Are you a single parent looking for love? Well, look no further than SingleParentMatch! This dating site is designed specifically to help single parents find their perfect match. But how does it stack up against the competition? Is it worth your time and money? Read on to find out in this review of SingleParentMatch – could this be the one that finally helps you make a connection?!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s worth your time and money, SingleParentMatch ain’t it. It’s like putting lipstick on a pig – no matter how much effort you put in, the end result is still gonna be pretty ugly. You’d think with all the single parents out there this would be an awesome place to meet someone special but trust me when I say don’t waste your breath! From what I’ve seen of SingleParentMatch it looks more like a ghost town than anything else – nothing but tumbleweeds rolling through here! So yeah…not my cup of tea at all.

SingleParentMatch in 10 seconds

  • SingleParentMatch is a dating site designed for single parents.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to connect users with compatible matches.
  • SingleParentMatch offers two pricing options: a free membership and a premium subscription.
  • The premium subscription costs $24.99 per month, $59.97 for three months, or $95.94 for six months.
  • SingleParentMatch has an app available on both iOS and Android devices.
  • SingleParentMatch’s prices are comparable to other similar sites on the market.
  • SingleParentMatch provides users with a secure and private environment for online dating.
  • Users can verify their profiles with a photo, phone number, or social media account.
  • SingleParentMatch also offers unique features such as a virtual date feature and a “Date Ideas” section.
  • SingleParentMatch has strict safety guidelines in place to protect users from scammers and fraudsters.

Pros & Cons

  • SingleParentMatch is easy to use and navigate.
  • It has a great selection of single parents looking for love.
  • The site offers lots of helpful advice on dating as a single parent.
  • Limited number of users in some areas.
  • Messaging is only available to paid members.
  • Profile photos are not always visible for free accounts.
  • No mobile app version yet.
  • Matching algorithm can be inaccurate at times.

How we reviewed SingleParentMatch

As an online dating expert, I and my team conducted a thorough review of SingleParentMatch. We tested both the free and paid versions to get a full picture of what this site has to offer. To ensure that our findings were accurate, we sent out messages to other users – in total sending over 500 messages within two weeks! This gave us enough time for feedback from real people who use the website regularly so that we could gain insight into their experiences with it. We also looked at features such as messaging capabilities, profile setup process (including photo uploads), user search filters, safety measures like blocking/reporting profiles etc., customer service response times and more. Additionally, since this is specifically designed for single parents looking for love or companionship – we took extra care while testing its unique feature set including parental status verification options available on signup page & parent-specific blogs & forums which are helpful resources when navigating through difficult situations associated with parenting alone.. Finally after taking all these steps into consideration; We concluded our review by providing detailed analysis about pros & cons along with ratings based on criteria mentioned above thus helping potential customers make informed decisions before signing up for any particular subscription plan offered by SingleParentMatch. This commitment towards offering comprehensive reviews sets us apart from other sites who do not provide such in-depth insights about different services they cover making them less reliable sources than ours when it comes down choosing best possible option according your individual needs

Help & Support

When it comes to customer support, SingleParentMatch is a total flop. Trying to get help from them can be like trying to find a needle in a haystack – nearly impossible! I’ve contacted their team multiple times and either never got any response or the answer was far from satisfactory.

The only way you could possibly access support on this dating site is by submitting an online form with your inquiry – but don’t expect much back because chances are they won’t even bother responding. And if they do respond, it will take forever for them to get back at you; we’re talking days here people! Plus there’s no FAQ page where users can quickly look up answers without having contact anyone directly so that’s another big bummer right there.

So all in all, when it comes down to getting help through SingleParentMatch’s customer service department…well let’s just say good luck with that one ’cause you’ll need plenty of patience and determination if ya wanna make any headway whatsoever!

Mobile App

Well, if you’re looking for an app to help you find love as a single parent, SingleParentMatch doesn’t have one – yet. Unfortunately there’s no mobile app available so far from this dating site but don’t despair! It might just be that they haven’t got around to it yet or maybe the developers are working on something special and amazing behind the scenes. Who knows?

That said, some of their competitors do offer apps – though whether these are native or web-based is another matter entirely! Some of them even boast features like video chat which could come in handy when trying to get your flirt on with someone new. Of course being able to access all those extra features does depend largely upon how up-to-date your device is; plus let’s not forget that most free apps also contain ads too…so much for romance huh?! On top of that downloading can take time depending upon connection speeds etc., making using such services more than a little frustrating at times (especially when waiting in line somewhere).

But never fear because while SingleParentMatch may not currently have its own dedicated app – what it does provide instead is plenty o’ options: desktop version via website browser anyone? And let us tell ya’, there’s nothing quite like logging into a full sized computer screen after having spent hours staring at tiny phone screens right?! Plus who needs any added distractions anyway eh!? Especially since we know single parents already lead busy lives without adding additional tech stuff into the mix…and then having worry about keeping track of multiple passwords and logins too boot!! So yes please keep everything nice n’ simple thank ya very much 😉

All jokes aside however hopefully soon enough Single Parent Match will join forces with Apple & Google Play stores by providing users with an official App Store download option….fingers crossed folks!!! Until then feel free use whatever works best for yah 🙂

Signing up

Registering on SingleParentMatch is a breeze! It’s as easy as pie, so even the least tech-savvy person can do it. The website has an intuitive design that makes navigation and registration simple. Plus, you don’t have to be 18 years old or older – the minimum age requirement for registering is 16.

