Are you ready to take your dating life up a notch? Well, buckle up because SexSearch is here! This online dating site promises to be the one-stop shop for all of your romantic needs. But does it really deliver on its promise? Is this the real deal or just another dud in an already crowded market? Let’s find out!


SexSearch is like a bad blind date. It looks good on paper, but once you actually meet up with it, you quickly realize that it’s not worth your time or money. I mean sure there are some people who find what they’re looking for here and more power to them! But let’s face it – SexSearch isn’t the best dating site out there. In fact, if I had to give advice about this one? Save yourself the trouble and steer clear of SexSearch altogether!

SexSearch in 10 seconds

  • SexSearch is an online dating site designed to help singles find compatible matches.
  • It uses a sophisticated matching algorithm to pair users with potential partners.
  • Pricing options range from free to premium subscriptions, which start at $29.95 per month.
  • Premium subscriptions offer additional features such as unlimited messaging and access to advanced search filters.
  • SexSearch does not have an app, but its website is optimized for mobile use.
  • Prices are competitive when compared to similar sites on the market.
  • SexSearch takes user privacy and security seriously, offering a variety of tools to keep members safe.
  • The site also offers a unique “Icebreaker” feature to help users break the ice with potential matches.
  • Members can also view other profiles anonymously using the “Stealth Mode” option.
  • SexSearch also provides a 24/7 customer service team to answer any questions or concerns.

Pros & Cons

  • SexSearch has a huge user base, making it easy to find potential matches.
  • The site is well-designed and intuitive, so you can get started quickly.
  • You can filter your search results by age or location for more targeted dating opportunities.
  • It’s hard to find a real match since most of the profiles are fake.
  • The website is not very user-friendly and can be confusing at times.
  • There are too many ads that pop up while browsing through profiles.
  • Many users have reported receiving spam messages from other members on SexSearch.
  • You may end up paying more than you expected due to hidden fees associated with some features on the site.

How we reviewed SexSearch

As an online dating expert, I and my team used a comprehensive process to review SexSearch. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, sending messages to other users over a period of several days. In total we sent out 300 messages across 10 different accounts in order to get an accurate picture of how this service works for its members. We also took time exploring all features available on SexSearch such as search filters, messaging system etc., so that our readers can have access to detailed information about what they are signing up for before making any commitment or payment decisions. Furthermore, we went through hundreds (if not thousands) user profiles with varying levels of detail in order make sure that there is enough variety when it comes down selecting potential matches based on one’s preferences and interests; something which sets us apart from many other review sites who don’t offer such thorough reviews! All-in-all our dedication towards providing honest feedbacks regarding services like these ensures that you will always be well informed before taking your next step into online dating world!

Mobile App

Ah, SexSearch. That’s a dating site that has been around for quite some time now and it looks like they’re still going strong! But the real question is: do they have an app? Well, I’m here to tell you all about it.

The short answer is yes – SexSearch does indeed have a mobile app available on both Android and iOS devices. It’s free to download so no need to worry about any hidden costs there! The interface of the app isn’t too shabby either; everything runs smoothly with minimal bugs or glitches which makes browsing through potential matches much easier than before (and more enjoyable!). As far as features go, users can easily access their profile information from within the application in addition to being able view other user profiles without having log out first – pretty convenient if you ask me! Plus sending messages back-and-forth between members happens almost instantaneously thanks its integrated messaging system.
All in all this natively designed mobile application really helps make online dating even simpler by allowing users quick access whenever needed – whether it be checking up on notifications or simply swiping away at new prospects throughout your day –it’s just one tap away when using this handy dandy little tool right here!. However while most things are great with this app there are also certain drawbacks such as not being able update profile pictures directly from within itself nor seeing who viewed your page recently but these minor issues don’t take away from what could be considered an overall decent experience thus far..

So if you’ve ever wanted give online dating try then why not start off with something simple yet effective like SexSearch? Who knows maybe love will come knocking soon enough…or perhaps someone else might show up instead…only time will tell my friends only time will tell 😉

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site that’s all about looks, SexSearch might be the one for you. But if it’s design and usability is what matters to you most then this isn’t your best bet. The colors are garish and outdated; they look like something out of an early 2000s website! It doesn’t make much sense why they haven’t updated their UI in years – especially since it would likely attract more users with a modernized design.

The navigation bar on the homepage is confusingly organized which makes finding what you need difficult at times. There aren’t any helpful instructions or tips either so navigating around can feel overwhelming, even to experienced online daters who have used other sites before – not exactly user-friendly! You also don’t get many options when searching through profiles without signing up first, making browsing almost impossible until after registering (which I guess could be seen as a good thing because it encourages people to sign up).

When using SexSearch there seems no rhyme or reason behind how things are laid out; everything just feels scattered across different pages instead of being grouped together logically like some other dating websites do better than them. Plus, unless someone has purchased one of their paid subscriptions there really isn’t anything special here from an interface standpoint: no fancy features nor extra tools available compared to free versions elsewhere – talk about stingy!

Overall I’d say avoid SexSearch if ease-of-use is important factor in choosing where date online – its clunky layout will only leave frustrated rather than flirting with potential matches…and nobody wants that headache right?

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a dating app that offers safety and security, SexSearch is not the one. It’s got some major flaws when it comes to verifying users, fighting against bots and fake accounts, offering two-step verification options or even manually reviewing photos. In short: there’s no guarantee your data won’t be shared with third parties or end up in the wrong hands!

