Are you ready to take your love life into the digital age? SpecialBridge is a dating site that promises to connect singles with disabilities and those without. But how does it really measure up? Does it deliver on its promise of helping people find true connection, or should users steer clear altogether? Read on for an honest review – we’ll cover everything from features and user experience to pricing plans so you can decide if this platform is right for you!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s worth your time and money, SpecialBridge is definitely not it. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack! You might as well be throwing darts blindfolded – there are so few users on the site that it would take an eternity to actually meet someone. Plus, I’m pretty sure all of the profiles are fake anyway. Bottom line: save yourself some trouble and steer clear of this one; trust me – you won’t regret it!

SpecialBridge in 10 seconds

  • SpecialBridge is a dating site that caters to people with special needs and disabilities.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to connect users with similar interests and backgrounds.
  • SpecialBridge offers a range of pricing options, including free and premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $14.99/month for one month, $12.50/month for three months, and $9.99/month for six months.
  • SpecialBridge does not have an app but can be accessed through a web browser.
  • The pricing of SpecialBridge is comparable to other sites on the market.
  • SpecialBridge takes user privacy and security seriously, offering features such as private messaging and profile verification.
  • SpecialBridge also has a blog and forum to provide support and advice to its users.
  • Users can also take advantage of the “Icebreaker” feature to start conversations with potential matches.
  • SpecialBridge also offers an extensive list of search filters to help users find their perfect match.

Pros & Cons

  • SpecialBridge offers a safe and secure online dating experience.
  • It’s easy to use, with helpful features like chat rooms and profile customization.
  • The site is tailored specifically for people with disabilities or special needs, making it an inclusive space for everyone.
  • Not enough users to find a match quickly.
  • Limited search options for finding potential matches.
  • No video chat feature available.
  • Some profiles are incomplete or outdated.
  • Messaging system can be slow and unreliable at times.

How we reviewed SpecialBridge

As an online dating expert, I and my team conducted a thorough review of SpecialBridge. We tested both the free and paid versions to get a comprehensive overview of what this site has to offer. To ensure accuracy in our assessment, we sent out over 100 messages across different user profiles within 10 days. We also took time analyzing all features available on the platform such as its matchmaking system, profile design options etc., making sure that each element is working properly for users’ convenience. Furthermore, we looked into other important aspects like customer service support quality and safety measures implemented by SpecialBridge before recommending it or not to our readership base.
What sets us apart from other review sites is that we are committed to providing an unbiased yet detailed analysis about every product/service reviewed so people can make informed decisions when choosing which one suits them best according their needs & preferences.

Signing up

Signing up for SpecialBridge is a piece of cake! The registration process isn’t complicated at all and you’ll be ready to mingle in no time. All you need to do is provide your basic information, such as name, age (you must be 18 or older), email address and password. Then it’s just a matter of setting up your profile with some photos – so make sure they’re good ones! Once that’s done, the site will ask you about yourself: what kind of relationship are you looking for? What type of person would fit best into your life? And then voila – after answering these questions honestly and accurately, congratulations – You’re now part of the SpecialBridge community!

The whole process takes less than five minutes if everything goes smoothly; however don’t forget that creating an accurate profile can take longer depending on how much detail one wants to include. Also keep in mind that this service comes at no cost which makes it even more appealing when compared with other dating sites out there who charge hefty fees upfront before getting access their services.

So why wait any longer? If finding love has been something hard-to-come by lately then give SpecialBridge a try because hey…you never know where Cupid might strike next right?! With its user friendly interface plus easy signup procedure I’m sure registering won’t leave anyone feeling like they’ve bitten off more than they can chew either way 😉

  • In order to register on SpecialBridge, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Your gender and the gender of your desired match
  • Your age and the age range of your desired match
  • Your location and the distance you are willing to travel for a match
  • An uploaded profile picture

Mobile App

Ah, SpecialBridge – the dating site for those of us who are looking to find a special someone with whom we can share our lives. But does it have an app? Well, unfortunately no – and that’s a real shame! It would be great if they had one so you could stay connected wherever you go. After all, when it comes to finding love on the internet these days having an app is almost essential!

That said though there may be some good reasons why SpecialBridge doesn’t offer its own mobile application just yet. For starters this type of website requires more than your average user verification process in order to keep everyone safe from potential scammers or malicious users which takes time and resources away from developing their own dedicated app solution (which also needs extra security measures). On top of that creating apps isn’t cheap either – especially native ones designed specifically for iOS or Android devices as opposed to web-based applications accessible through any browser window.

So while not having a dedicated mobile platform might seem like something holding them back at first glance I think ultimately it’s probably better off in the long run since they’re able focus more energy into making sure their service remains secure instead spreading themselves too thin by trying do both at once without sacrificing quality control standards along way. Plus let’s face facts here: even if did have its own official application most people still prefer using popular third party services such as Tinder anyway due familiarity factor alone…so maybe not being part game won’t hurt them after all?

User Profiles

I recently tried out SpecialBridge, a dating site for people with special needs. I was hoping to find some great matches but sadly that wasn’t the case. The user profiles are public and anyone can view them so you have to be careful what information you share on your profile. You also don’t get much of an option when it comes to setting up a custom bio – there isn’t one! All the location info is included in each profile which means if privacy is important then this might not be the best choice for you as it’s impossible to hide your whereabouts from other users or visitors of the website.

