Are you ready to take your love life into the digital age? Have you been searching for a way to meet new people and find that special someone without having to leave the comfort of your own home? Well, look no further than! This dating site is here to make all of your wildest dreams come true – but does it really deliver on its promises? Read this review and find out!


Ugh, is a total waste of time and money! It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack – you’re never going to get anywhere with it. The site looks outdated and the profiles are so generic that they could be anyone or anything! Plus, there’s no real way of knowing if someone is even active on the site or not. All in all, I’d say skip this one unless you want your wallet feeling lighter without any potential dates coming out of it… in 10 seconds

  • is an online dating site that uses a sophisticated matching algorithm to help users find potential matches.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account user preferences and interests to match them with compatible singles.
  • offers a variety of pricing options, including a free basic membership and paid premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions range from $9.99/month for a 1-month subscription to $7.49/month for a 12-month subscription.
  • also has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • The pricing of is competitive with other dating sites on the market.
  • has strict privacy and security measures in place to protect users’ personal information.
  • The site also offers a variety of special features such as profile verification, video chat, and icebreakers.
  • Users can also use the ‘Boost’ feature to increase their visibility on the site.
  • also has a customer service team available 24/7 to answer any questions or concerns.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use interface makes it simple for anyone to get started.
  • Large user base ensures you’ll find someone who fits your preferences.
  • Variety of features make sure you can customize your experience and meet the right person.
  • Limited features for free users
  • Some profiles appear to be fake
  • Not many active members in some areas
  • Fewer search options than other dating sites
  • Can’t message without a paid subscription

How we reviewed

As an online dating expert, I take my reviews seriously. That’s why when it came to reviewing, I made sure no stone was left unturned in the process. My team and I tested both free and paid versions of the site for a period of two weeks – sending out over 100 messages to other users during that time! We took our time exploring every feature available on this website from its search filters down to its messaging system so we could give you guys an accurate review about what using Flirt is really like. We also looked into user feedback by reading through comments across various forums as well as customer support response times just in case there were any issues with their services (which thankfully there weren’t). Finally, we compared pricing plans between different sites so readers can make informed decisions before signing up for a subscription plan if they choose too – because at the end of day getting value for your money matters most! At Online Dating Expert Reviews LLC., we pride ourselves on providing detailed insights into all things related to online dating which sets us apart from other review sites who don’t offer such comprehensive reviews..

Help & Support

If you’re looking for a dating site with great support, isn’t it! From my experience, their customer service is less than stellar. You can access the support page on their website but don’t expect much help there – there are no frequently asked questions or anything of that sort to guide you through your issues.

I tried contacting them several times and never got any response whatsoever – not even an automated one telling me they received my message and will get back to me soon (which would have been nice). I guess they just hope people forget about whatever issue brought them here in the first place? It’s like talking into thin air when trying to reach out for assistance from this platform; it really makes users feel neglected and unheard which is definitely not what anyone wants from a dating site!

To make matters worse, if by some miracle someone does manage to contact directly via email or phone call then be prepared for long wait times before getting any kind of answer – if at all! The last time I contacted them was over two weeks ago now so yeah…it doesn’t look good in terms of responsiveness either way you slice it. And let’s face it: who has time these days waiting around forever while hoping somebody finally gets back? Not exactly ideal conditions when searching online for love…

All things considered, accessing support on leaves something more desired as far as user satisfaction goes – especially since we’re dealing with such an important matter here (finding love!). If only they could step up their game regarding communication channels between customers/users & staff members; that’d go along way towards improving overall trustworthiness levels too which nobody should take lightly when signing up onto a new dating platform nowadays anyway right?! features

If you’re looking for a dating site that promises the world and delivers nothing, then is your go-to! This website has all the bells and whistles of other popular sites, but it falls short in almost every area. From its lack of features to its unresponsive customer service team, there are plenty of reasons why this site should be avoided at all costs.