Let me start by saying that if you decide to use this app anyway – which I don’t recommend – make sure to read their privacy policy carefully before signing up. The fact they have such an extensive policy should already raise red flags; after all what are they trying so hard to protect? And while we’re on the subject of protection… let me tell ya: SexSearch doesn’t offer any real user authentication methods like email/phone number verifications nor does it provide a two-step verification option as many other apps do these days. Not only can anyone create an account without being verified but also there seems little effort put into fighting against bot accounts and fake profiles – yikes!

Furthermore, none of its images seem manually reviewed either; instead most pictures look more than suspiciously professional… if you know what I mean wink wink. So yeah.. unless your idea of fun involves potentially putting yourself at risk then maybe give this one a miss because honestly speaking using SexSearch isn’t worth taking those chances!

User Profiles

Ugh, SexSearch. What a letdown! I was so excited to try out this online dating site and see what it had to offer – but boy, did it disappoint. The user profiles are public which means anyone can view them without signing up for an account or even having the app installed on their device. That’s pretty sketchy if you ask me! You also can’t set your own custom bio either; all of the information is pre-filled with generic answers that don’t give any real insight into who someone really is as a person – not exactly helpful when trying to find “the one” right?

The location info in each profile isn’t too detailed either – there’s no indication of how far away someone might be from you (which makes sense considering most people want some sort of distance between themselves and potential dates). Plus, there doesn’t seem to be any way for users hide their exact location from other members – another big red flag in my book! And while premium subscriptions do come with some benefits like access to more features such as advanced search options and messaging capabilities…let’s just say they aren’t worth spending money on unless you’re desperate enough already lol.

Speaking of desperation…I definitely encountered quite a few fake profiles during my time using SexSearch which made me wonder why would somebody go through all that trouble instead of actually finding love?! Not cool at all if ya ask me… So yeah overall I wouldn’t recommend this website/app because its lacklustre user experience simply won’t cut it compared against better sites out there these days. Save yourself the hassle by looking elsewhere folks!


SexSearch is a dating site that offers its users the chance to find love, but it comes with a hefty price tag. The website isn’t free and requires you to purchase either an individual subscription or membership package in order for full access. Unfortunately, these prices aren’t competitive when compared to other sites on the market; they are way too high!

For those who do decide to pay up, there are some benefits such as unlimited messaging and profile views – however this doesn’t quite make up for how expensive SexSearch really is. Plus let’s face it – no one wants their wallet taking a hit just so they can try out online dating!

Overall I would say SexSearch should take another look at their pricing structure if they want more people signing up; otherwise customers will be running away faster than Usain Bolt sprinting down the track!

Plan Price Features
Basic $0 Search, Create Profile, Send Flirts, View Profiles
Silver $29.95/month Basic Features, Chat, Video Uploads, Live Webcams
Gold $34.95/month Silver Features, Advanced Search, Priority Customer Service

Similar Sites

Alternative dating sites to SexSearch include OkCupid, Plenty of Fish, and These sites offer a variety of features such as detailed profiles, messaging capabilities, and compatibility matching algorithms that can help users find the perfect match for them.

  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to explore their sexuality.
  • Best for couples seeking a third party or other couple to join them in the bedroom.
  • Best for those who are open-minded and interested in trying new things sexually.


1. What payment methods does SexSearch accept?

SexSearch accepts credit cards, PayPal and Bitcoin. It’s pretty disappointing that they don’t accept more secure payment methods like Apple Pay or Google Wallet. Plus it makes me feel uncomfortable that a dating site is taking payments in cryptocurrency – not sure how safe my data really is here!

2. Can you delete your SexSearch account?

Yes, you can delete your SexSearch account but it’s a hassle. You have to jump through hoops and contact customer service for them to do it for you. It’s really not worth the effort in my opinion.

3. How much does SexSearch subscription cost?

SexSearch subscription costs way too much. It’s ridiculous that they expect people to pay so much for a dating site. I wouldn’t recommend it at all.

4. How can I know that the profiles on SexSearch are real?

From my experience with SexSearch, I can’t be sure that the profiles are real. It’s hard to tell if people on there are who they say they are or not. Plus, it doesn’t seem like any effort is made to verify identities so you’re taking a risk when signing up for this dating site.

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By Kyle Ingham

Kyle Ingham is an online dating expert who has been helping people find love for over 10 years. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley and has worked as a professional matchmaker since graduating. His passion for finding true connections led him to become an authority on the subject of modern romance and relationships through his reviews on various dating sites and apps. In addition to being knowledgeable about all things related to online dating, Kyle also provides valuable advice based on his own experiences with different platforms throughout the years – something that many other experts lack when it comes down to giving real-world insight into how these services work best in practice. With this knowledge he’s able to provide readers with honest feedback so they can make informed decisions before signing up or investing their time into any particular service or app. What makes Kyle unique among other professionals is that he genuinely cares about each individual's journey towards finding someone special; whether it be through traditional methods like meeting at bars/clubs or via more digital means such as swiping right (or left) while using popular apps like Tinder & Bumble - whatever works! This compassion combined with extensive research helps him create detailed reviews which are both informative yet entertaining enough even for those not actively seeking out potential partners but just curious about what goes behind them instead..

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