The distance between users doesn’t seem like something they’ve taken into consideration either; there’s no indication whatsoever whether someone lives close by or far away from where you live, making it hard (if not impossible)to narrow down potential matches who could actually meet up in person without having any issues getting together due their geographical locations being too far apart.. It would definitely make things easier if this feature were available since many people prefer meeting face-to-face rather than just chatting online all day long – especially when looking for love!

When considering premium subscriptions on SpecialBridge, unfortunately there aren’t really any benefits that come along with upgrading compared to using its free version; nothing extra seems worth paying money for here unless maybe more access rights? But even then…it wouldn’t justify spending cash every month just so I can look at more profiles…that ain’t gonna fly! Plus during my time spent testing out this platform I did notice quite a few fake accounts floating around – very suspicious indeed and enough reason alone why one should steer clear of signing up here altogether…or else risk becoming another victim scammed by these imposters trying take advantage unsuspecting singles seeking romance online through deceptive tactics such as catfishing etcetera…. Yikes!!

All in all after giving SpecialBridge a go myself personally speaking….well let me tell ya: There are better options elsewhere – trust me!! So yeah save yourself some time & effort searching roundabout aimlessly cuz’ honestly…this place ain’t got nuthin’ good going fer ’em!!!

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site that looks like it was designed in the early 2000s, then SpecialBridge is your go-to. The design of this website has been stuck in time and lacks any modern appeal. With its bright blue color scheme and clunky navigation bar, I wouldn’t be surprised if most people just gave up before they even had a chance to create an account!

The usability of the site isn’t much better either – from my experience with it, there are too many steps required to sign up or log into your account. It feels like navigating through quicksand at times as some pages take forever to load due to their outdated coding structure which makes me wonder how reliable the security measures on this platform actually are? Not only that but when you finally do get logged in (after what seems like eternity) all of these ads pop up everywhere making it hard for users who want an ad-free experience while browsing potential matches.

As far as features go – well don’t expect anything fancy here because let’s face it; everything about SpecialBridge screams basic! There aren’t really any bells or whistles so unless you’re willing pay extra money for premium membership upgrades then prepare yourself for disappointment since none of those come included with free accounts anyway… yawnnnn!!

To sum things up – if sleek designs and user friendly interfaces make your heart skip a beat than steer clear from Special Bridge because honestly speaking nothing good can come out using such an archaic system! In fact I’d rather use smoke signals than try navigating around this relic again…


If you’re looking for a dating site, SpecialBridge isn’t the one. It may have all the bells and whistles of other sites but it comes with an expensive price tag! Sure, there’s a free version that lets you create your profile and browse potential matches – but if you want to actually interact with anyone or get any real use out of this site then prepare to pay up. Prices are not competitive either – they range from $15-30 per month depending on what type of subscription plan is chosen.

The only benefit I can see in getting a paid membership is being able to send messages without having them be moderated first by staff members (which could take days). But honestly, at those prices who would bother? There are plenty more fish in the sea when it comes to online dating sites so why waste money here? Save yourself some cash and look elsewhere!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, browse profiles, send messages
Plus $10 Advanced search filters, unlimited messaging
Pro $20 Verified profile, priority customer support

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to SpecialBridge include Disabled Mate, Dating 4 Disabled, and Whispers4U. These sites are specifically designed for people with disabilities looking for companionship or romance.

  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for people with disabilities who are looking to find a romantic partner.
  • Best for individuals in the special needs community seeking companionship and friendship.
  • Best for those wanting to connect with others of similar backgrounds or experiences.


1. What payment methods does SpecialBridge accept?

SpecialBridge only accepts payment through credit cards, which is pretty disappointing. It’s a bit of an inconvenience to have to use one when you’re trying out the site and it doesn’t make for a great first impression. Plus, there are plenty of other dating sites that accept more flexible payment methods like PayPal or Apple Pay.

2. How much does SpecialBridge subscription cost?

SpecialBridge subscription costs way too much in my opinion. It’s definitely not worth the money, especially for a dating site. I’d recommend looking elsewhere if you’re trying to save some cash.

3. How long does it take to have my profile approved on SpecialBridge?

It takes way too long to get your profile approved on SpecialBridge. It feels like they take forever to review it and approve it, which is really annoying. I wouldn’t recommend using this dating site if you’re looking for a quick sign up process.

4. Is SpecialBridge real?

Yes, SpecialBridge is real – but it’s not the kind of dating site I’d recommend. It seems to be more focused on connecting people with disabilities than helping them find a meaningful relationship. Overall, I’m not impressed.

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By Alexis Nicole White

Alexis Nicole White is an online dating expert who loves helping people find the perfect match. She has been in the business of reviewing and writing about various dating sites and apps for over five years now, making her one of the most experienced professionals in this field. A graduate from a top-tier university with a degree in Psychology, Alexis always had an interest in understanding human behavior when it comes to relationships. This passion drove her to become certified as both a life coach and relationship counselor before she decided to focus on becoming an authority figure within the world of online dating reviews. Her work can be found all across many different platforms such as magazines, blogs, podcasts & YouTube channels where she shares valuable advice regarding how individuals should approach their journey into finding love through digital means. She also runs multiple workshops which cover topics like creating effective profiles that attract potential partners or navigating conversations so they don’t end up going nowhere fast! Through these events Alexis hopes that more people will gain access to useful information without having spent hours researching themselves – something which was often required prior to seeking out professional help due its lack availability at no cost elsewhere.. At heart though what drives Alexis is knowing that each day someone might benefit from reading one of her articles or attending one of her talks; providing them with invaluable insight into how best navigate modern romance while avoiding common pitfalls along way - ultimately leading them closer towards achieving their goal: true lasting love!

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