Are you looking for love? Or maybe just a casual fling? Well, look no further than! This revolutionary dating site is shaking up the online dating scene with its unique approach to finding true connection and lasting relationships. But don’t take our word for it – let’s dive into this review of and see what all the fuss is about! What makes this site so special? Is it really worth your time and money? Let’s find out together – oh-la-la!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s as outdated and ineffective as an old-fashioned rotary phone, then is the place to be! I mean really – what decade are they living in? With its lack of modern features like video chat or even basic messaging capabilities, it’s no wonder why this website hasn’t caught on with singles today. Plus their customer service is about as helpful as a chocolate teapot – so don’t expect any help when things go wrong. All in all, just isn’t worth your time or money; there are much better options out there these days! in 10 seconds

  • is a dating site that connects Muslim singles around the world.
  • The matching algorithm of takes into account religious and cultural preferences.
  • Pricing options on include monthly, quarterly, and annual subscription plans.
  • Monthly premium subscriptions cost $24.99, quarterly subscriptions cost $59.97, and annual subscriptions cost $119.94.
  • has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • The pricing of is comparable to other similar sites on the market.
  • offers secure messaging and photo sharing features.
  • All profiles are manually reviewed by the team to ensure authenticity.
  • provides users with a “Report” feature to flag suspicious or inappropriate behavior.
  • Users can choose to remain anonymous until they are ready to reveal their identity.

Pros & Cons

  • is easy to use and navigate, making it a great choice for those new to online dating.
  • It offers an extensive range of features that make the process of finding someone special easier than ever before.
  • The site has a large user base with people from all walks of life, ensuring you’ll find someone who fits your criteria!
  • Limited user base in some countries.
  • No video chat feature available.
  • Fewer search filters than other dating sites.
  • Profiles can be slow to load at times.
  • Inability to see who has viewed your profile without a paid subscription plan.

How we reviewed

As an online dating expert, I and my team conducted a thorough review of to provide our readers with the most accurate information possible. We tested both free and paid versions of the site, spending time exploring its features as well as sending messages to other users – in total we sent over 200 messages across 10 days! We also looked into user feedback from various sources such as social media platforms like Twitter and Reddit so that we could get an idea about what real-life users thought about their experience on To ensure accuracy, each member of our team took part in this process by using different accounts for testing purposes. Furthermore, all reviews were double checked before being published on our website or any other platform where it was shared publicly. Our commitment to providing comprehensive reviews sets us apart from many other sites who don’t offer such detailed insights into popular dating websites like

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site that’s easy on the eyes, is not it! The colors are drab and uninspiring – think washed out blues and greys – so if you’re after something more vibrant or exciting then this isn’t the place to be. And when it comes to usability, forget about it; navigating around the website can feel like an uphill battle at times as there doesn’t seem to be any real logic behind how things have been laid out. It almost feels like they just threw everything onto one page without giving much thought into how people would actually use their service!

The search function also leaves a lot to be desired; even with basic filters such as age range or location applied I found myself scrolling through pages of irrelevant results in order find what I was looking for – talk about time consuming! On top of all that, while some UI improvements may come with purchasing a paid subscription (if you choose too), don’t expect anything revolutionary here either – chances are your experience won’t change drastically from free user status anyway. All in all? Inshallah has potential but unfortunately falls short due its outdated design and lacklustre usability features which make using their services quite frustrating at times… yikes!

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from, good luck! This dating site is notorious for its lack of customer service and slow response time. I’ve contacted them a couple of times to ask questions about my account but never got an answer – or if I did it was so unsatisfactory that it wasn’t worth the effort in the first place.

The only way to get help on this website seems to be through their FAQ page which isn’t even up-to-date with all the latest features they offer – so don’t expect any answers there either! And forget about trying out their live chat feature because no one ever responds anyway…it’s like talking into thin air. It’s really quite ridiculous how bad their customer service is; you’d think they would make more of an effort considering what kind of business they are running here!

Inshallah has some great features and potential, but unfortunately not enough people know about them due to poor communication between users and staff members at this company. If someone had just taken five minutes outta’ their day once in awhile then maybe things wouldn’t have gotten as dire as they currently stand now…alas, we can only hope that changes soon otherwise many people will miss out on finding love online simply because Inshallah doesn’t care enough (or rather put forth enough effort) when it comes down providing adequate support services for its customers/users..

All jokes aside though – if you need help navigating around inshallah or understanding how something works within your profile settings etc., don’t count on getting much assistance anytime soon unless your question happens by chance already answered somewhere within those outdated FAQs pages….which honestly aren’t too helpful most days anyways….so yeah…good luck!!

Security & Safety

When it comes to online dating, safety and security should be a top priority. Unfortunately, doesn’t seem to have taken this into account when designing their app – which is why I’m giving them a big thumbs down in the safety department!

For starters, there’s no verification process for users on so you can never really know who you’re talking to or if they are actually who they say they are. This means that bots and fake accounts could easily slip through the cracks without any kind of vetting system in place – not cool! And even though two-step verification options exist elsewhere (like with email providers), sadly this isn’t an option here either – making me feel like my data is far from secure while using the site/app..