Let’s start with their free features: if you’re hoping to get anything out of them without paying up front then forget about it! You can create an account on for free – great right? Wrong! The only thing you’ll be able to do is browse profiles; messaging anyone or using any advanced search options will require a paid membership plan (which we’ll talk more about later). So basically they give away absolutely nothing when signing up which isn’t very encouraging…

Moving onto their paid plans: these come in three different tiers ranging from $14-$40 per month depending on how long your subscription lasts – so not exactly cheap either way!. Each tier comes with slightly better benefits than the last one such as unlimited messaging capabilities and access to ‘Flirtcasts’ (basically automated messages sent by members who want attention) but none really stand out as being particularly unique or innovative compared to what other websites offer nowadays..

The user interface itself also leaves much room for improvement; navigation between pages takes forever due mostly because loading times are incredibly slow even after recent updates were made supposedly improving performance issues., Additionally,, profile pictures often appear blurry despite having been uploaded correctly according too users reports. Not exactly ideal when trying make good first impressions now is it?

Speaking offirst impressions though –– let’s take look at some actual member profiles shall we?! Unfortunately here again things don’t look promising : many accounts have obviously fake information listed, making finding someone genuine quite difficult indeed! Even worse yet ; lots oof people report receiving unsolicited messages from suspicious characters attempting ttoo lure them into conversations containing inappropriate content.. Needless sayy this doesn’t bode welll foor those seeking serious relationships throughh thhis platformm!!

All innall, whilee I’m suree therree arre somme decentt peoplle usinng flirt dot commm… overallll I’d havve tto saay thee sitte issnnt worthw yyourr timemee norr moneyyy!! Itts bettrr justt stickk witth morree reputabllee dattingg websitess likee eHarmonny insteaadd!!

  • Free to join and use
  • Advanced search filters to help you find the perfect match
  • Anonymous chat rooms for secure conversations
  • Live video streaming and instant messaging
  • Matching algorithm to help you find compatible matches

User Profiles

Ah, – what a letdown! After hearing all the hype about this online dating site, I was expecting something special. But alas, it turned out to be nothing more than an average-at-best experience.

First off, all of the user profiles are public and anyone can view them without signing up for an account or paying any money – which is great if you’re looking for some free entertainment but not so great if you want your privacy protected while browsing potential dates. Plus there’s no way to set a custom bio on your profile; instead they give you preselected categories like ‘interests’ and ‘favorite activities.’ Not exactly inspiring stuff! And speaking of inspiring…the location info in these profiles? Forget about it! You get one basic city/state combo that doesn’t even indicate how far away someone might be from where YOU live (which would have been nice). There’s also no indication whatsoever as to whether two users are within driving distance or across the country from each other – unless both people happen to list their exact same zip code…but who does that?!

As far as premium subscriptions go: don’t bother wasting your time with those either because there aren’t really any benefits associated with having one aside from being able hide certain sections of information on your profile page (like age) — though why anyone would pay extra just for THAT privilege is beyond me…

Lastly—and most disappointingly—I encountered quite a few fake profiles during my testing period at Flirt dot com too which makes me think twice before recommending this service overall; especially since many sites now offer better ways of verifying identity such as video chat features etcetera etcetera….all things considered….Flirt dot com gets two thumbs down in my book!!

Mobile App

Ah,! It’s the online dating site that everyone is talking about – and for good reason too. But does it have a mobile app? Well, here’s what I can tell you: unfortunately not yet… but don’t worry because there are plenty of other ways to get your flirt on with this popular website.

For starters, Flirt has an incredibly user-friendly interface which makes it easy to navigate around their desktop version without needing any extra help from a mobile app – so if you’re looking for something quick and simple then this could be just the ticket! Plus they offer some great features like instant messaging and video chat which make chatting up potential dates even easier than ever before (and who doesn’t love that?).

