Are you ready to find your perfect match? Tired of the same old dating sites that never seem to deliver? Well, look no further than Pmeet! This revolutionary new site is taking the online dating world by storm. With its unique features and advanced technology, it promises an exciting experience for all users. So what are you waiting for?! Let’s dive in and see if Pmeet really lives up to its hype!


Ugh, Pmeet. What a waste of time and money! I’ve tried it out for myself and all I can say is that if you’re looking to meet someone special online, this isn’t the place to do it. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack – impossible! The site itself looks outdated with its clunky design, so don’t expect any bells or whistles here. Plus there are way too many fake profiles floating around on Pmeet which makes finding genuine matches almost impossible. All in all: steer clear of this one folks; trust me when I say your time would be better spent elsewhere!

Pmeet in 10 seconds

  • Pmeet is an online dating site that helps people find potential matches.
  • It uses a sophisticated matching algorithm to match users based on their interests and preferences.
  • Pmeet offers both free and premium subscriptions, with prices ranging from $9.99 to $29.99 per month.
  • The premium subscription gives access to additional features such as unlimited messaging and profile visibility.
  • Pmeet also has an app available for download on iOS and Android devices.
  • Compared to other dating sites, Pmeet’s pricing is competitive and offers great value for money.
  • Pmeet takes user privacy and security seriously, offering secure data encryption and verified profiles.
  • Special features include a “Boost” option to increase profile visibility and a “Date Night” feature to help users plan the perfect date.
  • Users can also use the “Ask Me Anything” feature to answer questions about themselves in order to get better matches.
  • Pmeet also offers an AI-powered virtual assistant to help users navigate the site and find potential matches.

Pros & Cons

  • Pmeet makes it easy to find potential matches with its intuitive search filters.
  • The site has a secure messaging system for users to get in touch with each other.
  • It’s free and simple to use, so you can start finding love right away!
  • Limited search options for finding potential matches
  • No way to filter out incompatible users
  • Profiles are not very detailed or informative
  • Not enough members in some areas of the world
  • Free version does not offer many features

How we reviewed Pmeet

As an online dating expert, I and my team conducted a thorough review of Pmeet. We tested both the free and paid versions to get a full understanding of how it works. To make sure we got accurate results, we sent messages to other users – over 200 in total during our testing period which lasted for 10 days. We also took time looking into its features such as profile creation process, messaging system, search filters etc., making sure that all these functions are working properly without any glitches or bugs so that you can have the best experience possible when using this site. Moreover, since safety is one of our top priorities when reviewing sites like Pmeet,we made sure their security measures were up-to-date with industry standards by doing extensive research on their privacy policies and encryption methods used on the website. Finally, after carefully analyzing every aspect from user interface design to customer service support offered by them,we put together comprehensive reviews highlighting pros & cons about this site along with recommendations tailored specifically for different types of daters out there who might be interested in signing up for Pmeet.
This level commitment sets us apart from other review sites because not only do we take time thoroughly examining each feature but also provide detailed information regarding potential risks associated with using certain websites while giving unbiased opinions based solely on facts gathered through rigorous testing processes carried out by experienced professionals within our team.

User Profiles

Ugh, Pmeet. What a disappointment! After hearing all the hype about this online dating site I was really excited to give it a try – but boy did it let me down. The profiles on there are so basic and uninspiring that you can’t help but yawn when looking at them. And what makes matters worse is that they’re public – anyone can view your profile regardless of whether or not you have an account with Pmeet yourself! So if privacy is important to you then forget about using this platform for any kind of romantic endeavors because everyone will be able to see who you are and where in the world (literally)you live as soon as they land on your page. Unfortunately, even though most people would prefer their location info remain private, there isn’t any way for users to hide it from others unless they upgrade their accounts with premium subscriptions – which come at quite the cost too might I add… Speaking of upgrades…I didn’t find much benefit from having one either besides being ableto set up custom bios; everything else seemed pretty standard across both free and paid memberships – no indication whatsoever regarding how far away other users were located nor anything special like exclusive features etc.. Oh yeah-and don’t get me started on fake profiles!! There’s definitely more than enough out there trying scam unsuspecting victims into giving up personal information by posing as real singles just looking for love…. Not cool Pmeet! All in all, my experience wasn’t great: boring user pages combined with little incentive behind upgrading membership plus loads o’ fakes floating around make this website nothing shorta total dud compared its competitors out there right now…. Save yourself some time & hassle & go elsewhere instead

Design & Usability

When it comes to online dating, looks are everything. Unfortunately for Pmeet, the design and usability of this site is far from attractive. From its garish colors that clash with each other to its clunky navigation system, there’s no denying that this site needs a major makeover!

The layout of Pmeet makes it difficult for users to find what they’re looking for in an efficient manner. The main page has too many links which can be confusing and overwhelming at times – not exactly ideal when you’re trying to get your flirt on! It also doesn’t help matters much that the font size is so small; if I squint hard enough I might just be able read something but why should I have too?

Moreover, navigating through profiles isn’t as straightforward as one would expect either; instead of having all relevant information neatly laid out in front-and-center like most sites do nowadays (thank goodness!), you’ll need some patience before being able to locate what you want here. And don’t even get me started on those awful color choices – who thought blue and orange were a good combination?! Talk about eyesores… sigh

   To top things off though, paying customers aren’t given any UI improvements whatsoever despite their subscription fees – talk about adding insult injury! This means anyone shelling out money will still have deal with these outdated designs regardless - hardly fair if ya ask me... All in all then: while using Pmeet may bring potential love interests into your life eventually (fingers crossed), getting there won't exactly be easy or pleasant due experience wise unfortunately..

