Are you ready to take the plunge into online dating? Looking for a reliable, safe and fun way to meet your match? Well look no further! DateMatch is here – but does it live up to its promise of finding love in the digital age? Let’s find out! From user experience and safety features, all the way through customer service – this review will cover everything you need to know about DateMatch. So buckle up and let’s get started on our journey towards true romance…


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s worth your time and money, datematch is about as useful as a chocolate teapot. It promises to match people with their perfect partner but it’s more like throwing darts in the dark than anything else! The profiles are outdated and there aren’t enough active users on the platform. Plus, I found out that some of my matches were actually bots! All in all – steer clear of this one folks; it ain’t gonna do ya any favors.

datematch in 10 seconds

  • Datematch is an online dating site that uses a unique matching algorithm to connect users.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account users’ preferences, interests, and lifestyle choices to make better matches.
  • Datematch offers several pricing options, including monthly, quarterly, and annual subscriptions.
  • Monthly premium subscriptions start at $19.99, quarterly subscriptions start at $39.99, and annual subscriptions start at $99.99.
  • Datematch also has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • When compared to other dating sites on the market, datematch is competitively priced.
  • Datematch takes user privacy and security seriously with strict data encryption protocols and verified profiles.
  • The site also offers special features such as icebreakers and video chat to help users get to know each other better.
  • Users can also create their own custom profile questions to get more specific matches.
  • Datematch also offers a feature that allows users to set up a private group for friends or family members to join.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use interface – makes finding a match simple and straightforward.
  • Large user base – plenty of potential matches to choose from.
  • Comprehensive search filters – helps narrow down the best possible matches for you quickly.
  • Limited search options for finding potential matches
  • Not many users in certain areas, making it difficult to find someone close by
  • Lack of communication features such as video chat or voice messaging
  • No way to filter out incompatible profiles from your results
  • Weak customer service response times

How we reviewed datematch

As an online dating expert, I and my team used a thorough process to review datematch. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site by signing up for accounts on each version. To ensure we got a full picture of what users experience when using this platform, we spent time sending messages to other users – in total over 100 messages were sent across two weeks! We also took advantage of all features available such as searching through profiles, testing out different filters like age range or location radius; creating our own profile with pictures and writing detailed descriptions about ourselves; viewing potential matches based on compatibility scores given by the website’s algorithm; checking out how many likes/views our profile received from others etc. All these steps allowed us to get a better understanding of user experiences while navigating through datematch’s interface. Finally, it is worth noting that setting us apart from other review sites was our commitment throughout this entire process: not only did we take great care in ensuring accuracy but also made sure that no stone was left unturned during this comprehensive review period which spanned two weeks (14 days).

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from the dating site DateMatch, don’t hold your breath. It seems like they just don’t care about their users and that’s a real shame. I’ve tried to contact them several times over the past few months with various issues but never got any response – not even an automated one!

I mean, come on guys – it doesn’t take much effort to set up some kind of customer service page or FAQs section so people can find answers without having to wait days (or weeks!) for a reply. And if there is no answer available then at least let us know when we should expect one? That would be really helpful instead of leaving us hanging in limbo wondering what happened!

Speaking as someone who has used online dating sites before, this lack of support makes me feel pretty frustrated and disappointed; especially since most other websites have excellent customer service these days which helps build trust between customers and companies alike. Plus good communication goes hand-in-hand with building relationships…which is kinda ironic considering it’s a DATING website after all!!

To make matters worse, my attempts at contacting DateMatch via email were completely fruitless too – each time I sent an email asking questions about how things worked on their platform or why something wasn’t working properly etc., nothing ever came back except crickets chirping away in silence…and that ain’t cool either! So yeah – if you’re thinking about signing up here then think again because chances are you won’t get much help from anyone once inside the system anyway :/

datematch features

Ugh, Datematch. What a disappointment! I was expecting so much more from this online dating site but it just didn’t deliver. Let me tell you why: First of all, the free features are really lacking in comparison to other sites out there – no messaging or chat functions whatsoever and only limited profile views per day? Come on now…that’s not even worth my time! Even if you decide to upgrade your account for their paid version (which is quite pricey by the way), there still isn’t anything particularly unique about it that would make me want to stick around. Sure they have some basic matching algorithms and an icebreaker feature which can be helpful when trying to start conversations with potential matches but nothing that sets them apart from any other dating website out there today. Plus, let’s face it – most people aren’t willing to pay for something like this unless they’re sure its going give them what they need/want; unfortunately Datematch doesn’t offer enough incentive here either so overall I’d say steer clear of this one folks!

  • Ability to search for potential matches based on location, age, interests, and more
  • Matching algorithm that helps users find compatible partners
  • Ability to chat with potential matches in real-time
  • Photo verification system to ensure the authenticity of profiles
  • Compatibility quiz to help users determine if they are a good match

Signing up

Registering on the Datematch website is a piece of cake! All you need to do is provide some basic information about yourself and boom, you’re in. The registration process requires users to be at least 18 years old so it’s not for kids or teens. It also doesn’t cost anything – no hidden fees here!

