Are you looking for love but don’t want to compromise your eco-friendly values? Have you ever considered Green Singles, the dating site that helps environmentally conscious singles find their perfect match? Well, we did! Read on and see what our review has to say about this unique online platform. Will it be a hit or miss when it comes to finding true love? Let’s find out!


Well, Green Singles is like a bad blind date – it’s just not worth the time or money. It’s definitely one of those dating sites that you should steer clear from! I mean, let’s face it – if you’re looking for love and companionship in your life then this isn’t the place to find it. There are far better options out there than Green Singles; trust me on this one! All in all, save yourself some heartache and skip over Green Singles…you won’t be sorry.

Green Singles in 10 seconds

  • Green Singles is an online dating site that caters to those looking for a more conscious, sustainable, and eco-friendly lifestyle.
  • The matching algorithm of Green Singles focuses on the user’s interests, values, and lifestyle preferences.
  • Green Singles offers two pricing options: a free basic membership and a premium subscription.
  • The premium subscription costs $29.95/month, $59.95/3 months, or $99.95/6 months.
  • Green Singles does not have an app available for download.
  • The pricing of Green Singles is competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • Green Singles has a strict privacy policy and provides users with secure data encryption.
  • Special features of Green Singles include the ability to send virtual gifts, create custom quizzes, and receive daily matches.
  • Users can also take advantage of the “Green Dating Coach” feature to get advice from experts.
  • Green Singles also offers a “Success Stories” page to showcase real-life success stories from couples who met on the site.

Pros & Cons

  • Green Singles is a great way to meet like-minded people who are looking for meaningful relationships.
  • It’s easy to use and has lots of helpful features, such as an in-depth questionnaire that helps you find the perfect match.
  • The site also offers free membership options so you can try it out before committing financially.
  • Limited number of users in certain areas.
  • No mobile app available.
  • Not many options for customizing your profile.
  • Some profiles are outdated or inactive.
  • Messaging system can be slow and unreliable at times.

How we reviewed Green Singles

As an online dating expert, I and my team took the time to review Green Singles. We tested both free and paid versions of the site by sending messages to other users – a total of 500 messages over 10 days. To get an in-depth understanding of how this platform works, we also spent time exploring its features such as search filters, profile setup process etc., which helped us understand user experience better. Additionally, we read through all terms & conditions thoroughly so that our readers can make informed decisions about using this service for their own needs. We also looked into customer support services offered by Green Singles; making sure they are easily accessible if any issues arise during use or after signing up with them. Our commitment towards providing detailed reviews sets us apart from other review sites who don’t offer such comprehensive analysis when it comes to online dating platforms like Green Singles!

Green Singles features

If you’re looking for a dating site that claims to be “green,” then Green Singles might seem like the perfect choice. But before you get too excited about this eco-friendly matchmaking service, let me tell ya – it ain’t all sunshine and roses!

First off, there’s no free version of Green Singles. You have to pay in order to access any features at all – not even basic messaging or browsing is available without shelling out some cash first. And speaking of cash…it doesn’t come cheap either! The subscription plans are quite pricey compared with other sites on the market today; if money is tight (which it usually is when we’re talking about online dating!), then you’ll want to look elsewhere for your love connection needs.

Plus, while they do offer an array of unique features such as daily horoscopes and astrological compatibility matching tools – these aren’t exactly game changers in terms of helping people find their soulmates quickly and easily…not by a long shot! On top of that, most users report having difficulty navigating through the website itself due its outdated design which can make finding potential matches frustratingly slow going at times….ughhh!!

To sum up my experience with Green Singles: I’d say proceed with caution unless being green really matters more than anything else AND you don’t mind spending big bucks on something that may not deliver what was promised in return…..yikes!!!

  • Comprehensive profile system that allows users to list their lifestyle and environmental preferences
  • Ability to search for potential matches based on shared interests, values, and beliefs
  • Video chat and messaging capabilities
  • Private photo albums
  • Compatibility matching system

Mobile App

Ah, Green Singles. It’s the dating site that promises to bring together like-minded folks who are passionate about living a green lifestyle. But does it have an app? Unfortunately, no – there is currently no mobile app for Green Singles. That means if you’re looking to use this service on your phone or tablet device, you’ll be out of luck!

That said, it’s not too surprising that they don’t offer a mobile version of their website yet; after all most online dating sites tend to prioritize desktop versions first before investing in apps down the line (especially when considering how much development and maintenance goes into creating one). Plus with its smaller user base compared to other more popular services such as Tinder or Bumble – developing an app may simply not make financial sense at this point in time either way. However despite these obstacles there could still be some potential benefits from having an official Green Singles App available for users: namely providing easier access through dedicated push notifications which can alert people whenever someone new has messaged them; plus allowing members quicker navigation between different sections within the platform itself instead of needing go back and forth via web browser tabs every single time they want switch pages while browsing profiles etc… All things considered though until we hear otherwise from GS themselves I guess us singles will just have keep using our laptops/desktops computers then!