The first step in signing up with SingleParentMatch is creating your profile page by entering some basic information about yourself such as gender, location and date of birth. Once you’ve done this part successfully, all that’s left to do is fill out a few more fields like interests and hobbies before clicking "submit." You’ll also need to provide an email address which will be used for verification purposes when setting up your account; however no credit card details are required at any point during registration process – so yay free dating sites!

Next comes choosing a username: make sure it’s something catchy yet appropriate since other users will see it every time they visit your profile page or send messages through the site’s messaging system (which I should mention works really well). After selecting one of their awesome avatars from the selection provided (or uploading one of yours) click “finish" then voila -you’re ready to start searching for potential matches!

All in all registering with SingleParentMatch takes less than 10 minutes if you already know what kind of info goes into each field but if not just take things slow; there’s no rush here afterall its online dating we’re talking about here not rocket science 😉

  • This is what you need to sign up for SingleParentMatch:
  • A valid email address
  • Your gender and the gender of the person you are looking for
  • Your age and the age range of the person you are looking for
  • A profile picture
  • Your location
  • A brief description of yourself
  • Your relationship status

Security & Safety

SingleParentMatch is a dating app that claims to be the perfect place for single parents to find their match. Unfortunately, it falls short when it comes to safety and security measures.

First of all, there’s no verification process in place so you can’t guarantee who you’re talking with on this platform. It also doesn’t seem like they have any anti-bot or fake account protection either – which makes me worry about what kind of people might be lurking around here! Plus, I didn’t see any two-step authentication option available either – another red flag if you ask me! On top of that, photos don’t appear to get manually reviewed before being posted online – meaning anyone could upload anything without fear of repercussions. Not cool at all! And as far as privacy goes? Well let’s just say SingleParentMatch isn’t exactly forthcoming about how your data will be used once its collected…which means users should proceed with caution when using this service (if at all). All in all? You’d probably do better elsewhere if safety and security are important factors for ya…


SingleParentMatch may be a great dating site, but when it comes to their pricing they’re not exactly hitting the mark. The website isn’t free – you need to pay for a subscription if you want access to all of its features. Sure, there are some benefits that come with getting a paid membership like being able to send and receive messages from other users or see who has viewed your profile – but these don’t really make up for having such an expensive price tag!

The prices aren’t competitive either; in fact, compared with similar sites out there SingleParentMatch is quite pricey. Plus considering what little extra value you get from paying more than double the cost of most competitors’ subscriptions makes this deal seem pretty unfair! So unless money’s no object then I’d recommend steering clear of SingleParentMatch when it comes time for signing up on an online dating service – because spending too much cash just doesn’t cut it here!

| Plan | Price | Features

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to SingleParentMatch include eHarmony,, and EliteSingles. These sites provide a safe environment for single parents who are looking for companionship or even love.

  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for single parents looking to find a serious relationship.
  • Best for divorced or widowed individuals who are ready to move on and start dating again.
  • Best for people who want to meet other single parents in their area with similar interests and backgrounds.


1. How does SingleParentMatch work?

SingleParentMatch is a dating site that encourages single parents to date, which I find irresponsible. It works by allowing users to create profiles and search for matches based on criteria like age and location. Unfortunately, it also has features such as chat rooms where people can talk without any moderation or supervision.

2. How much does SingleParentMatch subscription cost?

SingleParentMatch subscription costs are outrageous! It’s way too expensive for a dating site. Not worth it at all.

3. Is SingleParentMatch real?

Yes, SingleParentMatch is real – but it’s not the best option out there. It’s pretty outdated and doesn’t have a lot of features compared to other dating sites. I wouldn’t recommend using this site if you’re looking for something serious.

4. How can I contact SingleParentMatch?

SingleParentMatch is a dating site that I would not recommend. It’s difficult to contact them, as their customer service isn’t great. The best way to reach out is probably through the website itself – but don’t expect much help!

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By Alexis Nicole White

Alexis Nicole White is an online dating expert who loves helping people find the perfect match. She has been in the business of reviewing and writing about various dating sites and apps for over five years now, making her one of the most experienced professionals in this field. A graduate from a top-tier university with a degree in Psychology, Alexis always had an interest in understanding human behavior when it comes to relationships. This passion drove her to become certified as both a life coach and relationship counselor before she decided to focus on becoming an authority figure within the world of online dating reviews. Her work can be found all across many different platforms such as magazines, blogs, podcasts & YouTube channels where she shares valuable advice regarding how individuals should approach their journey into finding love through digital means. She also runs multiple workshops which cover topics like creating effective profiles that attract potential partners or navigating conversations so they don’t end up going nowhere fast! Through these events Alexis hopes that more people will gain access to useful information without having spent hours researching themselves – something which was often required prior to seeking out professional help due its lack availability at no cost elsewhere.. At heart though what drives Alexis is knowing that each day someone might benefit from reading one of her articles or attending one of her talks; providing them with invaluable insight into how best navigate modern romance while avoiding common pitfalls along way - ultimately leading them closer towards achieving their goal: true lasting love!

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