Ready to find your perfect match? Looking for something more than just a swipe right or left? Well, you’re in luck! Flirtini is the latest dating app on the market and it promises to be unlike any other. But does it deliver on its promise of finding true love or will you end up with nothing but heartache? Let’s take an honest look at this new app and see if it really can help us find our soulmate.


Well, if you’re looking for a dating app that’s worth your time and money, Flirtini ain’t it! It’s like trying to find love in all the wrong places. Save yourself the trouble and don’t even bother with this one. I mean sure, there are some decent people on here but they seem few and far between – so much so that it almost feels like searching for a needle in a haystack! Plus their interface is clunky at best; not exactly user-friendly or intuitive either. All things considered: pass on Flirtini unless you want to waste your time (and maybe even money).

Flirtini in 10 seconds

  • Flirtini is a dating app that uses an advanced matching algorithm to help users find compatible matches.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account factors such as age, location, interests, and more.
  • Flirtini offers both free and premium subscription options, with prices ranging from $4.99 to $19.99 per month.
  • The premium subscription includes additional features such as unlimited messaging and profile views.
  • Flirtini does not have a website, but it can be accessed through the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
  • Flirtini’s pricing is competitive compared to other similar apps on the market.
  • Flirtini takes user privacy and security seriously, offering secure payment processing and encrypted data storage.
  • Flirtini also offers special features such as icebreakers and virtual gifts to help users start conversations.
  • Users can also choose to hide their profile from certain people or block them altogether.
  • Flirtini has an easy-to-use interface and provides helpful tips and advice for users.

Pros & Cons

  • Flirtini makes it easy to find compatible matches quickly.
  • It’s a great way to meet people in your area with similar interests.
  • The app is secure and private, so you can feel safe while using it.
  • Flirtini doesn’t have a great user interface.
  • It can be difficult to find potential matches in your area.
  • The messaging system is not very intuitive or reliable.
  • There are limited options for customizing profiles and searching for specific criteria.
  • Its customer service isn’t always helpful when dealing with technical issues or account queries.

How we reviewed Flirtini

As an online dating expert, I took the time to review Flirtini in-depth. To start off, my team and I tested both free and paid versions of this app for a few days. We sent out messages to other users – over 50 in total – during our testing period which lasted about 5 days. During that time we also observed how user friendly it was by noting its design features such as navigation menus, profile creation process etc., so that we could give an accurate account of the overall experience when using Flirtini’s services. Additionally, our team made sure to check all customer support options available on their website like FAQs section or live chat feature (if any) before writing up our review report on them.

We are committed towards providing honest reviews at all times and thus take extra measures while reviewing products/services such as these apps; steps which many other reviewers don’t follow through with due diligence like us!

Flirtini features

Ah, Flirtini. The dating app that claims to have it all! But do they really? Let me tell you what I think about this one-stop shop for finding love (or something like it).

To start off with the free features of Flirtini: well, there aren’t many. You can create a profile and upload photos – but then again, so can everyone else on the platform. There’s also an in-app messaging system which is pretty basic; no fancy filters or anything like that here! As far as paid features go…well let’s just say don’t expect too much from them either. Sure you get access to some more advanced search options such as age range and location filtering – but if you’re looking for any unique bells and whistles here then forget about it!

Now when we talk about safety measures taken by Flirtini things are even worse than before – not only does their verification process seem very lax compared to other apps out there (I mean come on guys!), but they also lack essential security tools such as two factor authentication or account recovery options should your account be hacked into – yikes!! And while I’m sure these could easily be added at some point down the line without breaking a sweat…it doesn’t look likely anytime soon considering how little effort has been put into making this service secure up until now..

All in all my experience with using Flirtini was quite underwhelming–and believe me when I say that ain’t good news for anyone who wants to find someone special online!. From its limited free services through its non existent safety protocols…Flirting via this app will probably leave most users feeling unfulfilled rather than fulfilled after each session. So if romance is what ya seekin’ better keep searching elsewhere folks because honestly speaking …this isn’t gonna cut it!

  • Real-time messaging with other users
  • Ability to search for potential matches based on location, age, interests, etc.
  • Comprehensive profile creation and editing capabilities
  • Option to add photos and videos to profiles
  • In-app notifications when someone likes or messages you

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a dating app that offers an “authentic experience,” then Flirtini isn’t the one. The user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone who has downloaded the app. Unfortunately, there is no way to set a custom bio so all users have generic descriptions of themselves which makes it difficult to differentiate between people on the site. Location info is also included in each profile but thankfully this information can be hidden if desired – though I don’t know why anyone would want their location broadcasted when using a dating website!

The distance between two users doesn’t appear anywhere on their profiles either so unless they choose to mention it in conversation or message each other directly, there’s no indication as to how far away someone may live from another person they’re interested in getting together with. This could make things pretty awkward if you meet up only later finding out that your date lives across town or even further away than expected! I was disappointed too when testing out Flirtini because I didn’t find any benefits for having premium subscription compared with free accounts – not even access better features like advanced search filters or being able send more messages per day (which seems pretty standard these days). And unfortunately during my time using this service I did come across some fake profiles – something else which should really become part of its vetting process before allowing new members onto its platform since authenticity is key when online dating nowadays!

Overall, while Flirtini does offer potential matches based off similar interests and hobbies listed within user bios; without customizable options available such as setting personal biographies and hiding locations upon request (as well as verifying identities), plus lacklustre perks associated with paid subscriptions means that overall it falls short against competitors offering much more comprehensive services at comparable prices…or sometimes none at all depending where you look!

