Are you a biker looking for love? Then Biker Match might be the perfect site for you! But don’t take our word for it – let’s dive into this review and find out what makes this dating site so special. Does it have all the features to make your search easy and enjoyable? Is there enough security in place to keep your information safe? How user-friendly is its interface, really? We’ll answer these questions (and more!) as we explore everything that Biker Match has to offer. So buckle up – here we go!


Ugh, Biker Match. What a waste of time and money! It’s like trying to find a needle in the haystack – you’ll never get anywhere with it. The interface is outdated and user-unfriendly; I felt like I was stuck in the 90s when using it. Plus, there are hardly any active users on this site – so don’t expect much from your search results here! All things considered, if you’re looking for someone who shares your passion for biking then give Biker Match a miss – trust me, you won’t regret it!

Biker Match in 10 seconds

  • Biker Match is a dating site specifically designed for bikers.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to connect users with compatible partners.
  • Biker Match offers both free and premium subscription options.
  • The premium subscription costs $19.99 per month, $49.99 for three months, or $79.99 for six months.
  • Biker Match does not have an app available yet.
  • Its pricing is competitive compared to other similar sites on the market.
  • Biker Match has strong privacy and security measures in place to protect user data.
  • It also offers special features such as profile verification and exclusive events.
  • Users can search for potential matches by location, age, gender, and interests.
  • Biker Match also allows users to create their own custom groups and join existing ones.

Pros & Cons

  • Biker Match makes it easy to find like-minded singles who share a passion for biking.
  • The site is user friendly and offers great features such as chat rooms, forums, and event listings.
  • It’s free to join so you can start meeting potential matches right away!
  • Limited options for communication outside of the website.
  • Searching can be time consuming and difficult to narrow down potential matches.
  • Lack of a mobile app makes it hard to stay connected on-the-go.
  • Not enough detailed profile information available about users.
  • Matchmaking algorithm is not very accurate or reliable in finding compatible partners quickly

How we reviewed Biker Match

My team and I conducted a thorough review of Biker Match. We tested both the free and paid versions, spending days sending messages to other users (we sent over 500 messages in total). To ensure accuracy, we also checked out the profiles of existing members on the site to get an idea about their interests. We then looked at how easy it was for us to navigate through different features like search filters or messaging options. Additionally, we made sure that all our conversations were secure by testing various security protocols such as two-factor authentication system and SSL encryption technology used by Biker Match. Finally, we analyzed user reviews from third party sites which gave us further insight into what people thought about this dating service before giving our final verdict on its performance overall. This commitment sets us apart from other review sites who don’t offer such in-depth reviews – ensuring you can make informed decisions when choosing your online dating platform!

Mobile App

Ah, Biker Match. It’s the perfect place for bikers to find love and companionship on two wheels! But does it have a mobile app? Well, I’m here to give you all the deets.

Unfortunately, there is no native Biker Match app available in either Google Play or Apple App Store at this time – so if you’re looking for an easy way to access your profile while out on a ride then you’ll be disappointed. That said, there are still plenty of ways that users can stay connected with their matches from anywhere – but more about that later…

The good news is that even without an official mobile application dedicated solely to its services; Biker Match has gone above and beyond when it comes making sure members can connect easily from any device they choose. The website itself works perfectly well across both desktop computers as well as smartphones and tablets – meaning whether you’re using Android or iOS devices (or anything else!) You won’t miss out on being able search profiles & send messages whenever inspiration strikes! Plus thanks modern web technology like HTML5 & CSS3; everything looks just as sharp regardless of what type of screen size/resolution your device has too which makes things super convenient!

As far why we don’t yet have our own dedicated mobile apps? Well…it could simply come down cost vs reward equation – creating something like this takes considerable resources after all not mention having maintain them over time too so unless they feel confident enough people will use them regularly enough it may take some convincing before one gets made.. In other words: keep spreading the word folks because who knows maybe someday soon we’ll get lucky & see our very own version pop up in those stores!!

Signing up

If you’re looking for a dating site that caters to bikers, then Biker Match is the place for you. Registering on this website is pretty straightforward and it won’t take too much of your time. All users must be at least 18 years old in order to register – so no minors allowed! The registration process itself can be done completely free of charge, which makes it even more appealing.

First things first: create an account by entering your email address and choosing a password (make sure it’s secure!). After verifying your email address with the confirmation link sent out by Biker Match, they’ll ask some basic questions about yourself such as gender identity and age range preferences when searching for potential matches; all these are optional though if you’d rather keep them private or answer later on down the line – totally up to you! Next comes filling out some personal information like height/weight measurements or eye color etc., again not compulsory but recommended if one wants their profile page complete enough to attract attention from other members browsing through profiles.

Moving onto uploading pictures: although there’s no requirement here either way, having at least one picture uploaded will certainly increase chances of getting noticed since many people tend only look into profiles with photos attached…so don’t miss out just because shyness got ya beatin’ around the bush! Lastly before completing registration process make sure everything looks alright in terms of what type information has been entered already; after double-checking go ahead click “submit" button finish off registering an official member BikerMatch community where love awaits those who seek adventure beyond ordinary relationships…or something along those lines 😉

  • To register on Biker Match, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your age
  • Your gender
  • Your location
  • A profile picture

Help & Support

If you’re looking for a dating site that offers great support, Biker Match is not the one. I was hoping to find some help when using this website but it seems like they don’t really care about their users.

