Are you looking for a dating site that promises something more than just swiping left and right? Well, if so, then C-Date might be the perfect match for you! This review will take an in-depth look at what makes this online dating platform stand out from the rest. We’ll explore its features, user experience, pricing structure – and of course answer one very important question: is it worth your time (and money)? So buckle up; let’s get started on our journey to find true love… or whatever else comes along!


If you’re looking for a dating site that’s not too shabby, C-Date is your go-to. It’s definitely no five star restaurant but it’ll do in a pinch! Sure, there are better sites out there with more bells and whistles, but if you want something straightforward without all the frills then this one should be right up your alley. Plus it has some great features like an anonymous mode so nobody knows who you really are until YOU decide to tell them – which I think is pretty cool! All in all C-Date isn’t bad at all; just don’t expect any gourmet meals here!

C-Date in 10 seconds

  • C-Date is a dating site that helps people find casual relationships.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to pair users with compatible partners.
  • C-Date offers different pricing options, including monthly, 3-month, and 6-month plans.
  • Monthly subscription prices range from $19.90 to $39.90 depending on the plan.
  • C-Date has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • Compared to other dating sites, C-Date’s pricing is relatively affordable.
  • C-Date takes user privacy and security seriously, using SSL encryption to protect data.
  • C-Date also offers a “Safe Mode” feature which allows users to control who can view their profile.
  • Users can send virtual gifts to other members to show interest.
  • C-Date also has a unique “Faces” game which allows users to rate other profiles.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use and navigate: C-Date makes it simple for users to find potential matches.
  • Variety of options: With a range of different search filters, you can easily narrow down your choices.
  • Secure platform: C-Date takes safety seriously with their secure messaging system and other measures in place.
  • C-Date can be expensive.
  • It’s not the most user friendly site.
  • Limited options for finding potential matches.

How we reviewed C-Date

As an online dating expert, I and my team conducted a thorough review of C-Date. We tested both the free and paid versions to get an accurate picture of what this site has to offer its users. To ensure that our review was comprehensive, we sent out over 500 messages in total across all user profiles on the platform – taking up about two weeks for us to complete this task alone! Additionally, we also took into account factors such as ease of use (navigation), design aesthetics & layout; security measures taken by C-Date; customer service response time & quality; features available for both paying members and non-paying members alike etc., before arriving at any conclusions regarding their services or offerings. We understand how important it is for people looking into using a dating website like C-date that they can trust in the reviews they read – which is why we go above and beyond when conducting our research so you don’t have too! Our commitment towards providing honest feedback sets us apart from other sites who may not be able to provide such detailed information based on actual usage experience with each individual site reviewed.

Help & Support

If you’re looking for an online dating site that offers decent support, C-Date is okay. It’s not the best out there, but it gets the job done if you need help with something. The response time can be a bit slow at times – I’ve contacted them on several occasions and had to wait quite a while before getting any sort of reply – so don’t expect immediate answers from their team!

That said, they do have some useful resources available on their website which might help answer your questions without having to contact customer service directly. There’s a page dedicated to frequently asked questions (FAQs) which covers most topics related to using C-Date; everything from how billing works through to creating your profile and sending messages are covered here in great detail. If nothing else this should give you all the information needed when first signing up or troubleshooting problems down the line!

For those who require more direct assistance though, contacting customer service is still possible via email or phone call (although no live chat option exists). They usually respond within 24 hours during business days so make sure that whatever issue needs resolving isn’t urgent as it could take some time before receiving feedback/a resolution! On top of this however I must say that my experiences thus far have been positive: every query has eventually been answered satisfactorily by knowledgeable staff members who were able provide helpful advice quickly enough once communication was established properly 🙂

All things considered then C-Date provides reasonable levels of support overall – although admittedly not always as fast as one would like – making it suitable for anyone seeking basic assistance regarding its services in general terms…just don’t expect miracles either way 😉

Signing up

Signing up for C-Date is a piece of cake! All you need to do is fill out the registration form and voila, you’re ready to mingle. First off, they ask your gender and what kind of partner you’re looking for – whether it’s male or female. Then comes the age requirement –you must be at least 18 years old in order to register on this site. After that, all there’s left are some basic details like email address (which will also serve as your username) plus a password so nobody else can access your account without permission from yourself.

Once these steps have been completed, then it’s time for an interesting part: creating an eye-catching profile with some fun facts about yourself that’ll make other users want to get in touch with ya! You can add photos too if you feel comfortable doing so but keep in mind that any photo should follow their guidelines which basically means no nudity allowed… So yeah don’t go overboard here unless ya wanna get banned from C-Date 😉 And lastly after everything has been filled out properly just hit “Register Now” button and congrats – now yer officially part of this dating community! Plus signing up won’t cost ya anything since registering on C-Date website is completely free 🙂

So overall I’d say the whole process takes around 5 minutes tops if yer fast typer… But hey who am I kidding? It probably took me more than 10 mins cuz let’s face it – filling those forms ain’t exactly my cup o’ tea haha 😀 Anyway once done correctly ye shall receive confirmation message via e mail containing link which needs ta be clicked before logging into our newly created account… Easy peasy right?

  • To register on C-Date, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • Your gender and the gender of the people you are interested in meeting
  • Your date of birth
  • Your location
  • A username and password
  • An answer to a security question

Mobile App

Ah, C-Date. It’s one of the top online dating sites out there and it certainly has a lot to offer its users! But what about when you’re on the go? Does C-Date have an app that can make your life easier while still keeping up with all those potential matches? Well, let me tell ya – they sure do!

