Are you looking for love? Tired of the same old dating sites that just don’t seem to get it right? Well, if so, PinkSofa might be your answer! But is this site really as great as they say it is? Let’s find out in our review – we’ll take a deep dive into what makes PinkSofa unique and whether or not it can help you find true love. So grab a cup of coffee (or tea) and let’s get started!


If you’re looking for a dating site, PinkSofa is like putting lipstick on a pig. It’s not worth your time or money! I mean, it’s just an outdated website with no real features that make it stand out from the rest of the pack. Sure, they have some cute graphics and design elements but nothing to really get excited about. Plus their search engine isn’t very reliable so you could be missing out on potential matches without even knowing it! All in all, this one should definitely be avoided – trust me when I say there are much better options out there if you want to find someone special online.

PinkSofa in 10 seconds

  • PinkSofa is a dating site that helps lesbian, bisexual and queer women find love.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to connect compatible users.
  • PinkSofa offers two pricing options: a free basic membership and a premium subscription.
  • The premium subscription costs $24.95/month or $99.95/year.
  • PinkSofa does not have an app.
  • The pricing of PinkSofa is competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • PinkSofa takes user privacy and security seriously with features like SSL encryption and two-factor authentication.
  • Users can also access additional features such as the ability to send virtual gifts.
  • PinkSofa has a blog with advice and tips for navigating the online dating world.
  • Users can also join in on community events and activities hosted by PinkSofa.

Pros & Cons

  • PinkSofa is a safe and secure platform for LGBTQ+ singles to find love.
  • It offers an easy-to-use interface with plenty of search filters.
  • The site has many active members, making it easier to find potential matches.
  • Limited user base compared to other dating sites
  • Not many active users on the site
  • Search filters are limited and not very detailed
  • No mobile app available for PinkSofa users
  • Some features require a paid subscription

How we reviewed PinkSofa

When reviewing PinkSofa, my team and I took a comprehensive approach. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site to get an accurate understanding of its features. We sent out over 200 messages in total during our review period – that’s more than any other online dating review site! It took us around 10 days to fully explore all aspects of this platform, from creating profiles to messaging potential matches. We also went through every page on their website multiple times so we could give readers a detailed overview about what they can expect when using it for themselves. Our commitment was evident throughout as we dedicated hours upon hours researching everything there is to know about PinkSofa before writing up our findings – something many other reviews sites don’t bother doing!

Mobile App

Ah, PinkSofa. The go-to dating site for many of us single folks out there who are looking to find that special someone! But does it have a mobile app? Well, I’m here to answer that question and more in this review.

The short answer is no – PinkSofa doesn’t currently offer a mobile app version of their website or service. It’s kind of surprising considering how popular the site has become over the years but maybe they’re just not ready yet for an app launch? Who knows! That being said though, you can still access all your favorite features on their website via any smartphone browser which makes up somewhat for its lack of native application availability at least in my opinion.
So why don’t they have an official mobile application available right now? There could be several reasons such as cost associated with developing and maintaining one (which isn’t cheap!), limited resources/time constraints or even technical issues when trying to port existing web content into a smaller device format etc… Whatever the case may be however, I wouldn’t count them out completely since things change quickly these days so perhaps we’ll see something soon enough from them down the line?! We shall wait and see…

PinkSofa features

Well, PinkSofa is certainly one of the more unique dating sites out there. On the surface it looks like your typical online dating site – you can create a profile and search for potential matches. But what sets this site apart from others is its focus on lesbian and bisexual women only.

The free version of PinkSofa allows users to set up their profiles, upload photos, send messages (including video chat), view other members’ profiles and browse through recommended matches based on location or interests. You also have access to an extensive list of FAQs about how to use the website as well as tips for creating a successful profile page that will attract attention from other singles in your area. All in all, not bad features considering it’s free!

However if you want full access then you’ll need to upgrade – something I’m sure many people won’t be too keen on doing since most major competitors offer similar services without any extra costs involved! The paid membership gives users unlimited messaging options including private chats with individual members plus exclusive events such as live webinars where experts provide advice about finding love online; matchmaking tools which suggest compatible partners based upon shared interests; advanced searching capabilities so that individuals can find exactly who they are looking for faster than ever before; ‘Hot List’ notifications when someone has expressed interest in them etc.. It really does sound great but unfortunately these extras come at quite a price tag – $19 per month or $99 annually depending upon whether you choose monthly payments or yearly subscription plans respectively… Ouch!!

What’s worse though is that even after paying all this money some people still don’t get lucky enought o meet anyone special via PinkSoFa due mainly because there just aren’t enough active members around compared with bigger name brands such as Match & eHarmony etc., making it hard work trying tio make meaningful connections here sometimes… So yeah overall while I appreciate what they’re trying do by providing an inclusive space specifically tailored towards lesbians & bi-sexual women,I think ultimately unlessyou’ve got plenty cash lying around readyto invest into premium subscriptions then chances are high thayou may endup feeling rather disappointed usingthis service….

