Are you ready to find love? Or just looking for a good time? With BlackTryst, the choice is yours! This online dating site has something for everyone – from casual flings to serious relationships. But what’s it really like using this service? Read on and find out! We’ll explore everything from user experience to safety features in our review of BlackTryst. So let’s dive right in and see if this is the perfect match for you!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s worth your time and money, BlackTryst ain’t it. It’s like the old saying goes: “You get what you pay for.” Sure, there are some good things about this website – but not enough to make up for all its shortcomings. The search function is pretty limited and the profiles don’t have much detail either. Plus I found way too many fake accounts on here – so beware! All in all, BlackTryst isn’t my cup of tea; save yourself some trouble and look elsewhere!

BlackTryst in 10 seconds

  • BlackTryst is a dating site that helps users find compatible matches.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to provide tailored recommendations.
  • Pricing options include a free basic membership and premium subscriptions ranging from $9.99/month to $49.99/month.
  • BlackTryst also has an app available for download on iOS and Android devices.
  • Compared to other dating sites, BlackTryst offers competitive pricing.
  • Users can enjoy features such as profile verification and private messaging.
  • BlackTryst takes privacy and security seriously with SSL encryption and data protection measures.
  • Special features include the ability to filter matches by ethnicity, religion, and lifestyle.
  • Members can also browse profiles anonymously or block unwanted contacts.
  • The site also offers 24/7 customer support to help members with any issues.

Pros & Cons

  • BlackTryst makes it easy to find like-minded singles in my area.
  • The site is secure and trustworthy, so I feel safe when using it.
  • It’s free to join, so there’s no risk of wasting money on a bad match!
  • Limited search filters make it hard to find compatible matches.
  • Profile pictures are not mandatory, so you can’t tell if someone is genuine or not.
  • Messaging system isn’t the most user-friendly and takes time to get used to.
  • Not many active users in some areas, making it difficult for people living there to meet potential partners.
  • No mobile app available yet, which makes using BlackTryst inconvenient on the go.

How we reviewed BlackTryst

As an online dating expert, I and my team took a deep dive into BlackTryst to provide our readers with the most comprehensive review. We tested both free and paid versions of the site for several days – sending over 50 messages in total. We started by testing out basic features such as creating profiles, uploading photos, browsing through potential matches etc., before moving on to more advanced ones like messaging other users or using filters when searching for someone special. During this process we also checked how user-friendly was their interface compared to other sites from similar niche markets. To make sure that all aspects were covered properly we also conducted interviews with current members of BlackTryst who shared their experiences about using it – good or bad – so that our readers could get an unbiased opinion about its performance overall. Additionally, while reviewing each feature separately (ease of use/functionality) we made sure not only test them but evaluate if they are actually helpful in finding a date quickly and easily which is what matters at the end of day after all!

Finally, since providing accurate information is essential part of any review process; apart from spending countless hours researching & testing different parts within BlackTryst website itself; I personally sent over 50 messages during these few days just so that I can experience first hand how does it feel like interacting with others via this platform as well as observe real time response rate too!

This commitment towards thoroughness sets us apart from many other review websites who don’t offer such detailed reviews based on actual usage data points instead relying solely upon secondhand sources alone thus leaving much room open for error prone conclusions drawn without having ever used service themselves whatsoever!

Mobile App

Ah, BlackTryst – the online dating site that’s been making waves in the virtual world. So does it have a mobile app? Well, here’s what I can tell you: unfortunately for those of us who are always on-the-go and need to stay connected at all times, there is no official BlackTryst mobile app available yet.

That being said, if you’re still keen on using this service from your phone or tablet device then don’t worry – many users have reported success with accessing their accounts through a web browser such as Chrome or Safari. While not quite as convenient as having an actual native application installed directly onto your device (which would allow notifications etc.), this method should work just fine so long as you remember to log out after each session!

Now why doesn’t BlackTryst offer its own dedicated mobile app? It could be because they haven’t had enough demand for one yet; alternatively they may simply want to focus more heavily on improving other aspects of their platform first before investing resources into creating an additional version specifically designed for smartphones and tablets. Whatever the case may be though I’m sure we’ll see something like that released soon enough – especially since almost every other major player in today’s crowded online dating market has already jumped onboard with offering apps alongside traditional desktop experiences!

In conclusion then while there isn’t currently any sort of downloadable/installable application available from either Apple Store nor Google Play store (for iOS & Android respectively), rest assured knowing that most modern devices will still provide access via a standard web browser window without too much hassle involved…so go ahead give it try if curious about how things look ‘n feel over yonder!

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from BlackTryst, the online dating site, then I’m sorry to say that you may be out of luck. It’s not clear how users can access customer service or technical help if they have an issue with their account. The website doesn’t even list a phone number or email address where customers can get in touch with someone who might be able to assist them!

I’ve tried contacting BlackTryst several times and never received any response at all – it was like talking into thin air! Even when I did manage to get through on the rare occasion, my queries were answered unsatisfactorily by somebody who didn’t seem particularly knowledgeable about the product. This is especially concerning considering this is a dating site we’re dealing with here; people need reliable support if something goes wrong during their search for love!

What makes matters worse is that there isn’t even a page dedicated to frequently asked questions (FAQs). So unless you know exactly what your problem is before getting in contact – which let’s face it, most people don’t – then chances are you won’t find much useful information onsite either. And forget about having any kind of speedy resolution: responses from customer service tend take days rather than hours…if they come at all! Ughhh…talk about frustrating!!

