Are you looking for love? Ready to take the plunge and try out a dating app? Well, look no further than Date-me! This popular app has been making waves in the online dating scene. But is it worth your time – or will it just leave you feeling frustrated and disappointed? Let’s find out! We’ll dive into all of its features, pros & cons so that by the end of this review, you can decide if Date-me is right for YOU. So let’s get started – shall we?!


Ugh, Date-me is about as useful as a chocolate teapot! It’s just not worth the time or money. The interface is clunky and outdated – it looks like something from 10 years ago. Plus, there are way too many fake profiles on there; you can’t tell who’s real and who isn’t. And let me tell ya’, the people that actually do use this app aren’t exactly top of the line either – they’re mostly just looking for a hookup or one night stand… so if you’re looking for something serious then forget about Date-me!

Date-me in 10 seconds

  • Date-me is a dating app that uses an advanced matching algorithm to help users find compatible partners.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account factors such as age, location, interests, and more.
  • Date-me offers both free and premium subscription options, with prices ranging from $9.99 to $19.99 per month.
  • Premium subscriptions offer additional features such as unlimited messaging and profile visibility.
  • Date-me does not have a website, but can be accessed through the App Store or Google Play.
  • Compared to other dating apps on the market, Date-me’s pricing is competitive.
  • Date-me provides a secure platform for users to connect, with all data encrypted and stored securely.
  • Users can also take advantage of Date-me’s “invisible mode” to browse anonymously.
  • Date-me has a variety of filters to help users find their perfect match, including age, gender, and location.
  • Date-me also offers a “verified profiles” feature, which helps users verify the authenticity of potential matches.

Pros & Cons

  • Date-me is easy to use and navigate.
  • It offers a variety of features like chat, video calls, and photo sharing.
  • The app has an active community with plenty of potential matches.
  • The app has limited features and options.
  • It can be difficult to find matches due to the small user base.
  • There are no safety measures in place for users’ privacy or security.
  • Some of the profiles appear fake, with little information provided about them.
  • Limited customer support available if you have any issues using Date-me

How we reviewed Date-me

As an online dating expert, I put in the work to review Date-me. My team and I tested both free and paid versions of this app, sending messages to other users for a total of 50 messages over 5 days. We also looked into features like profile creation process, user interface design & navigation flow as well as search filters available on the platform. To ensure we had all our bases covered when it came to reviewing Date-me’s functionality, we took time exploring its messaging system by chatting with real people who use the app daily – so that you can make informed decisions about whether or not it’s right for you! Finally – because commitment is key here at Online Dating Expert – my team and I even went one step further: downloading different devices (iOS/Android) in order to test out how each version performs compared against each other; making sure no stone was left unturned during our comprehensive review process! That kind of dedication sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such thorough reviews – giving readers confidence they’re getting reliable advice every time they come back for more info on their favorite apps.


Ah, Date-me. The dating app that’s been taking the world by storm! Unfortunately, it doesn’t have a website version – at least not yet. That said, there are plenty of reasons why they might be holding off on launching one. For starters, an app is much easier to use than a website and often requires less effort from users in terms of navigation and setup; plus apps can also take advantage of features like push notifications which websites simply don’t offer (at least not as easily).

On top of this though is the fact that most people tend to access their social media accounts via mobile devices these days anyway so having an app makes sense for Date-me if they want maximum exposure with minimal effort – something many companies strive for when developing new products or services. And since we’re talking about dating here after all – let’s face it: swiping through potential matches on your phone just feels more natural than doing so from behind a computer screen… right? Plus you can always do some “research” while out and about without looking too obvious… wink wink 😉

Of course if Date-me did decide to launch its own site then I’m sure it would include similar features found in the existing mobile application such as profile creation/editing options along with messaging capabilities etc., but again there may be other factors preventing them from making this move at present time (e.g.: budget constraints). So until further notice looks like us daters will have no choice but to stick with our trusty smartphones instead!

Date-me features

Ugh, Date-me. What a joke! It’s one of those dating apps that promises the world but delivers nothing more than disappointment and frustration. I’ve tried both the free version and paid subscription service on this app, so I’m in a good position to give an honest review of its features – or lack thereof. Let me tell you: it ain’t pretty! First off, there are no unique features on Date-me whatsoever; just your run-of-the mill stuff like swiping left/right for potential matches (which is hardly revolutionary) plus some basic profile customization options such as uploading photos and writing bios etcetera…yawn. And don’t even get me started about their search function – what a disaster! It takes forever to load up any results AND they’re usually totally irrelevant anyway; talk about wasting my time…ugh!!
The free version doesn’t offer much either other than being able to create an account with limited access which basically means you can only browse profiles without actually interacting with anyone else unless you upgrade your membership plan first – not cool at all if ya ask me….so why bother? The whole point of online dating is supposed be connecting people right?! Not charging them extra money for something that should come standard..smh!.

Moving onto the paid subscription plans now….they aren’t exactly cheap either compared to similar services out there – especially when considering how little value they provide in return…like seriously??!? All we get are lame messaging capabilities plus slightly better search filters? Come ON!!! Even then these ‘premium’ functions still barely work properly half the time so yeah… kinda defeats purpose really…..