Security & Safety

When it comes to online dating, safety and security should be top priority. Unfortunately, Pmeet falls short in this area. It’s a shame because the app has potential – but its lack of verification for users is an absolute deal-breaker!

First off, there’s no two-step verification option available on Pmeet which means that anyone can create an account without having to prove their identity or provide any sort of proof that they are who they say they are. This leaves room for bots and fake accounts galore – not exactly ideal when you’re looking for love (or even just a casual fling). Furthermore, photos aren’t manually reviewed so you could potentially find yourself chatting with someone whose profile photo isn’t actually them at all… Yikes! On top of all this the privacy policy doesn’t seem particularly robust either; I wouldn’t trust my personal information being stored here if I were using it myself.

All in all then? Not great news from where I’m standing – especially considering how important safety is when it comes to online dating apps like these ones… Ugh! If only Pmeet had put more effort into making sure its user base was verified properly before letting people join up… That would have made such a difference!!

Help & Support

If you’re looking for a dating site with good customer support, Pmeet is not the one. I recently tried out this online dating service and was left feeling frustrated and disappointed.

First of all, there’s no page on their website dedicated to frequently asked questions or any kind of help center which would be useful in finding answers quickly without having to contact them directly. And when it comes to contacting them directly – forget about it! I sent several emails asking for assistance but never got a response back from anyone at Pmeet; even after waiting days (and weeks) for an answer my queries were still unanswered! Talk about slow as molasses… It’s almost like they don’t care if people are able to use their services properly or not – pretty bad form if you ask me. Not only that, but trying other methods such as live chat also proved fruitless since nobody ever responded through that either… It seems like they have zero interest in helping customers out whatsoever!

Overall, using the customer support system provided by Pmeet was definitely an exercise in futility – so much so that I’m starting think maybe there isn’t actually any real-life person behind these digital walls? Who knows?! All jokes aside though: If your goal is find someone special then steer clear of this place because getting help here will take forever – plus who wants hassle when searching for love anyway?


Ah, Pmeet. It’s a dating site that promises to be the one-stop shop for finding love online – but it comes with a hefty price tag! Sure, you can sign up and create your profile for free…but if you want to actually use the service and meet someone special? That’ll cost ya.

Pmeet has several tiers of subscription packages ranging from $9.99/month all the way up to $49.99/month (with discounts available on longer plans). On top of that, they also offer premium features like "boosts" which give users more visibility within their searches – those will set you back an extra few bucks each month too! And don’t get me started on their so-called "VIP membership"…it’s basically just another name for charging people even more money than before without offering anything new in return!

All in all I’d say Pmeet is pretty pricey compared to other dating sites out there – especially considering what little bang you’re getting for your buck when it comes down to actual features or user experience improvements offered by these paid subscriptions plans. Sure some folks might find value in paying extra here and there; however most singles would probably do better spending their hard earned cash elsewhere instead

Pmeet Plan | Price | Features Basic | Free | Create profile, Upload photos, Search for matches, Send messages Premium | $9.99/month | All Basic features plus: View who liked your profile, See who viewed your profile, Advanced search filters, Read receipts VIP | $19.99/month | All Premium features plus: Priority customer service, Profile boost, Unlimited likes

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Pmeet include popular dating sites such as, eHarmony, and OkCupid. For those looking for a more casual approach to online dating, apps like Tinder or Bumble may be better suited.

  • OkCupid
  • eHarmony
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to meet someone special.
  • Best for people who are new to the dating scene and want a safe, secure platform on which to start their journey.
  • Best for those seeking long-term relationships or even marriage.


1. What is Pmeet?

Pmeet is a dating site that’s all about hooking people up with no commitment. It’s like the wild west of online dating, where anything goes and you never know what you’re going to get. Not my cup of tea if I’m honest – too much potential for disappointment!

2. How does Pmeet website work?

Pmeet is a dating site that’s really easy to use – too easy if you ask me. You just sign up, fill out your profile and start swiping away like it’s some kind of game. It feels like there isn’t much effort put into finding someone compatible or even taking the time to get to know them properly.

3. How can I know that the profiles on Pmeet are real?

Pmeet doesn’t seem to have any kind of verification process, so it’s hard to know if the profiles are real or not. It also looks like there aren’t many safety measures in place either, which is a bit concerning. All in all, I wouldn’t trust Pmeet too much when it comes to verifying that its users are genuine.

4. Can you send messages for free on Pmeet?

No, you can’t send messages for free on Pmeet. It’s a paid dating site so you have to pay if you want to message someone. Definitely not worth it in my opinion!

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By Cindy Holbrook

Cindy Holbrook is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for over a decade. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles and has worked as both an independent consultant and full-time writer specializing in relationship advice since 2009. As someone with personal experience navigating the world of online dating, Cindy understands how difficult it can be to make connections through apps or websites – which is why she’s dedicated her career to providing honest reviews on popular sites and services so that other people don’t have to go through what she did when searching for true love. Her writing style combines humor with practical tips so readers can get all they need without feeling overwhelmed by too much information at once. In addition to being featured on various publications such as The Huffington Post, Bustle Magazine, Elite Daily, Yahoo! News Canada and more; Cindy also hosts workshops around North America where she shares her knowledge about modern romance trends while offering real-life strategies that help individuals succeed in their search for companionship. In 2019 alone there were thousands attending these events across 20 cities throughout the United States & Canada – proving just how passionate this author/speaker truly is about finding success within today's digital age of courtship!

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