The response time from customer service is pretty much non-existent and there’s no page with frequently asked questions either! Even if you try to contact them directly via email or phone, chances are slim that anyone will get back to you in any reasonable amount of time – if at all. It’s been two weeks since I sent an inquiry and still haven’t heard anything back yet – talk about crickets chirping!

I understand things can be busy on a dating site but what good does it do me as a user? The whole point of having someone manning the phones (or emails) should be so people have access to assistance whenever needed right? Unfortunately, Biker Match fails miserably in this department; making your experience less than satisfactory because let’s face it: nobody likes feeling ignored or left out in the cold after asking for help!

And while we’re talking about ignoring customers here: how come none of my messages were answered?! That just goes against common courtesy doesn’t it!? Not even acknowledging receipt would’ve made me feel better… Anything other than radio silence would’ve been appreciated too… But alas nothing came through which only added insult injury considering how long I waited before giving up hope altogether.. Ughh!!

All jokes aside though folks: If top notch customer service matters more than anything else then steer clear from Biker Match unless waiting days/weeks for answers sounds appealing – cuz trust me when i say ‘ain’t nobody got time fo’ dat!’

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a dating app that promises safety and security, Biker Match is not the one. This online platform falls short when it comes to verifying its users or fighting against bots and fake accounts. There’s no two-step verification option available either, so there’s really nothing stopping someone from creating an account with false information. Plus, photos are rarely reviewed manually – meaning anyone can upload any kind of photo they want without being checked by moderators first!

The privacy policy also leaves much to be desired; in fact I’d go as far as saying it doesn’t exist at all! It seems like this site has been put together quickly with little thought given to protecting user data or preventing fraudsters from taking advantage of unsuspecting members. And while some may argue that bikers don’t need extra protection since they’re already tough enough on their own – well let me tell ya: everyone needs a bit more help than just muscle power these days!

All in all, if you’re considering joining Biker Match then think twice before doing so because your personal details could end up getting shared without your knowledge or consent – which would be pretty darn scary (not to mention embarrassing!). If safety and security are important factors for you when choosing an online dating service then look elsewhere because unfortunately this isn’t the place where those qualities shine through…


When it comes to Biker Match, I have some bad news. This dating site isn’t free – you’ll need a paid subscription if you want to use all of its features. Sure, there are benefits for getting one – like being able to message other users and view their profiles in full detail – but that doesn’t make the price tag any easier on your wallet! And unfortunately, the prices aren’t exactly competitive either; they’re pretty steep compared with similar sites out there.

Bottom line: unless you’ve got deep pockets or don’t mind shelling out extra cash just for access to this particular dating website (which may not be worth it), then steer clear of Biker Match’s pricey subscriptions!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, upload photos, browse profiles, send winks, read and reply to messages, chat rooms
Plus $9.99/month All free features plus: View who’s interested in you, unlimited messaging, advanced search options
Premium $19.99/month All Plus features plus: See who viewed your profile, access to exclusive events, priority customer service

Similar Sites

Other popular dating sites for bikers include Biker Planet and Meet Local Bikers. Both offer similar features to those found on Biker Match, such as the ability to create a profile, search for other members in your area, and communicate with potential matches.

  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for people who are looking to date someone with a passion for biking.
  • Best for those seeking an active lifestyle partner.
  • Best for bikers interested in meeting other like-minded individuals.


1. Is Biker Match legit?

I wouldn’t say Biker Match is legit. It’s not the best dating site out there, and it definitely doesn’t have the most active users. Plus, I’ve heard a lot of people complain about its security features being subpar.

2. How to register for Biker Match?

Registering for Biker Match is pretty straightforward. All you have to do is fill out a few basic details and you’re good to go. It’s really that simple – no wonder it has such a bad reputation!

3. How much does Biker Match cost?

Biker Match is way too expensive. It’s ridiculous how much they charge for a dating site, especially one that doesn’t even guarantee you’ll find someone. I’d stay away from it if I were you!

4. How can I contact Biker Match?

You can contact Biker Match through their website, but I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s not the most reliable dating site out there and customer service isn’t great either. You’re better off finding a different online dating platform to use instead.

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By Richard Fenton

Richard Fenton is an online dating expert who has dedicated his life to helping others find love. With a degree in Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley and years of experience working with couples counseling, Richard brings both knowledge and understanding to the world of online dating. He began writing reviews on various sites and apps after seeing firsthand how difficult it can be for people looking for meaningful relationships through digital means. His passion lies in providing helpful advice that will make navigating this complex landscape easier while also highlighting potential pitfalls along the way. Having experienced first-hand what it’s like trying to find someone special using these platforms himself, he understands just how daunting it can feel when starting out – which is why he wants everyone else searching for their perfect match not only have success but do so safely too! To help further his mission, Richard regularly speaks at events across North America about topics such as safety tips when meeting up with strangers or avoiding scammers on certain sites/apps - all designed towards giving users peace of mind during their search journey . Aside from offering insight into best practices within this field , Richard continues to write extensively about different aspects related specifically to online dating; whether its analyzing user experiences between two popular services or exploring new features being rolled out by one platform over another - there's always something interesting happening that needs discussing ! In addition , you'll often see him featured as a guest contributor on other media outlets where he shares even more valuable information regarding modern day romance .

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