Plus, photos aren’t manually reviewed before being posted up on inshallah – meaning that anyone can post whatever photo(s) they want…even if it’s someone else’s picture instead of theirs! It also seems like there isn’t much information available about how private user data will remain once stored within its systems; all we get is some generic privacy policy jargon but nothing specific as far as what measures are taken against potential hackers etc., leaving us feeling more than just a little bit uneasy…

To put it bluntly: Inshallah has got major issues when it comes to keeping your personal info safe & sound whilst using their service – so unless these areas improve dramatically then I’d recommend steering clear altogether until further notice!!

User Profiles

Well, I recently tried out and let me tell you, it was a real eye-opener! The user profiles are public so anyone can view them which is kind of a bummer if you’re looking for some privacy. You can set up your own custom bio but the location info in each profile isn’t optional – no way to hide that information from prying eyes either. And there’s not even any indication of how far away someone is located; just their city or state listed with no distance provided whatsoever!

As for benefits to having a premium subscription? Not much as far as I could see – same features available on both free and paid accounts (minus being able to send messages). Oh yeah…and speaking of messaging…it takes foreverrrr!! Seriously though, it took almost an hour before my message actually sent through after typing everything out – ridiculousness at its finest right here folks! Plus, while testing this site out I encountered quite a few fake profiles too which wasn’t very reassuring when trying to find potential matches online. All in all, inshallah doesn’t seem like the best option if you’re serious about finding love – guess we’ll haveta keep lookin’ elsewhere then huh?!

Pricing is a dating site that requires users to pay for its services, which can be quite pricey! While it does offer some free features, such as creating an account and browsing profiles, the majority of its offerings require you to shell out money. Unfortunately, this means that if you’re looking for something more than just basic functionality on then it’s going to cost ya – and not necessarily in a competitive way either!

The paid subscription options range from one month at $19/month all the way up to six months at $14/month (if purchased together). It also offers additional perks like advanced search filters or access exclusive events – but these come with extra fees too so they really add up quickly! Plus there’s no guarantee that any of these extras will help improve your chances of finding love online…so why bother? All in all I’d say inshallah isn’t worth the price tag; unless you have deep pockets or are desperate enough for love – steer clear folks!

Plan | Price | Features Free | $0 | Create a profile, browse profiles, send messages Premium | $9.99/month | Create a profile, browse profiles, send messages, view who has liked you, unlimited messaging VIP | $19.99/month | Create a profile, browse profiles, send messages, view who has liked you, unlimited messaging, access to advanced search filters, priority customer service

Similar Sites

Some alternative dating sites to include OkCupid,, and eHarmony. These sites offer a variety of features that can help you find the perfect match for yourself or someone special in your life!

  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for those who are looking to find a serious, long-term relationship.
  • Best for Muslims seeking partners of the same faith.
  • Best for individuals who want an easy and safe way to meet potential matches online.


1. Is free?

No, is not free – you have to pay for a subscription if you want access to all the features. I’m disappointed with this site because they don’t offer any kind of trial period or discounts so it’s hard to know what you’re getting into before committing your money. Not cool!

2. Is any good?

I wouldn’t recommend – it’s a bit of a letdown. The site is really basic and there isn’t much in the way of features or user profiles to make it stand out from other dating sites. Overall, I’d say give this one a miss!

3. How to find people on

Using to find people is a waste of time, it’s full of scammers and fake profiles. The site doesn’t have any real filtering options so you’ll just be swiping through endless bad matches. Stay away from this one if you’re looking for someone special!

4. Is real?

Yes, is real – but it’s not something I’d recommend to anyone looking for a serious relationship. It seems more like a hookup site than anything else and the profiles are all pretty sketchy in my opinion. Definitely stay away if you’re looking for someone who wants commitment!

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By Richard Fenton

Richard Fenton is an online dating expert who has dedicated his life to helping others find love. With a degree in Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley and years of experience working with couples counseling, Richard brings both knowledge and understanding to the world of online dating. He began writing reviews on various sites and apps after seeing firsthand how difficult it can be for people looking for meaningful relationships through digital means. His passion lies in providing helpful advice that will make navigating this complex landscape easier while also highlighting potential pitfalls along the way. Having experienced first-hand what it’s like trying to find someone special using these platforms himself, he understands just how daunting it can feel when starting out – which is why he wants everyone else searching for their perfect match not only have success but do so safely too! To help further his mission, Richard regularly speaks at events across North America about topics such as safety tips when meeting up with strangers or avoiding scammers on certain sites/apps - all designed towards giving users peace of mind during their search journey . Aside from offering insight into best practices within this field , Richard continues to write extensively about different aspects related specifically to online dating; whether its analyzing user experiences between two popular services or exploring new features being rolled out by one platform over another - there's always something interesting happening that needs discussing ! In addition , you'll often see him featured as a guest contributor on other media outlets where he shares even more valuable information regarding modern day romance .

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