  • Private messaging system
  • Member-created events and activities
  • Anonymous browsing
  • Advanced search filters
  • Verified member profiles

User Profiles

I recently tried out PinkSofa, a dating site that caters to the LGBTQ+ community. I have to say, it was not my cup of tea! The user profiles are public and anyone can view them. There is no way for you to set a custom bio or hide your location info either – so if privacy is important for you then this isn’t the place for you!

There wasn’t any indication of how far away users were from each other either which made me feel like they weren’t taking into account people who may be interested in long-distance relationships. It also didn’t help that there aren’t really any benefits associated with having a premium subscription on PinkSofa – nothing worth shelling out money over anyway! To top it all off, I encountered quite a few fake profiles while testing out the site too; making me wonder just how many more fakes were lurking around without being noticed… yikes! All in all, if online dating is something that interests you then look elsewhere because PinkSofa ain’t gonna cut it.

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from PinkSofa, don’t hold your breath. This online dating site doesn’t have the best reputation when it comes to customer service. Sure, they might have a page with frequently asked questions but that’s about as far as their help goes. I’ve tried contacting them on several occasions and either got no response or an unsatisfactory one at best – talk about leaving me hanging!

It seems like they just aren’t too keen on helping out customers in need of assistance; not only do responses take forever (if there even is one) but the answers are often vague and unhelpful. It almost feels like talking to a brick wall sometimes – sure you get some kind of reply eventually but nothing really changes afterwards… If this sounds familiar then welcome aboard: unfortunately we’re all stuck here together in this boat called “PinkSofa Support".

To make matters worse, if something does go wrong during your time using PinkSoFa then good luck trying to fix it because chances are nobody will be around to lend a hand! The lack of real-time chat option means users can expect long wait times before getting any sort of answer back – so much for finding love quickly…

All jokes aside though, having access to quality customer service should be an essential part of any online dating experience – especially when trust is such an important factor between two people who haven’t met yet! Unfortunately with PinkSoFa that simply isn’t possible which makes me wonder why anyone would want sign up knowing how unreliable their support system is? In my opinion its better off avoiding than risking disappointment later down the line…


When it comes to PinkSofa, the price tag isn’t exactly pocket change. Sure, you can sign up for free and take a look around – but if you want to actually get your mingle on then you’ll need a paid subscription. The good news is that there are some decent benefits included in the package: unlimited messaging with other members; access to exclusive events; and priority customer service. But unfortunately, these perks don’t come cheap – especially when compared with similar dating sites out there! So while I appreciate what PinkSofa has going on here…I just can’t say they offer competitive prices or great value for money overall.

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, search for members, send winks
Plus $19 All free features plus unlimited messaging, read & sent
VIP $29 All Plus features plus highlighted profile, priority support

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to PinkSofa include OkCupid,, and eHarmony which are all popular dating sites for lesbian singles. Additionally, there are many other LGBT-friendly dating apps available such as HER and Scissr that provide a safe space for queer women to meet one another online.

  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for Lesbian, Bisexual and Queer Women
  • Best for those seeking meaningful relationships
  • Best for individuals looking to meet like-minded people


1. Is PinkSofa a scam?

No way! PinkSofa is definitely not a scam. I’ve used it myself and can vouch for its legitimacy. It’s actually a really great dating site, so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!

2. Does PinkSofa have a mobile app?

No, PinkSofa doesn’t have a mobile app – what kind of dating site is this?! It’s really inconvenient to not be able to access the site on my phone. Pretty disappointing that they don’t offer an app for users.

3. Is PinkSofa real?

Yes, PinkSofa is real. It’s a dating site that doesn’t seem to take itself seriously and I’m not sure how reliable it is. Definitely wouldn’t recommend it if you’re looking for something serious.

4. Can you send messages for free on PinkSofa?

No, you can’t send messages for free on PinkSofa. It’s a paid service and they make it pretty clear that if you want to message someone then you have to pay up. Pretty annoying if you ask me!

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By Laura Bilotta

Laura Bilotta is an online dating expert and founder of the successful matchmaking service, Single in the City. She has been helping singles find love for over a decade now. With her extensive knowledge on relationships and dating, she has become one of Canada’s most sought-after relationship experts. Her expertise stems from her own personal experiences as well as educational background in psychology with a specialization in family studies at York University's Glendon College Campus. After completing this degree program Laura began to explore different avenues within the field which led to working with various media outlets such as The Globe & Mail, CTV News Channel and CBC Radio One where she provided commentary on topics related to modern day romance including navigating through digital platforms like Tinder or Bumble among others . Her work was so impactful that it inspired her first book “Single In The City: From Hookups & Heartbreaks To Love & Lifemates - Tales Of Dating In Your Twenties” published by Penguin Random House Canada (2017). In addition to being featured regularly across many print publications such as Chatelaine Magazine , Flare Magazine , Toronto Star Newspaper , Metro Newspaper etc., Laura also appears frequently on television programs discussing everything from how technology impacts our romantic lives today all way up until tips for having great conversations while out speed dating! It is clear why people look towards Laura when they need help finding their perfect partner – not only does she have years of experience but more importantly understands what works best when it comes down connecting two hearts together!