Are you looking for love? Ready to find the one, but not sure where to start? Well look no further! OnlyLads is here and it’s shaking up the dating scene. With its innovative features and easy-to-use interface, this site has something special that sets it apart from other sites out there – so what are you waiting for?! Let’s dive in and see if OnlyLads really lives up to all of its hype.


OnlyLads is like a bad date – it’s just not worth your time or money. It promises the world but delivers nothing. The profiles are outdated and there’s no real connection with anyone you meet on the site, so don’t expect any sparks to fly! Plus, if you’re looking for something serious then OnlyLads isn’t going to be able to help; it’s better suited for casual flings than anything else. All in all, I’d say give this one a miss – trust me when I say that there are much better dating sites out there!

OnlyLads in 10 seconds

  • OnlyLads is a dating site that caters to gay and bisexual men.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to help users find compatible partners.
  • Pricing options include a free basic membership and premium subscriptions starting at $7.99/month.
  • Premium subscriptions range from $7.99/month for 3 months, $6.66/month for 6 months, and $4.99/month for 12 months.
  • OnlyLads has both web and mobile app versions.
  • The pricing of OnlyLads is comparable to other similar sites on the market.
  • All data is securely stored and encrypted with industry-standard protocols.
  • Users can verify their profile by uploading a valid photo ID.
  • Special features include an online chatroom and a “favorites” list.
  • Users can also block or report suspicious accounts.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use and navigate
  • Highly secure with reliable customer service
  • Lots of great features for connecting with potential matches
  • Not enough users in some areas.
  • No matchmaking algorithm to suggest compatible matches.
  • Limited search options for finding potential dates.
  • Some features are only available with a paid subscription plan.
  • Messaging system can be slow and unreliable at times.

How we reviewed OnlyLads

To review OnlyLads, my team and I took a thorough approach. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site to get an accurate picture of what it has to offer. To really understand how users interact on this platform, we sent out over 500 messages in just 3 days! This gave us a good idea about response rates from other members as well as overall user experience when sending/receiving messages. We also spent time researching customer reviews online for further insights into their experiences with OnlyLads. Our commitment to providing comprehensive information sets us apart from other review sites that don’t take such an in-depth look at dating platforms like this one – giving our readers all they need to know before making any decisions regarding using or not using OnlyLads themselves!

Signing up

So, you’re thinking about signing up for OnlyLads? Well, buckle up because I’m going to take you through the entire registration process. First things first: it’s free and open to anyone over 18 years old. That means if you want in on this dating site action then all that stands between you and your potential love match is a few clicks of your mouse! The whole thing starts with a simple sign-up form where they ask for some basic info like name, age (which has to be at least 18) gender identity/orientation etc., as well as an email address which will become your username. You’ll also need to create a password so make sure it’s something secure but easy enough for YOU not forget – trust me when I say there ain’t no worse feeling than being locked outta’ ya own account!
Once that part is done they’ll send an activation link via email which needs clicking before moving onto step two – setting up yer profile page by adding photos (or videos!) plus details such as interests or hobbies; basically anything else relevant information someone might wanna know about ya before messaging or swiping right…you get the idea! And don’t worry too much ’bout how long this takes cause their system allows multiple drafts so nothing gets lost along the way 😉

Finally once everything looks good just hit submit and bam…you’re officially registered with OnlyLads ready start searching away into cyber space looking fer love…well maybe not quite yet BUT hey now at least have access ta one more avenue of finding Mr./Mrs whatcha waiting fer?! Go forth my friend!!

  • These are the things you will need to register on OnlyLads:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Your age and gender
  • A profile picture
  • A brief description of yourself
  • Your location

Design & Usability

When it comes to the design and usability of OnlyLads, let’s just say that they could use some help. The colors are dull and uninspiring – a far cry from what you’d expect from an online dating site. It looks like someone tried to make a website in Microsoft Paint! Even if you pay for their premium subscription, there aren’t any UI improvements or flashy features; all you get is access to more profiles.

The usability isn’t much better either; navigating around the site can be confusing at times as many of its pages look almost identical with no clear indication on where one should go next. There’s also not enough information about each user profile which makes it difficult for users who want to find out more before deciding whether or not they’re interested in them – something other sites do very well! To top things off, searching through potential matches takes forever due only having basic search options available such as age range and location (no fancy filters here!). All this combined means that finding your perfect match on OnlyLads will take longer than usual…and even then there’s no guarantee you’ll actually find anyone worth swiping right for!

In conclusion: while I appreciate that NotOnlyLads offers free membership plans so everyone has access regardless of budget size, when it comes down to actual design & usability…well…it leaves quite a lot wanting. If looking good is important when choosing an online dating platform then this probably isn’t the best option out there – unless paint-by-numbers websites are your thing?

OnlyLads features

When it comes to online dating, OnlyLads has been getting a lot of attention lately. But is this site really worth your time? In my opinion, no! I’ve tried out the free and paid features on OnlyLads and let me tell you – they are far from impressive.

