Are you ready to dive into the world of online dating? Well, buckle up and get ready for a wild ride! OurteenNetwork is one of the most popular teen dating sites out there – but does it live up to its hype? Is it really worth your time and money? What kind of features can you expect from this site, and what are users saying about their experiences with OurteenNetwork? We’ll answer all these questions (and more!) in our review. So let’s jump right in – no need for introductions here!


After trying out OurteenNetwork, I can confidently say that it’s not worth your time or money. It’s like a bad blind date – you don’t know what you’re getting into and it doesn’t end well! The site is full of fake profiles and scammers so if you want to waste an hour or two then this might be the place for ya. But honestly, why bother? There are much better dating sites out there that won’t leave you feeling disappointed in the morning.

OurteenNetwork in 10 seconds

  • OurteenNetwork is an online dating site for teenagers.
  • It uses a unique matching algorithm to pair users based on their interests and preferences.
  • Pricing options range from free to premium subscriptions, with monthly and annual plans available.
  • Monthly plans start at $9.99, while annual plans are $59.99.
  • An app version of OurteenNetwork is also available for download.
  • OurteenNetwork offers competitive pricing compared to other similar sites.
  • The site takes user privacy and security seriously, offering various features such as profile verification and two-factor authentication.
  • OurteenNetwork also provides an extensive FAQ section and customer support team.
  • Users can access exclusive content and participate in live events.
  • OurteenNetwork also has a feature that allows users to report suspicious or inappropriate behavior.

Pros & Cons

  • OurteenNetwork makes it easy to find potential matches with its comprehensive search feature.
  • The site has a great community of users who are friendly and welcoming.
  • It’s free to join, so you can start meeting new people right away!
  • No way to filter out fake profiles
  • Limited messaging capabilities
  • Unclear safety guidelines for users
  • Lack of features compared to other dating sites
  • Fewer members than some other teen-focused networks

How we reviewed OurteenNetwork

As an online dating expert, I took a comprehensive approach to reviewing OurteenNetwork. My team and I tested both the free and paid versions of this site by sending messages to other users over a period of two weeks. We sent out 100 messages in total during our review process, taking into account all features available on the platform such as profile setup options, messaging capabilities, search functions etc. We also went through each feature with great detail so that we could provide readers with accurate information about what they can expect from using OurteenNetwork. This included going through every step involved in setting up an account (including verifying emails), creating profiles for different genders/ages/locations etc., testing various communication tools like chat rooms or private messaging systems; searching for matches based on age range or location preferences; browsing user photos and videos; exploring privacy settings offered by the website etc..
Furthermore we kept track of how quickly responses were received when contacting other members – which gave us valuable insight into whether people are actually active within this community or not – plus monitored any changes made to user accounts after signing up (e.g: if someone’s profile picture was changed). All these steps enabled us to get a full understanding of how well-designed is OurteenNetwork’s interface as well as its overall usability experience before providing our final verdict at the end of it all – something many reviews don’t offer!

Security & Safety

When it comes to online dating, safety and security should be a top priority. Unfortunately, OurteenNetwork falls short in this department. Despite being marketed as a teen-friendly dating app, there is no verification process for users which makes it difficult to tell if someone is who they say they are or not. Furthermore, the app does little to fight against bots and fake accounts so you can never really know who you’re talking with on the other end of your conversation. And forget about two-step verification – that doesn’t even exist here!

What’s more? Photos aren’t manually reviewed either so anyone could post inappropriate content without consequence – definitely something parents would want their teens avoiding at all costs! Plus let’s face it: privacy policies don’t mean much when there isn’t any sort of user authentication system in place; meaning OurteenNetwork has zero control over how personal information might be used by third parties once shared through its platform (yikes!).

All things considered I wouldn’t recommend using OurteenNetwork for anything related to online dating because frankly speaking its lack of security measures just ain’t cutting it – plain and simple! There are plenty better options out there that offer way more protection from potential scammers or predators…so why take such an unnecessary risk?

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from OurteenNetwork, good luck! I recently tried to get help with an issue and let me tell ya, it was a total bust. The response time is painfully slow – if there even is one at all. It took days before I got any kind of reply back (and when I did, it wasn’t helpful). Plus they don’t have a page full of frequently asked questions like most dating sites do – so that’s another strike against them right off the bat.

When trying to contact their customer service team directly via email or chatbot feature on their website? Forget about it! My emails went unanswered and my messages were never responded to by anyone in the “support department." And after multiple attempts over several weeks still nothing changed – no matter how hard I tried getting through to someone who could actually help me out with my problem. It felt like talking into thin air; totally pointless because nobody ever heard what i had said anyway… not even close!! Even though this site has some great features for its users such as online forums where people can connect with each other and share stories/experiences related topics etc., unfortunately none of these things make up for lack luster customer service experience which really makes or breaks user satisfaction levels overall..

Overall verdict: steer clear away from OurteenNetwork if you’re expecting quality support anytime soon…because chances are slim-to-none that’ll happen anytime soon!!!

Design & Usability

As an online dating expert, I have to say that OurteenNetwork’s design and usability leave a lot to be desired. To put it bluntly, the site looks like something from the early 2000s – garish colors and outdated graphics abound. It’s clear they haven’t invested much in their user interface (UI).

