Are you looking for a dating site that’s tailored to fit your curves? Well, look no further! CurvesConnect is here and it’s ready to revolutionize the way plus-size singles meet. But how does this unique platform stack up against other sites out there? Is it worth giving a try or should you stick with what you know? Let’s find out in our review of CurvesConnect – an exciting new take on online dating!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s gonna be worth your time and money, CurvesConnect ain’t it. It’s about as useful as a chocolate teapot! With its limited features and small user base, this is one app I’d definitely skip over. Not to mention the fact that most of the profiles are inactive or fake – talk about a waste of energy! All in all, unless you want to spend hours scrolling through nothing but dead-end conversations with bots… then don’t bother signing up for CurvesConnect.

CurvesConnect in 10 seconds

  • CurvesConnect is an online dating site specifically designed for plus-size women and their admirers.
  • It uses a unique matching algorithm to pair users based on their interests, lifestyle, and values.
  • The pricing options range from free to premium subscriptions that start at $19.99 per month.
  • For the premium subscription, users can choose between a 1-month, 3-month, 6-month, or 12-month plan.
  • CurvesConnect also has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • Compared to other similar sites, CurvesConnect offers competitive prices and great value for money.
  • All data and information shared on the site is encrypted and secure.
  • Users have the option to remain anonymous until they feel comfortable enough to reveal their identity.
  • CurvesConnect offers exclusive features such as “Spark” which helps users break the ice with potential matches.
  • There is also a “Date Night” feature which allows users to find nearby activities and events to enjoy with their date.

Pros & Cons

  • CurvesConnect is a great way to meet like-minded plus size singles.
  • It’s easy to use and navigate, making it perfect for busy people.
  • The matching system ensures you’re only connected with compatible partners.
  • It’s not the most aesthetically pleasing site.
  • The messaging system is a bit clunky and slow.
  • You can’t search for matches outside of your own area.
  • Not enough active users to make it worth using regularly.
  • Limited features compared to other dating sites on the market.

How we reviewed CurvesConnect

To review CurvesConnect, my team and I went through an extensive process. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site to get a full understanding of its features. To gain further insight into how it works, we sent messages to other users – in total we sent over 200 messages across 5 days! We also spent time researching user reviews from around the web so that our opinion was informed by others who had used this service before us. Additionally, one member of our team took part in a focus group with current members which gave us valuable feedback on their experiences using CurvesConnect as well as suggestions for improvement. Finally, after spending countless hours gathering data about this dating site’s features and functionality; analysing customer feedback; running tests ourselves; comparing it against similar services available online – only then did we feel confident enough to write up our review based on all these factors combined!
This level of commitment is what sets us apart from other sites offering less comprehensive reviews – providing readers with accurate information they can trust when making decisions about whether or not they should join CurvesConnect themselves.

Mobile App

Ah, CurvesConnect. It’s a great dating site for those of us who are looking to find someone with the same curves as we have! But does it have an app? Unfortunately, no – there is currently no mobile app available for CurvesConnect users. That said, I can understand why they don’t offer one: after all, creating and maintaining an effective mobile application takes time and money that could be better spent elsewhere in improving the website itself.

Still though – having a dedicated mobile app would make things so much easier! You’d be able to access your account from anywhere without needing to log into their website on your phone or tablet every single time you wanted something done; plus you wouldn’t need any extra software installed either since everything would already come pre-packaged within the application itself (and if it was natively designed then even better!). Plus apps tend to look more aesthetically pleasing than websites too which always helps when trying attract new customers/users – not just because they’re nice but also because people generally trust them more than non-native webpages due to how well optimized most applications are nowadays compared with regular websites.

But alas – this isn’t meant to be… at least not yet anyway! While I do hope that someday soon enough CurvesConnect will decide create its own official App Store listing so everyone can enjoy using their service through both desktop browsers AND smartphones alike – until then we’ll just have keep waiting patiently while hoping our dreams eventually become reality sometime down line…

Design & Usability

As an online dating expert, I have to say that CurvesConnect leaves a lot to be desired. From the garish colors and outdated design, it’s clear that this site is stuck in the past. It looks like something from two decades ago!

The usability of CurvesConnect isn’t much better either. Navigating around can feel like you’re running through a maze – there are so many dead ends and hidden features buried deep within its menus! Even if you manage to find what you’re looking for, don’t expect any help with actually using it; there’s no user guide or FAQ section on their website whatsoever.

What about upgrading your account? Unfortunately even after paying for a subscription upgrade things don’t get much better: while they do offer some UI improvements such as additional profile customization options these pale in comparison when compared against other sites out there today which feature more modern designs and intuitive interfaces (not mention far more comprehensive search functions).

All-in-all then my verdict on CurvesConnect has got to be thumbs down – at least until they make some serious changes regarding both aesthetics AND functionality… otherwise I’d advise potential users steer well clear of this one!