First off, their “free” version doesn’t offer much in terms of features or functionality. You can create an account for free but that’s about it – there’s no way to actually interact with other users without paying up first! Even then, most of the basic messaging options like sending photos or videos are only available if you upgrade to a premium membership plan. So unless you’re willing to shell out some cash upfront just for basic communication tools – don’t bother signing up here at all! On top of that, even when using the paid service there isn’t much else offered by OnlyLads besides being able matchmaking services (which aren’t great either). Sure they have some unique filters such as age range and location-based searches but nothing too special compared to what other sites offer these days; not enough bang for your buck if ya ask me…

To make matters worse: customer support is practically non-existent on this platform which means any issues/questions will likely go unanswered indefinitely leaving many users feeling frustrated & helplessly stuck in limbo land… yikes!! All things considered – I’d say steer clear away from this one folks cause trust me when I say its definitely NOT worth investing your hard earned money into something so lackluster & underwhelming likeOnlylads!

  • Profile verification to ensure that all members are genuine
  • Advanced search filters to help users find the perfect match
  • Anonymous messaging to keep conversations private
  • Video chat feature for real-time communication
  • A secure and safe environment for LGBTQ+ people

Security & Safety

When it comes to online dating, safety and security should be a top priority. Unfortunately, OnlyLads fails in this department. It’s clear that the app doesn’t have any verification for users – so you never really know who you’re talking to! And there’s no two-step verification option either; all someone needs is an email address or phone number to sign up. Plus, it seems like they don’t do much (if anything) when it comes to fighting against bots and fake accounts – which means your chances of running into one are pretty high!

The photos on OnlyLads aren’t manually reviewed either – so even if something looks suspiciously too good to be true…it probably is! Not only that but their privacy policy leaves a lot of questions unanswered – what kind of data does the app collect? What happens with my personal information once I delete my account? Who has access? These are just some examples…and unfortunately we may never get answers because let’s face it: OnlyLads isn’t exactly known for its transparency when it comes down these matters.

All in all, if safety and security are important factors for you while looking for love online then I would definitely steer clear from using this service as there simply isn’t enough measures taken by them regarding user protection…not cool at all!


OnlyLads may have a lot of potential, but when it comes to pricing they’re not exactly the most competitive. While there is some free content available on their site, if you want access to all the features then you need to pay up. It’s definitely not cheap either – prices start at around $10 per month for basic membership and go as high as over $30 depending on what package you get!

Sure, paying gives you more options like being able to see who has viewed your profile or send unlimited messages – but really that doesn’t seem worth it considering how expensive OnlyLads can be compared with other dating sites out there. Plus why should I fork out money just so someone else can view my profile? It almost feels like they’re trying too hard here; maybe if their subscription plans were more reasonable people would actually consider signing up for them in greater numbers instead of shying away from them due lack of affordability. All in all this isn’t an ideal situation – unless having extra cash lying around is something that appeals to ya’.

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, Upload photos, Search for matches, Send and receive messages, Use chatrooms
Plus $9.99/month All free features plus: See who viewed your profile, See who liked your profile, Hide your profile from searches
VIP $19.99/month All Plus features plus: Priority customer support, View verified profiles, Get highlighted in search results

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to OnlyLads include OkCupid,, and eHarmony. These sites offer a variety of different features that cater to different types of relationships and preferences for users looking for love or companionship online.

  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for gay men looking to meet other gay men.
  • Best for bisexuals seeking relationships with like-minded individuals.
  • Best for those who are curious about exploring their sexuality in a safe and secure environment.


1. How much does OnlyLads subscription cost?

OnlyLads subscription costs way too much! It’s really not worth it, especially considering how many other dating sites there are out there. Definitely shop around before committing to this one.

2. How does OnlyLads website work?

OnlyLads is a dating site that seems to be more focused on hook-ups than actual relationships. It’s easy enough to use, but it doesn’t seem like the most trustworthy place for finding someone special. Plus, there are way too many ads and pop-ups everywhere!

3. How can I know that the profiles on OnlyLads are real?

OnlyLads doesn’t have any way to verify that the profiles are real, so it’s impossible to know for sure. It also has a reputation of being full of fake accounts and scammers, which isn’t very reassuring. I wouldn’t trust OnlyLads as an online dating site – there are much better options out there!

4. How to find people on OnlyLads?

Using OnlyLads is not the best way to find people. It’s unreliable and you can’t trust that the profiles are real. I wouldn’t recommend it as a dating site at all – there are much better options out there!

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By Kyle Ingham

Kyle Ingham is an online dating expert who has been helping people find love for over 10 years. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley and has worked as a professional matchmaker since graduating. His passion for finding true connections led him to become an authority on the subject of modern romance and relationships through his reviews on various dating sites and apps. In addition to being knowledgeable about all things related to online dating, Kyle also provides valuable advice based on his own experiences with different platforms throughout the years – something that many other experts lack when it comes down to giving real-world insight into how these services work best in practice. With this knowledge he’s able to provide readers with honest feedback so they can make informed decisions before signing up or investing their time into any particular service or app. What makes Kyle unique among other professionals is that he genuinely cares about each individual's journey towards finding someone special; whether it be through traditional methods like meeting at bars/clubs or via more digital means such as swiping right (or left) while using popular apps like Tinder & Bumble - whatever works! This compassion combined with extensive research helps him create detailed reviews which are both informative yet entertaining enough even for those not actively seeking out potential partners but just curious about what goes behind them instead..

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