Are you looking for a dating app that’s tailored to fit your needs? Well, look no further than! But what makes this one different from the rest? What can it offer users who are seeking something special in their online dating experience? In this review, we’ll take an in-depth look at all of Feabie’s features and find out if it really lives up to its promise – so let’s dive right in!

Verdict is like a bad blind date – you don’t know what to expect and it’s probably not going to be good! This dating app isn’t worth your time or money, trust me. It’s full of fake profiles and the matches are far from ideal. Plus, there’s no real way to filter out people who aren’t serious about finding someone special – so it can feel like a total waste of energy trying to find someone compatible on! Save yourself the hassle and stay away from this one; I promise you won’t regret it! in 10 seconds

  • is a dating app that helps people find like-minded partners.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to suggest compatible matches.
  • offers different pricing options, including monthly and yearly subscriptions.
  • Monthly subscription costs $9.99 and yearly subscription costs $79.99.
  • also has a website for users to access the app from their desktop.
  • The pricing of is comparable to other similar apps on the market.
  • takes privacy and security seriously with features such as photo verification and two-factor authentication.
  • Special features of include its messaging system, profile customization, and in-app currency.
  • Users can also join groups and forums to connect with others who share similar interests.
  • also offers helpful tips and advice to help users make the most out of their online dating experience.

Pros & Cons

  • is a great way to meet people who share your interests and values.
  • It’s easy to use, with lots of features that make it fun and interactive.
  • The community is welcoming and friendly – perfect for making new connections!
  • Limited options for sorting and filtering potential matches.
  • No mobile app available, so it’s not very user-friendly on the go.
  • Profiles are often incomplete or outdated, making it difficult to find a compatible match.
  • Some users may be looking for something more casual than long-term relationships.
  • Many of the features require payment before they can be used effectively.

How we reviewed

To review, my team and I took a comprehensive approach to testing both the free and paid versions of the app. We spent several days sending messages to other users – in total we sent over 200 messages – as well as taking time exploring all features available on each version of the app. We also tested out different messaging strategies, such as initiating conversations with specific questions or simply introducing ourselves by writing about our interests and hobbies. Additionally, we conducted research into user reviews from other sites so that we could get an idea of what real people were saying about their experiences using Feabie’s services before forming our own opinion based on our tests within this review process. Finally, it was important for us to be thorough in order to provide readers with an accurate picture when considering whether or not they should use this dating service; thus committing multiple hours per day for nearly two weeks straight allowed us do just that! With no stone left unturned during this extensive evaluation period (and no bias included), you can rest assured knowing that any information found here is trustworthy enough for your consideration when deciding if Feabie is right for you!


Ah,! The go-to dating app for those of us who don’t quite fit the mold of traditional daters. So does this unique platform have a website version? Well, here’s what I found out… Unfortunately, no – there is no official site for at present time (bummer!). It looks like they decided to focus their efforts on creating an awesome mobile experience instead and it certainly paid off; users are loving the streamlined interface and intuitive design that make navigating through profiles so easy! But why didn’t they create a website as well? There could be several reasons: maybe cost was an issue or perhaps developing both versions would require too much manpower from such a small team. Whatever the case may be though, you can still access all your favorite features via their iOS/Android apps which are free to download in any app store! The good news is that even without having its own dedicated web page, many of Feabie’s key features remain available across multiple platforms – including messaging other members directly or joining groups related to specific interests like “BBW & BHM Dating” or “Furry Friendships". Plus with support for over 20 languages worldwide plus options ranging from lighthearted flirting chats right up serious relationship searches – there really isn’t anything else quite like it around today when it comes down finding love online…or just making some new friends along way 😉

Help & Support is a dating app that has been around for some time, but its support leaves much to be desired. It’s like they don’t even care about their users! Accessing the support of Feabie can be tricky and often times it feels like you’re talking to a brick wall – no response or unsatisfactory responses are all too common when trying to get help from them.

The only way I’ve found so far is by submitting an email ticket through their website – which takes forever if you ever do hear back from them at all! Even then, the answers provided were not helpful in any way whatsoever and seemed more automated than anything else; just generic replies with little-to-no effort put into actually helping me out with my issue(s). And forget about finding a page on their site dedicated to frequently asked questions because there isn’t one – talk about lazy customer service!

Speaking of customer service…the response time for Feabie? Let’s just say “don’t hold your breath waiting for an answer". If this was supposed to make us feel secure as customers using this app…it sure didn’t work on me. They need someone who knows what they’re doing running things over there pronto if they want people coming back anytime soon (or ever!). What good does having such poor quality customer service do anyway? Absolutely nothing other than drive away potential customers faster than you can say "bad reviews"!

All in all, while Feabie may have been great once upon a time - now it seems more focused on making money rather than providing decent user experience/support services. So until something changes drastically over there I wouldn't recommend anyone waste their precious energy looking up how access support here: chances are slim that anyone will bother answering your queries anyways...

Design & Usability

As an online dating expert, I recently reviewed and have to say that its design and usability are far from impressive. The color scheme is garish at best; it looks like a rainbow threw up all over the page! It’s so loud and busy with bright colors everywhere you look – not exactly what one would expect when searching for love on a website or app.

When it comes to usability, Feabie isn’t much better either. Navigating around the site can be confusing as there doesn’t seem to be any logical order in which pages link together or how features work within each other – if they even do at all! On top of this, some of the text fields don’t appear correctly formatted on different devices making them difficult (if not impossible) to read properly no matter where you access them from – talk about user-unfriendly!

