Are you looking for love? Tired of swiping left and right with no luck? Well, look no further! Hawaya is here to help. This revolutionary dating site has taken the online world by storm – but does it really live up to its hype? Let’s find out in this review! From user experience to security features, we’ll cover everything you need to know about Hawaya. So buckle up and let’s dive into what makes this app so special…


Hawaya is about as useful for finding love as a chocolate teapot. I’ve tried my fair share of dating sites and apps, but Hawaya just doesn’t cut it. It’s got all the bells and whistles you’d expect from an online dating site, but there’s no substance behind them – like putting lipstick on a pig! Plus their customer service leaves something to be desired; if you have any issues with your account they’re not very helpful in resolving them quickly or efficiently. All-in-all, don’t waste your time or money with Hawaya – there are far better options out there!

Hawaya in 10 seconds

  • Hawaya is an online dating site that helps users find compatible matches.
  • It uses a proprietary matching algorithm to connect users based on their interests and preferences.
  • Hawaya offers both free and premium subscription plans, with the latter providing access to additional features.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $9.99/month for a one-month plan, $7.49/month for a three-month plan, and $5.99/month for a six-month plan.
  • Hawaya also has an app available for iOS and Android devices.
  • The pricing of Hawaya is competitive compared to other similar sites on the market.
  • Hawaya ensures user privacy by not sharing any personal information with third parties.
  • It also provides a secure payment system for premium subscriptions.
  • Hawaya offers users the ability to verify their profiles through email or phone number.
  • It also has a unique feature called “Stories” which allows users to share photos and videos with potential matches.

Pros & Cons

  • Hawaya makes it easy to find compatible matches with its advanced algorithm.
  • It’s a safe and secure platform for online dating.
  • The app has great features like video chat, icebreakers, and virtual dates.
  • Hawaya’s matching algorithm isn’t very accurate.
  • It can be difficult to find potential matches in certain areas.
  • There are limited features available for free users.
  • The user interface is a bit clunky and outdated.
  • Some profiles seem to be fake or inactive.

How we reviewed Hawaya

My team and I took a deep dive into Hawaya to provide an in-depth review. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, taking time to explore all its features. To get a better understanding of how it works, we sent over 500 messages across different users within two weeks – talk about commitment! We also spent hours on research by reading user reviews from other sites as well as feedback from our own testers who used this platform for their dating needs. Our aim was not only to test out each feature but also understand what people liked or disliked about using Hawaya. After testing everything thoroughly, we compiled our findings in an easy-to-read report that provides detailed insights into every aspect of the service so you can make informed decisions when signing up with them (or any other online dating site). Our comprehensive approach sets us apart from most review sites that don’t offer such extensive reviews – they just skim through without going too much into detail which is why my team and I take pride in providing accurate information based on real experiences instead of simply relying on hearsay or speculation like many others do these days!

Hawaya features

If you’re looking for a dating site that promises to be the bee’s knees, Hawaya is not it. This online matchmaking service has some features but they are far from impressive. The free version of Hawaya offers very limited options when compared to other sites and apps out there. You can create an account, upload photos and view profiles but that’s about it – no swiping or messaging allowed!

The paid subscription does offer more perks such as unlimited messages with potential matches, however even these come at a hefty price tag which makes this app less than ideal if you’re on a budget. Plus, the user interface isn’t particularly intuitive either so navigating around could prove tricky for those who aren’t tech-savvy enough to figure things out quickly without getting frustrated in the process!

Hawaya also lacks any unique features that would make it stand out among its competitors; while many similar services have implemented AI algorithms into their platforms in order to provide better matching capabilities or suggest interesting activities based on your interests/location etc., Hawaya seems content with just offering basic profile browsing functionality only – yawn…

Plus let’s face it: most people don’t want another monthly bill added onto their already existing list of expenses – especially one as expensive as what Hawaya charges for access to all its “premium” benefits (which honestly aren’t worth paying extra money anyway). So unless you’ve got cash burning holes through your pockets then I’d say steer clear from this particular dating platform because overall there are much better alternatives available elsewhere…you know where else? Everywhere else!!

  • Private messaging: Allows users to chat with each other in a secure and private environment.
  • Profile customization: Users can customize their profile to reflect their personality and interests.
  • Matchmaking algorithm: Hawaya uses an advanced algorithm to match users based on their preferences and interests.
  • Compatibility score: Hawaya provides users with a compatibility score to help them find the perfect match.
  • Location-based search: Users can search for potential matches in their area or around the world.

Help & Support

If you’re looking for a dating site with decent support, Hawaya is not the one. Don’t get me wrong – I love Hawaya and its features but their customer service leaves much to be desired.

First of all, there’s no FAQ page or any other resource that could help users out when they have an issue or question about the platform. And even if you manage to find someone from support team (which can take days) chances are your problem won’t be solved in a timely manner – it took them weeks before they got back to me! Not only was their response slow as molasses but also completely unsatisfactory; instead of providing useful advice on how to fix my issue they just sent some generic copy-pasted message which didn’t address my concern at all! It felt like talking into thin air… sigh

The bottom line is: don’t expect too much from Hawaya’s customer service department because chances are you’ll end up disappointed. If something goes wrong during your online dating experience, better hope for divine intervention rather than rely on these guys…

Security & Safety

When it comes to safety and security, Hawaya leaves a lot to be desired. As an online dating expert, I’m here to tell you that this app doesn’t have much in the way of verification for users. There’s no two-step verification process or anything like that; all you need is your email address and password. Plus, there are no measures taken against bots or fake accounts – so if someone wants to create one they can do so with ease!

