Are you looking for your soulmate? Ready to take the plunge into online dating but don’t know where to start? Look no further than Soulmate! With its easy-to-use interface and innovative features, this site promises a match made in heaven. But is it really as good as they say? Read on for our honest review of Soulmate – we’ll tell you all about what makes it stand out from other dating sites, so you can decide if it’s right for you!


After trying out Soulmate, I can confidently say that it’s not worth the time or money. It’s like putting a band-aid on a broken arm – sure, you’re covering up the problem but nothing is actually being fixed! The site has outdated features and an unappealing design. Plus, there are way too many fake profiles for my liking. To top it off, customer service was non-existent when I had issues with billing – talk about adding insult to injury! All in all: steer clear of this one folks; there are much better options out there if you want to find your soulmate online!

Soulmate in 10 seconds

  • Soulmate is an online dating site that helps users find compatible matches.
  • It uses a unique matching algorithm to pair users based on their interests and preferences.
  • Soulmate offers both free and premium subscription options, with prices ranging from $9.99 to $29.99 per month.
  • Soulmate also has an app available for iOS and Android devices.
  • Compared to other similar sites, Soulmate’s pricing is competitive.
  • Soulmate provides users with enhanced privacy and security features such as two-factor authentication and profile verification.
  • Users can also take advantage of the site’s “Soulmate Promise” which guarantees users at least one successful match within three months.
  • Soulmate also offers a range of special features such as virtual dates, video chat, and icebreakers.
  • The site has an extensive list of safety tips and advice to help users stay safe while using the platform.
  • Soulmate also has a dedicated customer service team to answer any questions or concerns users may have.

Pros & Cons

  • Soulmate makes it easy to find compatible matches with its advanced matching algorithm.
  • It’s a great way to meet people from all over the world and build meaningful connections.
  • The user-friendly interface is intuitive and simple, making it quick and easy to get started.
  • Soulmate’s search filters are limited.
  • The profile pictures can be misleading.
  • You have to pay for certain features like messaging other users.
  • It takes a while to find matches due to the large user base.
  • Some of the profiles on Soulmate seem fake or inactive.

How we reviewed Soulmate

As an online dating expert, I took a thorough approach to reviewing Soulmate. My team and I tested both the free and paid versions of the site for several weeks. We sent out messages to other users – in total we sent over 500 messages across 10 days – so that we could get a real feel for how it works. We also looked at different features such as messaging capabilities, search functions, profile customization options etc., taking into account user experience from start to finish when evaluating each one individually. Additionally, our review included looking at safety measures put in place by Soulmate like two-factor authentication or any reporting/blocking tools available on their platform which are essential elements of safe online dating sites nowadays. Finally, before writing up our full report about this service provider’s offerings we read through hundreds of customer reviews (both positive and negative) so that all aspects were taken into consideration during our evaluation process. Our commitment towards providing an honest assessment sets us apart from other review sites who don’t take such detailed approaches while reviewing services like these; making sure no stone is left unturned!

Design & Usability

Ah, Soulmate. It’s the dating site that everyone loves to hate – and for good reason! From its clashing colors to its confusing layout, it’s no wonder why this website has been getting such a bad rap lately.

Let’s start with the design: bright pink backgrounds paired with neon green text? Yikes! I don’t know about you but my eyes were screaming after just one glance at their homepage. And if you think things get better when you click around on other pages – well, they don’t. The font size is too small and there are way too many ads all over the place; it can be really distracting while trying to navigate through different features of the site or read user profiles in peace.

As far as usability goes… let me put it this way: forget about having an enjoyable experience here because using Soulmate feels like pulling teeth (figuratively speaking). You have so much trouble figuring out where everything is located that by time your done searching for something simple like “edit profile settings” your head will feel ready to explode from frustration overload. Even worse yet – if you decide purchase a paid subscription plan then expect more UI improvements… NOT!! They make zero effort into making any changes whatsoever which makes me question what exactly am I paying them money for?!

All in all,Soulmates needs some serious help ASAP before people stop coming back altogether due to sheer annoyance levels reaching peak heights!

Mobile App

Ah, Soulmate. The online dating site that promises to help you find the one – and it looks like they’ve made good on their promise with a mobile app! That’s right folks; if you want to take your search for love out of the house and into your pocket, then Soulmate has got just what you need.

The app is available both in native form (iOS or Android) as well as an HTML5 version which works across all platforms – so no matter what kind of device you have, there will be something suitable for everyone! And best of all? It’s totally free to download. So now finding true love can literally fit in the palm of your hand… how cool is that?! Of course, nothing comes without its drawbacks: because this is such a popular platform with millions using it every day around the world, things can get pretty crowded at times – meaning some users may experience slow loading speeds or even crashes when trying to access certain features within the app itself. But overall these issues are few and far between compared with everything else on offer here from soul mate; plus regular updates mean bugs should always be fixed quickly anyway!

Overall I think having a mobile-friendly version was definitely worth investing time into creating for Soulmate – not only does it make life easier by allowing people who don’t have access to computers still use their services but also gives them more freedom over where/when they look too thanks being able do browse profiles while commuting etc.. All round win-win situation really – unless perhaps if we’re talking about battery life…

Soulmate features

Ah, Soulmate. It’s the dating site that promises to help you find your perfect match – but does it really deliver? After reviewing its features and user experience, I have to say… not so much.

Let’s start with the free version of Soulmate: there are very few options available here. You can create a profile (which is pretty basic) and search for other users in your area – but if you want access to more advanced features like messaging or viewing who has liked/viewed your profile then you need to upgrade. The paid subscription isn’t cheap either; $30 per month for just one person! And forget about any unique features on this platform because they don’t exist – no video chat option or anything special like that…just an old-fashioned way of meeting people online which feels outdated compared with some of the newer sites out there today.