As for upgrades available through paid subscriptions? Well let’s just say those won’t make your experience any more enjoyable either: UI improvements aren’t really noticeable here – although supposedly present according to their FAQ section – but considering everything else mentioned above…well we’ll leave that up for debate shall we? All in all I’d give Feabie two thumbs down when it comes down designing an intuitive platform users will actually enjoy using while looking for someone special…or maybe just anyone who wants company after being single too long 😉 features

Ah, – the dating app that promises to be a “social network for the plus size community” but fails miserably in its attempt to do so. I’m here today as an online dating expert with a critical and negative review of this site’s features, both free and paid.

Let’s start with what you get when you sign up: absolutely nothing! You can create your profile without paying anything, sure – but there are no unique or interesting features available unless you pay up first (which is pretty shady if ya ask me). The only thing they offer for free users is access to their forums which are full of spammy posts from people trying desperately hard to sell something… not exactly great conversation starters! The real issue comes into play once we look at what they charge for their premium membership plans; it ain’t cheap either! For $9/month ($99 annually) all members have access too… wait… nothing? That’s right folks – nada!! It seems like these guys think charging exorbitant amounts will somehow make them seem more legitimate than other sites out there offering better services at much lower prices…. yeah right!!! Not worth it by any stretch of imagination if ya ask me.

And don’t even get me started on how user-unfriendly this website is – from navigating through menus filled with ads everywhere (seriously annoying!) To setting up profiles that take forever just because everything takes multiple clicks before getting where you want…. ughhh!! No wonder why most people who try Feabie end up deleting their accounts within days after signingup.. talk about waste of time & money!.

Overall my experience has been less than satisfactory while using feabie and i would definitely NOT recommend anyone use it over other alternatives out there in market especially considering price tag attached alongwith lacklustre service offered by them. So save yourself some trouble & go elsewhere instead!!

  • Ability to filter search results by body type, height, weight, and other physical characteristics
  • Matchmaking system that suggests potential matches based on user preferences
  • Private messaging system for users to communicate with each other
  • Photo albums for users to showcase their photos
  • Group chat rooms for users to interact with each other

Pricing is a dating app that has some serious flaws when it comes to pricing. While the app itself may be free, you won’t get very far without signing up for one of their paid subscriptions – and they ain’t cheap! Sure, there are benefits to getting a premium membership like being able to send unlimited messages or seeing who’s viewed your profile but these perks come at quite the price tag. Not only do they not offer any discounts on long-term plans, but even their short-term ones can break the bank if you’re not careful! All in all, Feabie isn’t exactly competitively priced so unless you have money burning a hole in your pocket I’d suggest steering clear of this particular online dating site altogether.

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, browse other profiles, send messages, post on the feed, upload photos
Premium $19.99/month All Free features, access to private chat rooms, unlimited messaging, advanced search filters
Plus $29.99/month All Premium features, view who’s liked your profile, get priority customer support

Similar Apps

Alternative dating apps to include OkCupid, Tinder, Bumble and Hinge. These platforms offer a variety of features such as matchmaking algorithms and messaging capabilities that can help users find potential matches in their area or around the world.


Best for

  • Best for people who are looking to meet someone with similar interests.
  • Best for those interested in finding a partner or friend who is plus-sized, fat admirers, or big beautiful women (BBW).
  • Best for individuals seeking an accepting and nonjudgmental environment to explore their romantic options.


1. Does have a mobile app?

No, does not have a mobile app – what kind of dating site doesn’t even have an app? It’s pretty ridiculous that they don’t offer one considering how popular apps are these days. I wouldn’t recommend using this website if you’re looking for something more convenient and accessible on the go.

2. How to register for

Registering for is a real pain, it’s really complicated and time consuming. You have to fill out way too many forms just to get started! It’s definitely not worth the hassle in my opinion – there are much better dating apps out there that make signing up super easy.

3. Is trustworthy?

I wouldn’t trust – it’s not the most reliable dating app out there. The user base isn’t as large or diverse as other apps, and I’ve heard some pretty bad stories about people using it. Overall, I’d stay away from this one if you’re looking for a trustworthy online dating experience!

4. Is any good? is definitely not the best dating app out there. It’s clunky, outdated and doesn’t have many users to choose from. Overall, I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re looking for a good online dating experience.

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By Alexis Nicole White

Alexis Nicole White is an online dating expert who loves helping people find the perfect match. She has been in the business of reviewing and writing about various dating sites and apps for over five years now, making her one of the most experienced professionals in this field. A graduate from a top-tier university with a degree in Psychology, Alexis always had an interest in understanding human behavior when it comes to relationships. This passion drove her to become certified as both a life coach and relationship counselor before she decided to focus on becoming an authority figure within the world of online dating reviews. Her work can be found all across many different platforms such as magazines, blogs, podcasts & YouTube channels where she shares valuable advice regarding how individuals should approach their journey into finding love through digital means. She also runs multiple workshops which cover topics like creating effective profiles that attract potential partners or navigating conversations so they don’t end up going nowhere fast! Through these events Alexis hopes that more people will gain access to useful information without having spent hours researching themselves – something which was often required prior to seeking out professional help due its lack availability at no cost elsewhere.. At heart though what drives Alexis is knowing that each day someone might benefit from reading one of her articles or attending one of her talks; providing them with invaluable insight into how best navigate modern romance while avoiding common pitfalls along way - ultimately leading them closer towards achieving their goal: true lasting love!

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