First off, all new members have to create an account by entering their email address and creating a password that meets certain criteria (length etc). Once they’ve done this, they’ll receive an activation link via email which will take them back to the site where they can start filling out their profile info. This includes things like age range preferences; gender identity; location details; physical characteristics such as height/weight/eye color etc.; relationship status (single? married?); religion if applicable…the list goes on but don’t worry – there are plenty of options available for those who want more detailed profiles too!
Next up comes writing your bio section: this part isn’t mandatory but it does give potential matches something interesting about you before messaging each other directly so I’d recommend taking advantage of it if possible – after all first impressions count right?! You can add hobbies & interests here too which might help narrow down compatible partners even further…just make sure whatever content you post stays within community guidelines otherwise your account could get suspended or deleted altogether 🤭

Finally once everything has been filled out correctly and accepted then congratulations – welcome aboard datematcher!! Now just sit back relax and let fate take its course 😉

  • To register on DateMatch, the following is required:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • A profile picture
  • A brief bio
  • Answers to a few questions about yourself and what you are looking for in a partner

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a dating app that takes safety and security seriously, look elsewhere. Datematch falls short in this area with no verification process to ensure users are who they say they are. There is also no two-step authentication or any other type of extra layer of protection available on the platform. It doesn’t seem like there’s much effort put into fighting bots and fake accounts either – something which has become increasingly common among online dating apps these days.

The photos uploaded by users aren’t manually reviewed either, so it’s hard to know if what you’re seeing is real or not! And while datematch does have a privacy policy in place (which we all should read before signing up), I can’t help but feel that its measures don’t go far enough when it comes to protecting user data from potential breaches and misuse by third parties – yikes!

All things considered, using datematch could be risky business; especially considering how easy it would be for someone with malicious intent to take advantage of unsuspecting victims through the platform without being held accountable due their lack of adequate safety protocols in place. So unless you want your heart broken (in more ways than one!), steer clear – ’cause this ain’t the app for ya!


Datematch has been around for a while, but it’s definitely not the most wallet-friendly dating site out there. While they do offer some free features like creating an account and browsing profiles, if you want to send messages or use their advanced search functions then you’ll need to sign up for one of their paid subscriptions. And trust me when I say that these prices are far from competitive – in fact, they’re downright steep!

For example, if you want access to all the bells and whistles on Datematch then be prepared to shell out $29.99 per month – ouch! Sure there may be some benefits such as being able to see who viewed your profile or having priority customer service support (which let’s face it is probably necessary with online dating) but at those prices? Not worth it in my opinion.

Bottom line: If budget is a concern of yours than Datematch isn’t really the best option since its pricing structure leaves much room for improvement; however if money isn’t an issue then by all means go ahead and give them a try – just don’t expect any miracles because unfortunately this ain’t no fairy tale ending here folks!

| Plan | Price | Features

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to datematch include online dating apps such as Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge. Additionally, there are many other traditional methods of meeting people like attending social events or joining clubs and organizations that cater to your interests.

  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for those looking to meet someone with similar interests.
  • Best for people who are new to the dating scene and want a safe, secure platform on which to find potential matches.
  • Best for singles seeking long-term relationships or casual dates.


1. Is datematch worth it?

I wouldn’t say datematch is worth it. It’s not the best dating site out there and I’ve had some pretty bad experiences with it. Overall, I’d recommend looking elsewhere for a better online dating experience.

2. How to sign up for datematch?

Signing up for datematch is a total hassle. You have to fill out all these forms and answer so many questions – it’s ridiculous! It feels like you’re applying for a job or something, not trying to find someone special.

3. How long does it take to have my profile approved on datematch?

It usually takes forever to get my profile approved on datematch. It’s really annoying how long it takes, especially when you’re eager to start dating. I’m not a fan of the slow approval process at all!

4. What are datematch alternatives?

Datematch is a terrible option for online dating. There are much better alternatives out there, so don’t waste your time with datematch. I’d recommend checking out some of the more popular sites like Bumble or OkCupid instead.

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By Evin Rose Lipman

Evin Rose Lipman is an online dating expert and author who has dedicated her career to helping singles find love. With a degree in Psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Evin brings both scientific research and real-world experience to her writing on relationships. After experiencing firsthand how difficult it can be for people to navigate the world of modern romance, she decided that she wanted to use her knowledge and skillset as a way of empowering others. She began by creating reviews for popular dating sites and apps so that users could make informed decisions about which platform was right for them before signing up or investing their time into something they weren't sure would work out. Her advice soon became sought after not only by single daters but also industry professionals looking for insight into what works best when it comes to successful matchmaking strategies. Today, Evin continues sharing helpful tips through articles published on various websites including The Huffington Post, Elite Daily, YourTango among many other reputable outlets where readers can benefit from her expertise in this field with topics ranging from personal safety measures while using online platforms all the way down selecting photos most likely guarantee success when swiping left or right!

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