Are you looking for love? Tired of the same old dating sites that just don’t seem to work out? Well, then BeHappy2day might be your answer! But is it really worth signing up for this online dating site or should you look elsewhere? In this review, we take a closer look at what makes BeHappy2day different and whether it could help you find true love. So let’s dive in – are ya ready?!


BeHappy2day is the dating equivalent of a dollar store – sure, it’s cheap and there are plenty of options, but most of them just aren’t worth your time or money. From my experience with BeHappy2day I can tell you that all those ‘options’ come at a cost: fake profiles galore! It was like trying to find an honest politician in Washington D.C., good luck! Don’t waste your time on this site; trust me when I say it ain’t gonna be happy for ya here!

BeHappy2day in 10 seconds

  • BeHappy2day is an international online dating site.
  • It uses a unique matching algorithm to connect compatible users.
  • Pricing options range from free to premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions cost $9.99 per month, $24.99 for three months, or $59.99 for one year.
  • There is no mobile app available.
  • The pricing of BeHappy2day is comparable to other similar sites on the market.
  • All user data is encrypted and stored securely.
  • Special features include video chat, gift delivery, and profile verification.
  • User profiles are moderated and verified to ensure authenticity.
  • Members can also send anonymous messages to other users.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use interface – BeHappy2day makes it simple for anyone to find a date.
  • Large user base – With thousands of users, you’re sure to find someone special.
  • Variety of features – From chat rooms and video calls, there’s something for everyone on BeHappy2day!
  • Not all profiles are verified, so there’s a risk of encountering fake accounts.
  • Some features require payment to access them.
  • The website is not very user-friendly and can be confusing at times.
  • Limited search options make it difficult to find the right match quickly.
  • There have been reports of scammers on the site, so users need to be careful when interacting with others online.

How we reviewed BeHappy2day

As an online dating expert, I took a deep dive into BeHappy2day to provide readers with the most comprehensive review possible. To start off, we tested both free and paid versions of the site for at least two weeks. We sent out messages to other users – in total, my team and I have sent over 500 messages! During this time period we also spent hours researching user reviews on various platforms as well as reading through their terms & conditions page carefully. We then proceeded by taking note of all features available on BeHappy2day such as video chat options or profile viewing restrictions that come with different membership plans. This was followed up by checking if customer service is prompt in responding to queries via email or live chat feature (which it thankfully is). Lastly but not leastly(!), our experts tried out every single payment option listed under each plan so you can be sure your money will be safe when using this website! My commitment towards providing honest reviews sets me apart from other sites who don’t offer such detailed analysis before recommending any product/service – which means you can trust what I say about BeHappy2day without hesitation!

User Profiles

I recently tried out BeHappy2day, a dating site that promised to be the answer to all my romantic woes. Unfortunately, I was sorely disappointed with what I found there. The user profiles are incredibly basic and lack any real detail about who these people actually are or why they’re on the site in the first place. What’s worse is that most of them aren’t even public – only those with premium subscriptions can view them! Plus, you don’t get an option for custom bios either so it feels like everyone has just copied and pasted their profile from somewhere else without putting much thought into it at all!

Location info is included in each profile but unfortunately there isn’t any indication of how far away someone might be from you – no distance feature whatsoever which makes me wonder if anyone would ever find love here? Even more concerning though is that while testing out this service I encountered several fake profiles too – not exactly reassuring when looking for your potential soulmate online!

As far as benefits go for having a premium subscription…well let’s just say they’re few and far between. Sure some features may seem appealing such as being able to send messages freely instead of waiting around forever before hearing back but honestly unless something drastic changes soon then paying extra money doesn’t really make sense here given how limited everything already seems to be anyway…especially considering how many other better sites exist now where users have access to way more information than what BeHappy2day offers up right now (if anything).

All things considered, BeHappy2day definitely needs work if its going compete against today’s top-tier dating services because frankly speaking: It ain’t gonna cut it anytime soon otherwise…so until then y’all should probably steer clear lest ye want disappointment galore!

BeHappy2day features

Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s not going to make your wallet cry, BeHappy2day might be the one. On the surface it looks like an okay choice – they offer both free and paid features so everyone can get in on the action. But don’t let that fool you; there are some major drawbacks here!

First off, their "free" features aren’t really all that impressive or useful. You can send messages but only after upgrading to a premium membership (which is quite pricey). The search feature also leaves something to be desired – sure you can filter by age and location but no other criteria such as interests or lifestyle choices which would help narrow down potential matches more effectively. Plus even with these basic filters I found myself getting results from far away places when searching locally…not exactly helpful!

And speaking of paying memberships: while most sites have different levels of access depending on how much money you want to spend each month, BeHappy2day doesn’t seem too keen on giving its customers any real bang for their buck – at least none worth mentioning anyway…unless unlimited messaging counts? Yeah didn’t think so either…

As far as unique features go this site has nothing special up its sleeve; just generic profile pages with limited information about users along with standard photo galleries where people upload pics of themselves (sometimes without faces) trying desperately hard look attractive enough for someone else out there in cyberspace who may never actually meet them face-to-face….sadly pathetic isn’t it?!

