get access to your login details.

What’s worse is that this app doesn’t seem to have much of an effort against bots and fake accounts – something which many other apps are actively fighting against these days! Plus, photos aren’t manually reviewed before being posted on the site so you never know who or what kind of images you’re seeing when browsing profiles here – yikes!

As far as privacy goes…well let’s just say don’t expect too much from Sugar Daddie because its policies are pretty lax compared with other sites out there today – even ones offering free services like Tinder do better than them in terms of keeping user data private and secure. So all in all I’d definitely steer clear away from this one unless safety really isn’t a priority for ya’.

Sugar Daddie features

If you’re looking for a sugar daddy, Sugar Daddie is not the place to be. Sure, it claims to have all these great features and promises of connecting people with “sugar daddies” but in reality it falls short on delivering anything meaningful or unique.

Let’s start with the free features: they are few and far between! You can create your profile (which isn’t even very detailed) and search through other profiles – that’s about it! No messaging allowed unless you upgrade which makes me wonder why bother having a free version at all? It seems like more of an advertising ploy than actually providing any real value. Plus if you do decide to upgrade there are no guarantees that anyone will respond back so really what’s the point?

Moving onto paid features – this is where things get really bad. Not only does Sugar Daddie charge exorbitant prices for their membership plans ($50/month!), but also offers nothing special in return except maybe access to some additional filters when searching profiles…yawn!! Even then those extra filters don’t make much difference as most users seem inactive anyway so good luck finding someone who responds quickly enough before your subscription runs out again…and again….and AGAIN!!!

Speaking of subscriptions though, I must mention one ‘unique’ feature they offer; auto-renewal! That means once your current plan expires another one starts automatically without warning until YOU manually cancel it yourself – sneaky right?! This kind of shady practice just shows how desperate Sugar Daddie has become trying keep customers hooked despite offering such subpar services definitely doesn’t bode well for them in my book!.

All things considered I would highly recommend avoiding this site altogether because honestly there aren’t many positives here worth mentioning – save yourself time & money by steering clear from this dating disaster waiting to happen!!

  • Verified income and photo verification
  • Comprehensive search filters to find the perfect match
  • Video chat and messaging features
  • Advanced privacy settings
  • Dedicated customer service team

Design & Usability

When it comes to Sugar Daddie, the design and usability of this dating site leaves a lot to be desired. From its garish colors that are sure to make your eyes hurt, right down to its confusing navigation system – there’s just no sugar coating how bad this website looks.

The main issue with Sugar Daddie is that it’s not user-friendly at all; even tech savvy users may find themselves scratching their heads in confusion when trying out the features on offer here. The layout isn’t intuitive or easy on the eye either – everything seems jumbled up together which makes finding what you’re looking for an absolute nightmare! To top things off, if you want access to any decent UI improvements then you’ll have pay for a premium subscription – so much for free love!

To put it bluntly: navigating around Sugar Daddie feels like wading through treacle; slow and sticky progress is made only by sheer determination rather than ease of use. And don’t get me started on those hideous colors they’ve chosen…whoever designed them must have been color blind because let’s face facts – nobody wants neon pink as part of their online dating experience! In fact I’d go as far as saying these hues could turn anyone off from ever wanting anything more than friendship from someone they meet here…talk about putting people off before they’ve even had chance say hello!

All in all, unless something drastic changes soon then I’m afraid my verdict stands: avoid at all costs (unless money really isn’t an object). It might look alright but trust me when I say ‘you can judge a book by its cover’ and in this case ‘what lies beneath ain’t pretty’.

Mobile App

Ah, Sugar Daddie. The online dating site that’s been helping folks find their perfect match for years now! But does it have a mobile app? Well, the answer is yes and no. Yes – there is an official Sugar Daddie app available to download on both Android and iOS devices… but unfortunately it isn’t native. It’s actually just a web-based version of the website optimized for use on phones or tablets – so you won’t get all the features as with a true native application.