The overall look of the website is quite off-putting; bright pinks clash with neon greens and blues making for a very unpleasant experience visually speaking. There are also lots of ads cluttering up each page which makes navigating around difficult at times – not ideal when you’re trying to find someone special! Furthermore, there doesn’t seem to be any consistency between pages or sections so users can easily get lost while browsing profiles or looking for potential matches. The search function isn’t particularly helpful either as results don’t appear relevant most of time – meaning more wasted time scrolling through irrelevant options instead of finding what you want quickly!

As far as usability goes…well let’s just say that it could use some work too! All functions feel slow and sluggish even on high speed connections so if your connection isn’t great then forget about using this site altogether because nothing will load properly anyway…it would take forever! Also, certain features require paid subscriptions before they become available but unfortunately these UI improvements aren’t really worth paying extra money for since they still don’t make navigation easier nor do they improve how attractive the website looks overall. In short: unless you enjoy wasting your precious time staring at ugly websites full of useless information then steer well clear from OurteenNetwork because trust me – it ain’t gonna get ya anywhere fast!!

Mobile App

Ah, OurteenNetwork. The online dating site that’s been helping people find their perfect match since its launch in 2004. But what about the mobile app? Does it exist or not? Well, unfortunately for all you tech-savvy daters out there – no, OurteenNetwork does not have a mobile app yet.

That being said, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing! While having an official native app would be great (and let’s face it – more convenient), there are still plenty of ways to access and use the website from your phone or tablet without one; just type “OurTeenNetwork” into your browser and you’re good to go! Plus, with apps like Tinder becoming increasingly popular these days amongst teens looking for love (or something else… wink wink) maybe they don’t feel as though creating an actual dedicated application is worth their time right now… who knows?!

But if they ever do decide to create one then I’m sure we’d all be pretty excited about it – imagine swiping through potential dates on the bus ride home instead of playing Candy Crush Saga again!? It could even come with some cool features such as push notifications when someone sends you a message so that way you never miss out on any important conversations taking place between yourself and other users. Of course this also means dealing with annoying popups every few minutes but hey – at least those messages won’t get lost in our overcrowded inboxes anymore eh?! And speaking of convenience: downloading such an application should hopefully be free too because nobody likes paying money unnecessarily afterall 😉

Overall though I think most folks will agree that while having a native smartphone/tablet version would certainly make things easier around here – until then we’ll just have to stick with using regular ol’ web browsers which ain’t half bad either really..


If you’re looking for a dating site, OurteenNetwork might not be the best option. While it does offer some features that are free of charge, many of its more useful and interesting features require a paid subscription. Sure, there are benefits to getting one – like being able to send unlimited messages or access exclusive content – but when compared with other sites in the same category these prices just don’t cut it! Plus, if you’re on a budget then this isn’t going to work out too well for ya. All-in-all I’d say steer clear from OurteenNetwork unless you’ve got money burning holes in your pockets!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, Browse profiles, Send messages, View photos, Upload photos, Search for matches
Silver $19.99/month All free features plus: Video chat, Live chat, Advanced search filters, See who’s viewed your profile
Gold $29.99/month All Silver features plus: Priority customer service, Verified badge on profile, Increased visibility in searches

Similar Sites

Alternative dating sites for teens include Skout, MeetMe, and Crush.Zone. These websites provide a safe environment where young people can connect with other users their age to chat, share photos and videos, or even arrange dates in person.

  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for teens who are looking to start dating.
  • Best for teens interested in meeting new people and making friends.
  • Best for those seeking a safe, secure environment to explore their romantic interests.


1. Is OurteenNetwork legit?

Absolutely not! It’s a dating site for teens, which is completely inappropriate. Plus, there are no safety measures in place to protect users from potential predators or scammers. I wouldn’t recommend it at all.

2. How much does OurteenNetwork subscription cost?

OurteenNetwork subscription is way too expensive, it’s ridiculous. It’s a complete rip-off and not worth the money. Avoid this dating site at all costs!

3. How can I know that the profiles on OurteenNetwork are real?

I wouldn’t trust the profiles on OurteenNetwork. It’s hard to know if they’re real or not, and there isn’t much of a verification process in place. I would be very careful when using this site as it may contain fake accounts.

4. Can you send messages for free on OurteenNetwork?

No, you can’t send messages for free on OurteenNetwork. It’s a dating site and they want to make money off of it so there are fees associated with messaging other users. I wouldn’t recommend using this platform if you’re looking for something free.

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By Jennifer Styers

Jennifer Styers is an online dating expert and author with a passion for helping people find the perfect match. She has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps since her college days, when she first realized that there was more to relationships than just meeting someone in person. Jennifer holds a degree in Psychology from Columbia University, which gave her insight into human behavior and what motivates us to seek out potential partners. After graduating from university, Jennifer worked as an assistant editor at one of the leading lifestyle magazines before deciding to pursue her true calling - becoming an online dating guru! Her expertise lies not only in reviewing different platforms but also providing helpful advice about how best to navigate them so users can get maximum benefit out of their experience. With over 10 years' worth of research under her belt combined with real-life experiences gained through interviewing hundreds of couples who have found love via these websites or apps, Jennifer knows exactly what it takes for two people looking for romance on the internet make it work long term. In addition to being featured regularly by some major media outlets such as The New York Times Magazine & Cosmopolitan magazine , she's written several books including 'The Online Dating Guide: How To Find Love On The Internet'. This book provides readers with invaluable tips on creating successful profiles while avoiding common pitfalls like catfishing or scammers – something all too familiar within this space! It’s no wonder why many consider Jennifer Styers ‘the go-to girl’ when it comes down finding your soulmate using digital means; whether you're single or already taken but want spruce up your relationship game plan -she's got you covered!