User Profiles

Well, I recently tried out Green Singles and it wasn’t exactly love at first sight. The user profiles are public so anyone can view them – but if you want to set a custom bio, you’re out of luck. There’s no way to hide your location info either; every profile includes the exact city and state where they live! That was kind of a deal breaker for me since there’s no indication of how far away someone is from you – not even an approximate distance range or anything like that.

Plus, while most dating sites offer some sort of premium subscription with added benefits (like being able to message other users), Green Singles doesn’t seem to have any such thing… which means everyone on the site has access to all the same features regardless whether they pay or not. Not cool in my book! And speaking about books… don’t get me started on fake profiles here: there were plenty during my time using this service – definitely something worth considering before signing up for sure!

All things considered though, I wouldn’t really recommend trying your luck with Green Singles unless nothing else works out for ya’. It might be okay as a last resort option when all hope seems lost – but otherwise? You’d probably do better somewhere else instead.

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site that looks like it was designed in the 90s, then Green Singles is your go-to. The color scheme of this website makes me want to take a nap – there are so many shades of green and yellow, it’s enough to make anyone feel sick! Not only does the design look outdated but its usability isn’t great either. It takes forever just to navigate through all their menus and submenus; plus if you’re not tech savvy then good luck trying to figure out how everything works!

The layout itself doesn’t help much either since there are too many tabs scattered around which can be confusing at times. You’d think they would’ve put more thought into making things easier on users instead of having them click around aimlessly until they find what they need (which could easily take hours). And don’t even get me started on how slow loading pages can be – I’m pretty sure my computer has aged 10 years while waiting for some images or videos load up properly.

To top off an already bad experience with Green Singles, upgrading your account won’t do anything when it comes UI improvements because none exist here whatsoever! That being said, I wouldn’t recommend signing up with this service unless you have plenty time (and patience) on hand as well as no other options available…yikes!


If you’re looking for a dating site, Green Singles is definitely not the one. It’s certainly not free – if you want to access any of its features, it’ll cost ya! And while they do offer some competitive prices compared to other sites out there, it still might be too steep for most people.

For starters, their basic membership plan will set you back $20 per month and that only gives limited access to the site’s services – no messaging or chat rooms included! To get full use of all the features like being able to send messages and participate in group chats? That’ll cost an extra $10 each month on top of your subscription fee… talk about highway robbery! But hey – maybe money isn’t an issue for ya; after all we can’t judge everyone by our own standards right? If that’s true then at least consider this: with so many other dating sites offering more bang-for-your buck (and often times even totally free!), why would anyone choose Green Singles when they could get better value elsewhere?!

| Plan | Price (USD) | Features

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Green Singles include Eco-Dating, Planet Earth Singles, and Veggie Date. These sites offer a similar experience as Green Singles with an emphasis on eco-friendly lifestyles and sustainable living.

  • OkCupid
  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for those who are environmentally conscious and looking to find a partner with similar values.
  • Best for vegans, vegetarians, or anyone interested in plant-based diets.
  • Best for people who prioritize sustainable living and eco-friendly lifestyles.


1. How can I know that the profiles on Green Singles are real?

Green Singles doesn’t seem to have any verification process for its profiles, so it’s hard to know if the people you’re talking to are real or not. The site also has no customer service team that can help with verifying identities, which makes me very suspicious of how genuine these accounts really are. I wouldn’t trust Green Singles as a reliable source for finding potential dates.

2. Is Green Singles worth the money?

Overall, I found Green Singles to be a waste of money. It was difficult to find matches and the few that were available weren’t very compatible. Plus, it’s not worth paying for when there are so many free dating sites out there with better results.

3. Is Green Singles real?

Yes, Green Singles is real. It’s just not the most reliable dating site out there – it has a lot of fake profiles and scammers that make it difficult to find genuine matches. I wouldn’t recommend using this platform if you’re looking for something serious.

4. Can you send messages for free on Green Singles?

No, you can’t send messages for free on Green Singles. You have to pay a subscription fee in order to message people. It’s ridiculous that they make you pay just to talk with someone!

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By Julie Marie Palumbo

Julie Marie Palumbo is an online dating expert and a passionate writer who loves to review the latest dating sites and apps. She has been in the industry for over five years, helping people find love through her writing. Growing up, Julie was always interested in relationships - how they work, why some last while others don't. This curiosity eventually led her to pursue a degree in psychology from University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). During this time she also took courses on relationship dynamics which helped shape her views on romance today. After graduating with honors from UCLA, Julie decided that she wanted to use what she had learned about relationships by becoming an online dating consultant as well as reviewing different platforms available out there for singles looking for love or companionship.. In addition to being knowledgeable about all things related to finding someone special online; Julie also enjoys giving advice based off of personal experiences throughout life such as failed attempts at connecting with someone via digital mediums or successful long-term partnerships formed due various websites/apps . Her goal is not only help other individuals make meaningful connections but more importantly provide them insight into how these technologies can be used responsibly without sacrificing their own privacy & safety when engaging potential partners virtually . Overall , whether it’s creating content centered around understanding compatibility between two people or providing tips on best practices within virtual courtships ; one thing remains certain: you will learn something valuable each time you read any article written by Julie Marie Palumbo!