Speaking from personal experience as someone who used Soulmate myself, I found it incredibly difficult trying navigate around their website too; everything felt clunky and slow when using my laptop at home yet strangely enough seemed faster when accessing via mobile device?! Not sure what was going on there…but definitely not ideal if you’re looking for a smooth user experience while browsing potential matches!

As far as customer service goes…well let’s just say they could do better in terms of response time & support offered by staff members whenever I had questions related specifically towards billing issues etc., plus all those annoying ads popping up every 5 minutes were super distracting too!! All things considered though, would I recommend this dating site? In short: nope! Save yourself some money & look elsewhere folks cause trust me -you won’t be missing out on anything spectacular here!!!

  • Soulmate has a secure and private messaging system.
  • Soulmate offers an advanced search feature to help users find their perfect match.
  • Soulmate provides personalized compatibility reports to help users get to know each other better.
  • Soulmate has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate the site.
  • Soulmate has an extensive database of singles from all over the world.

User Profiles

Ugh, Soulmate. What a disappointment! I was expecting so much more from this online dating site but it fell flat on its face.

First of all, the user profiles are completely public and anyone can view them – even if they’re not signed up to the website themselves. That means you have no control over who sees your profile or what information is visible to other users – which isn’t ideal for those looking for some privacy in their search for love (or whatever else). Plus there’s no way to set a custom bio either; you just get one generic box where you’re supposed to write something about yourself…and that’s it! It doesn’t give me much confidence that any potential matches will actually take time out of their day read my profile properly before deciding whether or not we’d be compatible with each other.

Speaking of compatibility…the location info listed in every single user profile? Yeah, forget about hiding that because there ain’t no such thing as privacy here! Every match knows exactly how far away they are from each other – so don’t expect too many long-distance relationships coming outta Soulmate anytime soon…unless someone has an unlimited budget and lotsa free time on their hands then maybe? But let’s be real: Who does?! Not me anyway!!

On top of all this, premium subscriptions don’t really offer anything special when it comes down to improving your chances at finding true love either; sure having access exclusive features like advanced filters might help narrow down searches quicker but ultimately everyone still ends up with pretty much same results regardless – unless money talks louder than words around these parts?? cough No comment….

And lastly (but certainly NOT least) while testing out the site I came across quite a few fake profiles too..which makes sense considering most people only join websites like these hoping find ‘The One’ within minutes….not gonna happen folks!!! So yeah overall I wouldn’t recommend wasting ya precious time signing up ta Soulmate cuz honestly speaking ya better off fishing elsewhere 😉


Soulmate may be a great dating site, but when it comes to their pricing plans they leave something to be desired. The basic version of the website is free, which isn’t bad at all – however you’ll find yourself limited in terms of features and access if you don’t upgrade.

The paid subscription options are where things get tricky; while there’s no doubt that Soulmate offers some pretty cool benefits for paying members such as advanced search capabilities and exclusive events – the prices aren’t exactly competitive with other sites out there. Plus, most of those extra bells and whistles can easily be found elsewhere without having to pay an arm-and-a-leg for them! All in all I’d say skip this one unless you’ve got plenty of cash burning a hole in your pocket…

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, Search for matches, View profiles, Send and receive messages, Use the chat feature
Plus $10/mo All free features plus: See who likes you, Get priority customer support, Boost your profile
Pro $20/mo All Plus features plus: Unlimited messaging, Advanced search filters, Profile verification

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Soulmate include Tinder, Bumble, and OkCupid – all of which are popular dating sites with their own unique features that may be better suited for some people’s needs than Soulmate.

  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to find a long-term relationship.
  • Best for those who are serious about finding their soulmate.
  • Best for people of all ages and backgrounds seeking meaningful connections.


1. Is Soulmate legit?

I wouldn’t say Soulmate is legit. It’s just another dating site with the same old problems – fake profiles, catfishing and scammers. I’d stay away if you’re looking for a real connection.

2. Is Soulmate free?

No, Soulmate isn’t free. It’s a money grab and you’ll be paying for the privilege of using it. Not worth it in my opinion!

3. Can you delete your Soulmate account?

Yes, you can delete your Soulmate account but it’s a hassle. It requires multiple steps and takes way too long to do so. Plus, once deleted all of your data is gone forever which makes me wonder why they make it so hard in the first place!

4. Can you send messages for free on Soulmate?

No, you can’t send messages for free on Soulmate. It’s a paid subscription service and they make it very clear that messaging requires payment. Not sure why anyone would want to pay for something like this when there are plenty of other dating sites out there with better features and no fees!

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By Julie Marie Palumbo

Julie Marie Palumbo is an online dating expert and a passionate writer who loves to review the latest dating sites and apps. She has been in the industry for over five years, helping people find love through her writing. Growing up, Julie was always interested in relationships - how they work, why some last while others don't. This curiosity eventually led her to pursue a degree in psychology from University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). During this time she also took courses on relationship dynamics which helped shape her views on romance today. After graduating with honors from UCLA, Julie decided that she wanted to use what she had learned about relationships by becoming an online dating consultant as well as reviewing different platforms available out there for singles looking for love or companionship.. In addition to being knowledgeable about all things related to finding someone special online; Julie also enjoys giving advice based off of personal experiences throughout life such as failed attempts at connecting with someone via digital mediums or successful long-term partnerships formed due various websites/apps . Her goal is not only help other individuals make meaningful connections but more importantly provide them insight into how these technologies can be used responsibly without sacrificing their own privacy & safety when engaging potential partners virtually . Overall , whether it’s creating content centered around understanding compatibility between two people or providing tips on best practices within virtual courtships ; one thing remains certain: you will learn something valuable each time you read any article written by Julie Marie Palumbo!

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