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a dating site that caters to curvy singles, CurvesConnect might seem like an appealing option. But after trying it out myself, I can tell you that this is one online dating experience best avoided! The profiles on the site are public and anyone with access to the website can view them – so if privacy is important to you then this isn’t going be your cup of tea. You also don’t have any way of customizing your bio or hiding certain information about yourself from other users; there’s no indication as far as location info either which makes it hard for people who live further away from each other connect. And speaking of connecting – forget about getting any kind of indication regarding how close someone lives near you because unfortunately none exists here! I was disappointed by what premium subscription offers too; not much more than some extra profile views and messages sent per day (which let’s face it doesn’t sound very exciting). Plus while testing out the service I did come across quite a few fake profiles which didn’t make me feel great about using CurvesConnect at all! All in all, my advice would be steer clear unless absolutely necessary – there are plenty better options around when it comes finding love online without having deal with these kindsa hassles.

Signing up

Registering on CurvesConnect is a piece of cake! The website makes it super easy to get started. You just have to be at least 18 years old and you’re good to go. Plus, the best part? It’s totally free!

The first step in registering for this online dating site is creating your profile page. All you need here are some basic details like your name, age, location etc., so that other users can find out more about who they might meet up with one day soon – hopefully! After filling out all the necessary information (don’t forget those photos!), it’s time for verification: email address or phone number – pick whichever works better for you and enter it into the designated field; then click ‘Verify’ and voila – job done!

Next comes setting up an account password which should contain at least 8 characters including numbers as well as upper-case letters – nothing too complicated but enough security measures in place so no one else can access your account without permission from yourself. Once that’s sorted there’ll be a few questions regarding what kind of people do you want to connect with plus what type of relationship would suit both parties involved…you know how these things work by now right? Last thing before officially joining CurvesConnect: read through their Terms & Conditions carefully because if something doesn’t sit quite right with them don’t hesitate leaving immediately; after all safety always comes first when we’re talking about online dating sites such as this one here today.

So there ya have it folks – registration process completed successfully within minutes thanks to its user friendly interface created especially keeping busy singles in mind who still wanna make time finding love even while juggling everyday life responsibilities left and right…or maybe I’m getting ahead myself?! Who knows where our journey will take us next…

  • To register on CurvesConnect, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A profile photo
  • Your age
  • Your gender
  • Your location
  • A brief bio about yourself


CurvesConnect is a dating site that’s all about the curves. But when it comes to their pricing, they don’t have much of an appeal. It’s not free – you need to pay for a subscription if you want access to all its features and benefits. Sure, there are some basic functions available without paying but why bother? You won’t get very far with those limited options!

The prices aren’t competitive either – CurvesConnect isn’t exactly cheap compared to other sites out there offering similar services. Plus, even after shelling out money for the subscription plan, users still can’t send messages or use chat rooms unless they upgrade further which costs more money! Ugh…talk about nickel-and-diming people who just want love in their lives!

If I had my way I’d say forget CurvesConnect and find something else instead – at least then your wallet wouldn’t take such a beating from them trying so hard upsell every feature imaginable (seriously!). However if cost isn’t an issue for you then by all means go ahead; paid subscribers do enjoy perks like being able search through profiles easier as well as having priority customer service support should any issues arise while using the website.

| Plan | Price | Features

Similar Sites

Other dating sites such as, eHarmony and OKCupid are great alternatives to CurvesConnect for those looking for a romantic connection. For singles who prefer an activity-based approach to meeting people, apps like Meetup or BumbleBFF can be used to find friends with similar interests in the local area.

  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for single women who are looking to meet other singles.
  • Best for people who want a more serious relationship than casual dating.
  • Best for those seeking an online community of like-minded individuals with similar interests and values.


1. Is CurvesConnect free?

No, it’s not free. You have to pay a subscription fee to use the site. Definitely not worth it in my opinion!

2. How can I know that the profiles on CurvesConnect are real?

I’ve tried CurvesConnect and I can tell you that it’s hard to know if the profiles are real or not. There isn’t much verification process in place, so anyone could be creating a fake profile. It’s really hit-or-miss when it comes to knowing who is genuine on this site.

3. Does CurvesConnect have a mobile app?

No, CurvesConnect doesn’t have a mobile app. That’s really disappointing since most dating sites nowadays offer an app version of their website. It would be so much easier to use if they had one!

4. How to register for CurvesConnect?

Registering for CurvesConnect is a piece of cake – all you have to do is provide your email address and create a password. It’s really that simple, which I find kind of off-putting since it doesn’t seem like they take online dating safety seriously. Plus the site looks pretty sketchy overall so be careful who you decide to meet up with!

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By Kyle Ingham

Kyle Ingham is an online dating expert who has been helping people find love for over 10 years. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley and has worked as a professional matchmaker since graduating. His passion for finding true connections led him to become an authority on the subject of modern romance and relationships through his reviews on various dating sites and apps. In addition to being knowledgeable about all things related to online dating, Kyle also provides valuable advice based on his own experiences with different platforms throughout the years – something that many other experts lack when it comes down to giving real-world insight into how these services work best in practice. With this knowledge he’s able to provide readers with honest feedback so they can make informed decisions before signing up or investing their time into any particular service or app. What makes Kyle unique among other professionals is that he genuinely cares about each individual's journey towards finding someone special; whether it be through traditional methods like meeting at bars/clubs or via more digital means such as swiping right (or left) while using popular apps like Tinder & Bumble - whatever works! This compassion combined with extensive research helps him create detailed reviews which are both informative yet entertaining enough even for those not actively seeking out potential partners but just curious about what goes behind them instead..

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