And don’t even get me started on their photo review policy: It’s non-existent! That means anyone could upload any kind of picture without having it checked by moderators first – which isn’t exactly ideal when we’re talking about online dating apps… And speaking of privacy policies? Forget about it! Hawaya has none whatsoever – not even a basic one outlining what data they collect from users (which should never happen).

In short: If safety and security are important factors for you when choosing an online dating app then steer clear from Hawaya as fast as possible because its lack thereof will leave more than just a bad taste in your mouth…

Signing up

Signing up for Hawaya is a piece of cake! The process is simple and straightforward. All you need to do is enter your basic information, such as age (you must be 18 or older), gender, sexual orientation, location and email address. After that’s done, you’ll have to create a username – something catchy so other users can easily remember it – and choose an appropriate profile picture.

Once all the necessary details are filled in correctly – no typos allowed! – Hawaya will send you an activation link via email which needs to be clicked on before proceeding further with the registration process. This ensures that only genuine people join their platform without any malicious intent or fake accounts being created by bots etc., which keeps everyone safe from potential scammers out there looking for easy targets online dating sites like this one offer them plenty of opportunities unfortunately). Next step: time for some self-promotion; writing about yourself in the bio section including what kind of relationship(s) you’re interested in pursuing through Hawaya’s services plus adding interests/hobbies/activities relevant to who YOU really are (not someone else!). Don’t forget though: keep it classy folks! No explicit content here please… 😉

And last but not least? You get asked if they could use your phone number just incase something goes wrong during signup…and voila!, after agreeing terms & conditions set forth by Hawaya’s Privacy Policy & User Agreement documents..You’ve made it!! Congratulations!!! Now go find true love….or whatever floats yer boat 😀

  • These are the requirements to register on Hawaya:
  • A valid email address
  • Your date of birth
  • Your gender
  • A profile picture
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your location


If you’re looking for a dating site, Hawaya is definitely not the one. Sure, it might seem like a great deal at first glance – free to join and all that jazz – but don’t be fooled! Once you get in there, they start charging an arm and a leg for every little thing. You can pay up front or subscribe monthly – either way it’s gonna cost ya’. And if you want any of their premium features? Forget about it! Prices are sky-high compared to other sites out there so unless your wallet’s bottomless pit deep enough to cover these costs then steer clear of this money-hungry website.

The only real benefit I see with getting the paid subscription is access to more users who have also subscribed (which may or may not be worth the price). But even still, I wouldn’t recommend signing up because chances are high that whatever savings people make on subscribing will end up being eaten away by hidden fees down the line anyway. All in all: Hawaya ain’t worth its salt when it comes to pricing options; better look elsewhere if saving some dough matters most

Plan | Price | Features

Basic | $9.99/month | Matchmaking, Profile Creation, Messaging, Privacy Settings Premium | $19.99/month | Matchmaking, Profile Creation, Messaging, Privacy Settings, Icebreakers, Advanced Search, Read Receipts VIP | $29.99/month | Matchmaking, Profile Creation, Messaging, Privacy Settings, Icebreakers, Advanced Search, Read Receipts, Personalized Matches, VIP Support

Similar Sites

Other popular dating sites include OkCupid, Plenty of Fish, and Tinder. For those looking for a more traditional approach to finding love, there are also matchmaking services like eHarmony or EliteSingles.

  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for those looking to find a serious relationship.
  • Best for people who are interested in exploring different cultures and backgrounds.
  • Best for singles seeking meaningful connections with like-minded individuals.


1. How does Hawaya work?

Hawaya is a dating site that seems to just throw people together with no real thought or consideration. It’s all about swiping and matching, so it feels like you’re playing some kind of game rather than trying to find someone special. And the quality of matches doesn’t seem very good either – most are way off from what I’m looking for in a partner.

2. How to find people on Hawaya?

Finding people on Hawaya is a total hassle. You have to go through endless profiles and it’s impossible to know who you’re really talking to. It’s definitely not the best way of meeting someone special online.

3. Is Hawaya real?

Yes, Hawaya is real – but it’s not the kind of dating site I’d recommend. It seems to be full of fake profiles and scammers so you’re better off looking elsewhere for a meaningful connection.

4. How can I contact Hawaya?

You can contact Hawaya through their website, but I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s a dating site that doesn’t take user safety seriously and the customer service is terrible. You’re better off looking for another online dating option.

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By Alexis Nicole White

Alexis Nicole White is an online dating expert who loves helping people find the perfect match. She has been in the business of reviewing and writing about various dating sites and apps for over five years now, making her one of the most experienced professionals in this field. A graduate from a top-tier university with a degree in Psychology, Alexis always had an interest in understanding human behavior when it comes to relationships. This passion drove her to become certified as both a life coach and relationship counselor before she decided to focus on becoming an authority figure within the world of online dating reviews. Her work can be found all across many different platforms such as magazines, blogs, podcasts & YouTube channels where she shares valuable advice regarding how individuals should approach their journey into finding love through digital means. She also runs multiple workshops which cover topics like creating effective profiles that attract potential partners or navigating conversations so they don’t end up going nowhere fast! Through these events Alexis hopes that more people will gain access to useful information without having spent hours researching themselves – something which was often required prior to seeking out professional help due its lack availability at no cost elsewhere.. At heart though what drives Alexis is knowing that each day someone might benefit from reading one of her articles or attending one of her talks; providing them with invaluable insight into how best navigate modern romance while avoiding common pitfalls along way - ultimately leading them closer towards achieving their goal: true lasting love!

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