The main advantage of this ‘app’ is convenience; if you want to access your account quickly while out and about then having something like this can be very handy indeed! You can also easily keep up with notifications from other users who may be trying to contact you via chat or email etc., which could prove useful when looking for potential matches in real time (especially if they happen to live close by). On top of that, since its not truly ‘native’, downloading/updating will take much less space than would otherwise be required – making it ideal for those without huge amounts of storage capacity left over after installing other apps & games etc..
However there are some downsides too: because its only web based rather than being coded specifically as an application itself means that certain functions may not work properly at times due lack compatibility issues between different operating systems/devices – meaning performance might suffer somewhat compared what one would expect from more robust applications designed solely around these platforms instead… plus loading speeds tend lag behind too depending upon connection strength obviously enough! And lastly although free initially once downloaded further charges do apply should users wish continue using service beyond initial trial period offered most cases anyway….

All things considered though I’d say overall verdict here has got positive feel good factor attached despite few niggles mentioned above: If your goal simply finding someone special near vicinity then sugar daddies mobile offering certainly worth checking out least before taking plunge elsewhere perhaps…..


Ah, Sugar Daddie. It’s like the old saying goes: you get what you pay for! While it may seem tempting to try out this dating site without shelling out any cash, I’m here to tell ya that a paid subscription is really your best bet.

Sure, there are some free features on the website but they don’t offer much in terms of helping you find someone special – and let’s face it; that’s why we’re all here right? To meet our match made in heaven! So if you want access to all those cool bells and whistles (and trust me-you do!) then getting a paid membership is key.

Plus with their competitive prices compared to other sites of its kind –it’ll be worth every penny spent! With added benefits such as being able to send unlimited messages or see who viewed your profile-a premium account will make sure no stone remains unturned when searching for love online. And hey – even if things don’t work out between two people at least money won’t have been wasted!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, browse profiles, send winks, receive messages from Gold and Platinum members
Gold $44.95/month All free features plus: initiate emails, view full-size photos, access to advanced search options
Platinum $59.95/month All Gold features plus: priority listing in searches, highlighted profile, first impressions feature

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Sugar Daddie include Seeking Arrangement, Millionaire Matchmaker, and Rich Meet Beautiful. These sites are all geared towards helping wealthy men meet attractive women for mutually beneficial relationships.

  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for wealthy men looking to meet attractive women.
  • Best for ambitious young women seeking a successful mentor and/or financial support.
  • Best for people who are open-minded about unconventional relationships such as sugar dating arrangements.


1. How does Sugar Daddie work?

Sugar Daddie is just a glorified sugar daddy site. It’s all about money and power, not genuine connection or compatibility. Not my cup of tea – there are much better dating sites out there!

2. How to find people on Sugar Daddie?

Finding people on Sugar Daddie is pretty easy, all you have to do is sign up and start browsing. It’s a shame that it has become so normalized for people to use dating sites like this just because they want money or gifts from someone else. People should be looking for real relationships instead of trying to take advantage of others in such an obvious way.

3. Is Sugar Daddie real?

Yes, Sugar Daddie is real. But I wouldn’t recommend it – the site’s full of scammers and people looking for a quick buck. It’s not worth your time or money!

4. How to cancel subscription on Sugar Daddie?

It’s really annoying that Sugar Daddie makes it so hard to cancel your subscription. You have to go through a bunch of hoops and jump through some ridiculous loops just to get out of the service. I wouldn’t recommend using this site, as cancelling is way too complicated for something like an online dating service!

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By Laura Bilotta

Laura Bilotta is an online dating expert and founder of the successful matchmaking service, Single in the City. She has been helping singles find love for over a decade now. With her extensive knowledge on relationships and dating, she has become one of Canada’s most sought-after relationship experts. Her expertise stems from her own personal experiences as well as educational background in psychology with a specialization in family studies at York University's Glendon College Campus. After completing this degree program Laura began to explore different avenues within the field which led to working with various media outlets such as The Globe & Mail, CTV News Channel and CBC Radio One where she provided commentary on topics related to modern day romance including navigating through digital platforms like Tinder or Bumble among others . Her work was so impactful that it inspired her first book “Single In The City: From Hookups & Heartbreaks To Love & Lifemates - Tales Of Dating In Your Twenties” published by Penguin Random House Canada (2017). In addition to being featured regularly across many print publications such as Chatelaine Magazine , Flare Magazine , Toronto Star Newspaper , Metro Newspaper etc., Laura also appears frequently on television programs discussing everything from how technology impacts our romantic lives today all way up until tips for having great conversations while out speed dating! It is clear why people look towards Laura when they need help finding their perfect partner – not only does she have years of experience but more importantly understands what works best when it comes down connecting two hearts together!

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