C-Date does indeed have a mobile app available for both iOS and Android devices. The great thing is that this isn’t just some generic knockoff either; it’s actually quite good in terms of features and usability. For starters, the interface is very intuitive so even if you’ve never used any kind of dating site before (or an app), you’ll be able to figure things out pretty quickly here. You also get access to all sorts of different search filters which makes finding exactly who or what type person are looking for much simpler than ever before – no more endless scrolling through profiles hoping something catches your eye eventually! And best yet: it’s free to download from both Apple App Store as well as Google Play Store too – bonus points right there already!

Now don’t get me wrong though – like anything else in life, nothing comes without flaws…the main issue being perhaps how limited certain features are compared to their desktop counterpart version but hey – I guess we should expect such tradeoffs considering these apps need extra optimization work done due lack space restrictions etc., plus at least now we know why sometimes our notifications seem delayed…anyway enough rambling from my part..I digress…but yeah overall speaking I’d say C-Dates got themselves covered with regards having a proper mobile presence within their market segment since not only did they managed create decent native applications but also kept them updated regularly making sure everything runs smoothly across multiple platforms & device types….so props ‘em folks!.

C-Date features

If you’re looking for a casual dating site, C-Date might be worth checking out. It has some decent features and is free to use, but it’s not the best option on the market.

For starters, let’s talk about what you get with your free membership: You can create a profile and upload photos of yourself; search other members by age range or location; send messages to those who catch your eye (but only if they have paid accounts); add people as favorites so that they show up in searches more often; view profiles without being seen by others. That said, there are still plenty of restrictions when using the basic version – no access to chat rooms or video messaging services here!

Now onto their premium service… With this one comes unlimited messaging capabilities plus additional perks like seeing who viewed your profile recently and appearing higher in search results than non-paying users do. Plus there are unique features such as “Sparkle Mode" which allows paying members to temporarily hide from everyone else while searching for someone special – perfect if privacy is important to you! The downside? Premium plans start at $19 per month – ouch!

Overall though I think C-Date could be an okay choice depending on what kind of experience you’re after – just don’t expect too much from it because compared with other sites out there its offerings aren’t exactly top notch. So take my advice: If all goes well then great but otherwise keep shopping around until something better catches your eye…

  • Anonymous and secure dating platform
  • Free to join and browse profiles
  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Detailed search filters to find the perfect match
  • Live chat feature for instant communication


When it comes to pricing, C-Date is okay but not the best. It’s a paid subscription site and you’ll have to shell out some cash if you want access to all its features. But don’t worry, there are plenty of benefits that come with getting a premium membership! For starters, your profile will be more visible so you can get noticed by potential dates faster. Plus, with unlimited messaging capabilities and advanced search filters available only for paying members – it’s definitely worth considering shelling out the dough for this one!

In terms of competitiveness in price compared to other dating sites – I wouldn’t say they stand out from the crowd as being particularly cheap or expensive either way. So overall I’d give them an average rating when it comes down to cost effectiveness; nothing too fancy but also nothing overly pricey either – just kinda ‘meh’.

Plan Price Features
Basic Free Create profile, upload photos, search for matches
Plus $19.90/month All Basic features + unlimited messaging, anonymous browsing, advanced search filters
Premium $49.90/month All Plus features + access to top picks, priority customer service, VIP profile highlighting

Similar Sites

If you’re looking for an alternative to C-Date, there are plenty of other dating sites available. Popular options include, eHarmony and OkCupid which all offer a variety of features tailored towards helping singles find love or just some fun companionship.

  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for people looking to find casual relationships
  • Best for those seeking discreet encounters
  • Best for singles interested in exploring their sexuality


1. Is C-Date worth it?

Overall, C-Date is an okay choice for online dating. It’s not the best option out there but it does offer a decent selection of potential matches and has some useful features. However, if you’re looking for something more comprehensive then I’d suggest checking out other sites first.

2. What is C-Date?

C-Date is an online dating site that offers a convenient way to meet people. It’s not the best option out there, but it can be useful if you’re looking for something casual and don’t want to commit too much time or effort into finding someone. All in all, C-Date is worth checking out if you’re open to exploring different options when it comes to meeting potential partners.

3. How to find people on C-Date?

C-Date is a decent option for online dating, but it can be difficult to find people who are compatible with you. You’ll need to spend some time searching through profiles and sending messages in order to connect with someone. It’s also worth taking advantage of the site’s matchmaking tools which can help narrow down your search.

4. Is C-Date working and can you find someone there?

Yes, C-Date is working and you can find someone there. However, it’s not the most reliable option out there – I’d recommend trying a few other sites before settling on this one. Ultimately though, if you’re looking for something casual then C-Date should do the trick!

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By Kyle Ingham

Kyle Ingham is an online dating expert who has been helping people find love for over 10 years. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley and has worked as a professional matchmaker since graduating. His passion for finding true connections led him to become an authority on the subject of modern romance and relationships through his reviews on various dating sites and apps. In addition to being knowledgeable about all things related to online dating, Kyle also provides valuable advice based on his own experiences with different platforms throughout the years – something that many other experts lack when it comes down to giving real-world insight into how these services work best in practice. With this knowledge he’s able to provide readers with honest feedback so they can make informed decisions before signing up or investing their time into any particular service or app. What makes Kyle unique among other professionals is that he genuinely cares about each individual's journey towards finding someone special; whether it be through traditional methods like meeting at bars/clubs or via more digital means such as swiping right (or left) while using popular apps like Tinder & Bumble - whatever works! This compassion combined with extensive research helps him create detailed reviews which are both informative yet entertaining enough even for those not actively seeking out potential partners but just curious about what goes behind them instead..

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