Security & Safety

When it comes to online dating, safety and security should be your top priority. Unfortunately, Flirtini doesn’t quite hit the mark when it comes to protecting its users from bots and fake accounts. There’s no two-step verification option available on this app which means that anyone can easily create an account with minimal effort – not exactly reassuring!

What’s more concerning is that there appears to be little in terms of photo moderation either; photos are uploaded without any kind of manual review process so you never know who or what you’re really looking at. It also looks like their privacy policy leaves a lot to be desired as well – they don’t appear too keen on keeping user data secure if recent reports are anything go by… yikes!

In short: Flirtini isn’t doing enough when it comes down safeguarding its users against potential threats such as bots and fake accounts – not cool guys, not cool… If I were you I’d steer clear until they up their game in terms of verifying identities properly (and maybe even give us some extra peace of mind with a bit better privacy protection).

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating app that will make your heart skip a beat, Flirtini isn’t it. The design and usability of this app leave much to be desired. It’s all bright colors and flashy images – not exactly the kind of thing that screams "serious relationship material." Plus, the interface is clunky at best; navigating around can feel like trying to find your way out of an endless maze!

When it comes to usability, Flirtini falls short in many areas. For starters, there are no helpful tutorials or instructions on how to use the features available within the app – so if you don’t know what you’re doing right away then good luck figuring things out without any help! Additionally, some features require users with paid subscriptions which may lead people who aren’t familiar with online dating apps feeling left behind by those who do have them.

The overall look and feel also leaves something lacking – from its garish color scheme (seriously neon pink?!) down through its generic font choices – nothing about this design stands out as being particularly user-friendly or inviting either visually or functionally speaking. Even when upgrading their subscription level doesn’t appear offer any UI improvements over free accounts…which makes me wonder why anyone would bother paying more money just for access privileges they could get elsewhere anyway?!

In conclusion: If I had my pick between using Flirtini versus other popular online dating sites/apps I’d definitely go somewhere else first before giving this one another thought…or even glance!


When it comes to Flirtini, the dating app that promises you’ll find your perfect match, I have some bad news: there’s no such thing as a free lunch. The basic version of this app is totally free but if you want access to all its features and perks then prepare yourself for an eye-watering subscription fee!

The good news? You get what you pay for – sort of. If money isn’t too much of an issue then getting a paid subscription might be worth considering because with it comes exclusive features like unlimited messaging and profile boosts which could help give your love life the kickstart it needs. However, whether or not these benefits are actually competitively priced is another matter entirely… in my opinion they’re pretty steep!

In conclusion; while Flirtini may offer some great extras with their premium package don’t expect them to come cheap – so make sure that before signing up on any dotted line (or tapping ‘confirm purchase’) consider how much bang for buck you really need from this online dating experience!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, View other profiles, Match with other users, Send messages
Plus $9.99/month All free features plus: See who has liked you, Get unlimited likes, Hide ads
Premium $19.99/month All Plus features plus: See who has read your messages, Get priority customer support, Boost your profile visibility

Similar Apps

Some alternatives to Flirtini include Bumble, Tinder, and OkCupid. These apps offer a variety of features that allow users to find potential matches in their area or around the world.

  • Tinder
  • Bumble
  • Hinge
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish

Best for

  • Best for people looking to make new friends
  • Best for those seeking casual relationships
  • Best for singles who are ready to commit and find a long-term partner


1. Is Flirtini free?

No, Flirtini is not free. It’s a paid dating app and you have to pay for the features that make it worthwhile. Plus, there are plenty of other apps out there that don’t cost anything!

2. What is Flirtini?

Flirtini is just another dating app that’s trying to make it in the saturated market. It doesn’t bring anything new or exciting, and I’m not sure why anyone would choose this over any of the other options out there. Overall, it seems like a waste of time.

3. How much does Flirtini cost?

Flirtini is way too expensive for what it offers. It’s a rip-off, and I wouldn’t recommend anyone to use it. Definitely not worth the money!

4. Can you send messages for free on Flirtini?

No, you can’t send messages for free on Flirtini. It’s a paid service and if you want to message someone then you have to pay for it. Not worth the money in my opinion!

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By Jennifer Styers

Jennifer Styers is an online dating expert and author with a passion for helping people find the perfect match. She has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps since her college days, when she first realized that there was more to relationships than just meeting someone in person. Jennifer holds a degree in Psychology from Columbia University, which gave her insight into human behavior and what motivates us to seek out potential partners. After graduating from university, Jennifer worked as an assistant editor at one of the leading lifestyle magazines before deciding to pursue her true calling - becoming an online dating guru! Her expertise lies not only in reviewing different platforms but also providing helpful advice about how best to navigate them so users can get maximum benefit out of their experience. With over 10 years' worth of research under her belt combined with real-life experiences gained through interviewing hundreds of couples who have found love via these websites or apps, Jennifer knows exactly what it takes for two people looking for romance on the internet make it work long term. In addition to being featured regularly by some major media outlets such as The New York Times Magazine & Cosmopolitan magazine , she's written several books including 'The Online Dating Guide: How To Find Love On The Internet'. This book provides readers with invaluable tips on creating successful profiles while avoiding common pitfalls like catfishing or scammers – something all too familiar within this space! It’s no wonder why many consider Jennifer Styers ‘the go-to girl’ when it comes down finding your soulmate using digital means; whether you're single or already taken but want spruce up your relationship game plan -she's got you covered!

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