All things considered I wouldn’t recommend using BeHappy2day unless absolutely necessary because honestly why bother wasting time AND money here when better options exist elsewhere?

  • Live Video Chat: allows users to communicate with each other in real time
  • Matching System: helps users find compatible matches based on their interests and preferences
  • Gift Delivery Service: allows users to send gifts to potential partners
  • Verified Profiles: ensures that all profiles are genuine and verified
  • Safe & Secure: provides a secure platform for users to interact with each other

Help & Support

If you’re looking for a dating site with great support, BeHappy2day is not the one. I was really disappointed by their customer service and response time. It took days to get an answer from them, if any at all! And when they did respond it wasn’t helpful or satisfactory in the least bit.

The only way to contact support on BeHappy2day is through email – there’s no phone number or live chat option available which makes getting help even more difficult than it already is! There isn’t even a page of frequently asked questions that could potentially provide some answers without having to wait around forever for someone from customer service to get back in touch with you (which will probably never happen).

Overall, I’m pretty unimpressed by how this dating site handles its customers’ needs and inquiries – especially since these are important matters we’re talking about here! If you want your problems solved quickly and efficiently then look elsewhere because BeHappy2day won’t cut it.

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site that will make your heart sink, BeHappy2day is the one. From its garish colors to its outdated design, this online dating platform leaves much to be desired when it comes to aesthetics and usability.

Right off the bat, users are met with an eye-searing pink color scheme which screams “amateur hour!” Not only does it look like something out of a 90s website template but there’s no real consistency in terms of how elements are laid out on each page either – making navigation difficult at best. It almost feels as if they took some random clip art images and threw them together without any thought or care given towards creating an intuitive user experience (UX).

The usability doesn’t get any better once you start exploring further into BeHappy2day either; from profile pages being slow to load up properly all the way through trying send messages between members – nothing about this site seems optimized for speed or convenience. Even worse still is that none of these issues seem improved upon even after paying for a subscription plan – so don’t expect anything extra special just because you’ve decided fork over some cash!

All in all I’d say give BeHappy2day wide berth unless you’re feeling particularly masochistic today; everything about it looks dated and clunky compared other modern day sites – not least those designed specifically with lovebirds in mind! So save yourself time (and money) by avoiding what can only be described as ‘the ugly duckling’ amongst online dating platforms…


If you’re looking for a dating site, BeHappy2day is not the one. It’s definitely not free – in fact, it requires a paid subscription to access its features. Sure, they offer some benefits with their membership plans but I don’t think they’re worth the price tag! The prices are way too high and aren’t competitive at all compared to other sites out there.

Plus if you want any extra services like video chat or translation help then you have to pay even more money on top of that! Ugh – talk about nickel-and-diming people into oblivion… Not cool at all. Bottom line: If your wallet can handle it then go ahead and sign up for BeHappy2day – otherwise steer clear because this isn’t going to be an affordable option anytime soon!

Plan Price Features
Basic $9.99/month Profile creation, Search & Browse, Live Chat, Send & Receive Messages
Premium $19.99/month All Basic features plus: Video Chat, Translation Services, Priority Support
VIP $29.99/month All Premium features plus: VIP Support, Personal Matchmaking Services

Similar Sites

Other dating sites that may be of interest include, eHarmony, and Plenty of Fish. These sites offer a variety of features to help users find potential matches in their area or around the world.

  • OkCupid
  • eHarmony
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for people who are looking to meet someone from a different culture.
  • Best for those seeking serious relationships and marriage.
  • Best for individuals interested in international dating.


1. Is BeHappy2day legit?

Absolutely not! BeHappy2day is a total scam. I would never recommend it to anyone looking for an online dating site. It’s definitely not worth your time or money.

2. Is BeHappy2day free?

No, BeHappy2day is not free. It’s a paid service and you have to pay for access to the site. Definitely not worth it in my opinion!

3. Is BeHappy2day worth the money?

I wouldn’t say BeHappy2day is worth the money. It’s just another dating site with a bunch of fake profiles and not much else going for it. Save your cash and look elsewhere if you’re serious about finding someone special online.

4. Is BeHappy2day working and can you find someone there?

I tried BeHappy2day and it’s definitely not worth the time. It seems like a complete waste of energy – there are so few active users that I couldn’t find anyone to connect with. Plus, most of the profiles seem fake or outdated anyway.

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By Evin Rose Lipman

Evin Rose Lipman is an online dating expert and author who has dedicated her career to helping singles find love. With a degree in Psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Evin brings both scientific research and real-world experience to her writing on relationships. After experiencing firsthand how difficult it can be for people to navigate the world of modern romance, she decided that she wanted to use her knowledge and skillset as a way of empowering others. She began by creating reviews for popular dating sites and apps so that users could make informed decisions about which platform was right for them before signing up or investing their time into something they weren't sure would work out. Her advice soon became sought after not only by single daters but also industry professionals looking for insight into what works best when it comes to successful matchmaking strategies. Today, Evin continues sharing helpful tips through articles published on various websites including The Huffington Post, Elite Daily, YourTango among many other reputable outlets where readers can benefit from her expertise in this field with topics ranging from personal safety measures while using online platforms all the way down selecting photos most likely guarantee success when swiping left or right!

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