Overall I’d say steer clear from this place altogether if possible because let’s face it: date–me has got NOTHING going for it except maybe its decent user interface design but apart from that …forgetaboutit!!!!

  • Location-based matching
  • Private chat messaging
  • Ability to send virtual gifts
  • Advanced search filters
  • Profile verification system

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a dating app, Date-me is definitely not the one. I recently tried it out and found that its user profiles are far from impressive. To start with, all of the profiles on this platform are public which means anyone can view them without signing up or logging in – talk about privacy breach! Furthermore, there’s no way to set your own custom bio so if you want people to know more about yourself then tough luck!

Another issue I had was with location info; it’s included in every profile but unfortunately there’s no option available for hiding it either. This could be quite problematic as users may feel uncomfortable having their exact whereabouts revealed online even though they have nothing to hide per se. What makes matters worse is that there isn’t any indication of how close two users actually are; meaning someone who lives miles away might think they live nearby due to lack of information regarding distance between them both – yikes! On top of everything else mentioned above, what really sealed the deal when deciding against using Date-me was discovering fake accounts while testing out the site (which were luckily easy enough spot). There weren’t many benefits associated with upgrading my account either other than being able access certain features like sending messages and viewing full sized photos – not exactly worth shelling out money over IMO. All things considered if you’re considering downloading this app then don’t bother wasting your time because chances are slim that anything good will come from it…trust me on this one folks!!

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a dating app, Date-me is not the one to go with. While it may look like an attractive option on the surface, its safety and security measures are severely lacking. There’s no verification process whatsoever – meaning anyone can join without proving their identity or authenticity in any way. This means that bots and fake accounts could easily infiltrate your search results; making it difficult to find genuine matches. Plus there isn’t even a two-step verification option available!

What about photos? Well unfortunately they don’t seem to be manually reviewed either so who knows what kind of images you’ll come across when scrolling through profiles… It doesn’t exactly make me feel reassured about using this platform! And let’s not forget privacy policies – which are pretty much non existent here too! So if someone wanted access to your personal data then all they’d have do is sign up as a member and start snooping around… yikes!!

All in all I wouldn’t recommend Date-me at all if you’re serious about online dating because frankly speaking its lack of safety features just won’t cut it these days – especially considering how many other options out there offer more secure experiences than this one does. Save yourself some time (and potential heartache) by steering clear from this dodgy little number altogether


If you’re looking for a dating app, Date-me might not be the one. It’s definitely not free – if you want to get any use out of it, you’ll have to shell out some cash. Sure, there are benefits that come with getting a paid subscription but they don’t make up for the price tag! The prices aren’t competitive either; other apps offer more features at lower costs.

Bottom line: unless money is no object and all your dates must go through an app like Date-me then this isn’t worth it – save yourself some dough and look elsewhere!

| Plan | Price | Features

Similar Apps

Some alternatives to Date-me include Tinder, Bumble, OkCupid, Hinge and – all of which offer a variety of features for finding potential matches in your area.

  • Tinder
  • Bumble
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Hinge

Best for

  • Best for people who are looking to find a long-term relationship.
  • Best for singles who want to meet new people and make friends.
  • Best for those seeking casual dating or hookups.


1. Is Date-me free?

No, Date-me is not free. It’s a paid service and it’s quite expensive too. Definitely not worth the money in my opinion!

2. Is Date-me worth it?

I tried Date-me and it was a huge disappointment. The matches were terrible, the interface was clunky, and I didn’t have any luck finding someone special. All in all, I wouldn’t recommend this app to anyone looking for love.

3. How to use Date-me without paying?

Using Date-me without paying is not recommended. It limits your access to features and makes it difficult to find potential matches, as you won’t be able to see who liked or messaged you. Plus, the free version of this app doesn’t provide any guarantees that its users are genuine – so use with caution!

4. What are Date-me alternatives?

After trying Date-me, I’m not impressed. There are much better alternatives out there like Tinder or Bumble that have more features and a larger user base. Plus they’re way easier to use than Date-me so you don’t waste your time with it!

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By Laura Bilotta

Laura Bilotta is an online dating expert and founder of the successful matchmaking service, Single in the City. She has been helping singles find love for over a decade now. With her extensive knowledge on relationships and dating, she has become one of Canada’s most sought-after relationship experts. Her expertise stems from her own personal experiences as well as educational background in psychology with a specialization in family studies at York University's Glendon College Campus. After completing this degree program Laura began to explore different avenues within the field which led to working with various media outlets such as The Globe & Mail, CTV News Channel and CBC Radio One where she provided commentary on topics related to modern day romance including navigating through digital platforms like Tinder or Bumble among others . Her work was so impactful that it inspired her first book “Single In The City: From Hookups & Heartbreaks To Love & Lifemates - Tales Of Dating In Your Twenties” published by Penguin Random House Canada (2017). In addition to being featured regularly across many print publications such as Chatelaine Magazine , Flare Magazine , Toronto Star Newspaper , Metro Newspaper etc., Laura also appears frequently on television programs discussing everything from how technology impacts our romantic lives today all way up until tips for having great conversations while out speed dating! It is clear why people look towards Laura when they need help finding their perfect partner – not only does she have years of experience but more importantly understands what works best when it comes down connecting two hearts together!

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