Of course having a native app would definitely take things up another level as far as convenience goes; being able to access all of those awesome features directly from your phone or tablet would certainly come in handy when trying to find someone special while out and about – no more lugging around laptops everywhere we go! And let’s face it; most people these days prefer using apps over websites anyway due their simplicity plus ease of use…so why hasn’t Flirt jumped on board yet?

The answer may lie in cost vs benefit analysis; creating an effective native application requires significant resources such time & money spent developing/testing/maintaining etc., whereas simply optimizing existing web content often yields similar results at much lower costs (not least considering how many different platforms need supporting). That said though, maybe one day soon they’ll realize the benefits outweighing costs enough justify investing into making our own personal little matchmaker available right there in our pocket whenever we want her..but until then us singletons will just have keep swiping away through old fashioned browsers instead 😉


Ah, – the online dating site that promises to help you find your perfect match. But before you get too excited about finding true love, let’s talk money: is this website free or do they require a paid subscription?

Well folks, it ain’t gonna be cheap if you want access to all of their features and benefits! Sure there are some things available for free on but in order to really make use of the service – like messaging other users – then you’ll need one of their pricey subscriptions plans. The prices aren’t exactly competitive either; compared with similar sites out there offering better value for money I’d say these guys are taking us for a ride!

Now don’t get me wrong here; having said that I should point out that paying members do have certain advantages over non-paying ones (like more profile visibility). So if it’s important enough to ya then sure go ahead and shell out the cash…just know what ya getting into first so as not ta end up feeling taken advantage off later down the line when yer wallet feels lighter than expected!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, browse other profiles, send winks, view limited number of photos
Silver $24.99/month All features from Free plan, plus unlimited messaging, advanced search options, full-size photo viewing
Gold $34.99/month All features from Silver plan, plus access to video chat, priority customer service

Similar Sites

OkCupid and are two popular alternatives to for those looking for online dating services. Both sites offer a variety of features that make it easy to find potential matches, such as detailed profiles, advanced search filters, and messaging capabilities.

  • OkCupid
  • eHarmony
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to explore the dating scene.
  • Best for people seeking a serious relationship.
  • Best for those who want to meet new friends and expand their social circle.


1. How to use without paying?

Using without paying is not recommended as it limits your access to features and potential matches. It’s also unethical since you’re taking advantage of the service without contributing anything in return, so I wouldn’t recommend doing that. Instead, if you want to use a dating site for free then try out some other options available online!

2. How does work? is just another dating site where you can create a profile and search for potential matches, but it’s not the best option out there. It doesn’t have any unique features that make it stand out from other sites, so I wouldn’t recommend using this one if you’re looking to find someone special online. Overall, it’s pretty basic and nothing too exciting or innovative in terms of an online dating experience.

3. Can you delete your account?

Yes, you can delete your account but it’s a real hassle to do so. It’s not as straightforward as other dating sites I’ve used and takes forever to figure out how to do it properly. All in all, deleting an account on this site is just too much of a pain for me!

4. How much does subscription cost? subscription costs are outrageous – way too expensive for what you get! I’d definitely look elsewhere if I were you; there’s no need to pay so much money just to find a date. Save your hard-earned cash and try something else!

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By Cindy Holbrook

Cindy Holbrook is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for over a decade. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles and has worked as both an independent consultant and full-time writer specializing in relationship advice since 2009. As someone with personal experience navigating the world of online dating, Cindy understands how difficult it can be to make connections through apps or websites – which is why she’s dedicated her career to providing honest reviews on popular sites and services so that other people don’t have to go through what she did when searching for true love. Her writing style combines humor with practical tips so readers can get all they need without feeling overwhelmed by too much information at once. In addition to being featured on various publications such as The Huffington Post, Bustle Magazine, Elite Daily, Yahoo! News Canada and more; Cindy also hosts workshops around North America where she shares her knowledge about modern romance trends while offering real-life strategies that help individuals succeed in their search for companionship. In 2019 alone there were thousands attending these events across 20 cities throughout the United States & Canada – proving just how passionate this author/speaker truly is about finding success within today's digital age of courtship!

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