All things considered though, perhaps it’s best just avoid using BlackTryst altogether and go elsewhere instead? After all nobody wants drama when trying out online dating – no matter how attractive potential matches may look 😉

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site with good design and usability, BlackTryst is not the one. With its garish colors and clunky layout, it’s clear that this isn’t a top-notch platform. It looks like something from the early 2000s – when people still thought dial-up was cutting edge technology! The UI is so outdated that even if you pay for their premium subscription there are no real improvements to be had in terms of aesthetics or user experience.

Navigating around BlackTryst can be confusing at times as well; they have an array of tabs across the top which aren’t always intuitively placed or labeled properly – making it difficult to find what you need quickly without some trial and error first. Plus, since most users are on mobile devices these days rather than desktop computers (where I assume they designed this site), many features just don’t work very well due to lack of optimization on smaller screens – leading me right back into my original point about how bad this website looks! To make matters worse, there doesn’t seem to be any kind of customer service available either – unless I’m missing something? So if anything goes wrong while using BlackTryst (which happens more often than not) then your only option would likely involve writing them an email hoping someone will get back with you eventually… yeah…good luck with that one!

Overall, let’s just say "don’t bother" when it comes to trying out Black Trysts’ services because honestly speaking: why waste your time? You’ll end up frustrated before long thanks mainly due its poor design choices combined with terrible usability issues – all wrapped up in a neat little package called “Black Trysts". Save yourself some hassle by avoiding them altogether; trust me -you won’t regret it

BlackTryst features

If you’re looking for a dating site, BlackTryst is definitely not the one. It claims to be “the premier destination for African American singles seeking relationships, friendships and dates” but it falls short in delivering on that promise. The features are lackluster at best – both free and paid versions of the service offer little more than basic messaging capabilities with no real standout or unique features to make it stand out from other sites.

The free version allows users to create profiles, upload photos and search through members’ profiles – all pretty standard stuff when compared with other online dating services. You can also send messages back-and-forth between members (with some limitations) as well as use an instant messenger feature which lets you chat live with people who are currently logged into their accounts; however these conversations tend to be limited by character count so don’t expect any meaningful dialogue here!

As far as paying goes there’s really nothing special about BlackTryst either – they offer three subscription plans ranging from $9/month up to $39/month depending on how long your membership lasts; however none of them include anything extra beyond what’s available in the free version except unlimited message sending (which still has its own restrictions). Plus if you want access premium content such as videos or blogs then those cost even more money too! So overall this isn’t exactly a great value proposition considering most other online dating services provide much better options without having pay extra fees just for basic communication tools like messaging or chatting.

All things considered I’d have say that BlackTryst doesn’t quite measure up when compared against similar websites offering similar services – while they may have been trying hard enough their efforts simply aren’t good enough yet! There’s no doubt plenty of potential here but until they step up their game I wouldn’t recommend anyone waste time signing up unless absolutely necessary…

  • Advanced search capabilities to find the perfect match
  • Verified profiles for added security
  • Ability to browse anonymously
  • Video chat and messaging features
  • Compatibility matching algorithm


When it comes to BlackTryst, the dating site that promises a unique experience for singles, you might want to think twice before signing up. Sure, there’s a free version of the website but if you’re looking for anything more than basic features then be prepared to shell out some cash.

The paid subscription offers access to additional benefits such as unlimited messaging and profile views which can help increase your chances of finding someone special – but at what cost? Prices are definitely not competitive when compared with other similar sites on the market so don’t expect any bargains here! Plus they charge extra fees depending on how long your membership is – no thank you! All in all I’d say save yourself some money and look elsewhere; BlackTryst just isn’t worth it.

Plan Price Features
Basic $19.99/month Create profile, Search for matches, Send messages, View photos, Receive matches
Premium $29.99/month All Basic features, Send virtual gifts, See who’s viewed your profile, Get priority customer service
VIP $49.99/month All Premium features, See who’s liked your profile, Get expert dating advice, Access to exclusive events

Similar Sites

Other alternatives to BlackTryst include popular dating sites such as, eHarmony, and OkCupid. Additionally, there are many niche dating websites that cater specifically to African American singles looking for love or companionship.

  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble
  • Hinge

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to find a long-term relationship.
  • Best for people who want to meet someone with similar interests and values.
  • Best for those seeking an authentic connection in the digital age.


1. What payment methods does BlackTryst accept?

BlackTryst only accepts payment via credit card, which is a bit of a bummer. I was hoping for more options like PayPal or Apple Pay. It’s not the most convenient way to pay for something as personal as online dating services.

2. How does BlackTryst work?

BlackTryst is a dating site that doesn’t seem to have any real standards or vetting process. It’s just an open platform where anyone can join and start messaging people without much thought as to who they’re talking with. Overall, it seems like a pretty sketchy way of online dating.

3. How to sign up for BlackTryst?

Signing up for BlackTryst is easy, just enter your email address and you’re in. It’s really that simple. I wouldn’t recommend it though – there are much better dating sites out there!

4. How to find people on BlackTryst?

Searching for people on BlackTryst is pretty easy – just use the filters to narrow down your search. You can also browse through profiles and check out who’s online right now. It’s really not that hard, but it still feels kind of creepy using a dating site like this one.

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By Julie Marie Palumbo

Julie Marie Palumbo is an online dating expert and a passionate writer who loves to review the latest dating sites and apps. She has been in the industry for over five years, helping people find love through her writing. Growing up, Julie was always interested in relationships - how they work, why some last while others don't. This curiosity eventually led her to pursue a degree in psychology from University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). During this time she also took courses on relationship dynamics which helped shape her views on romance today. After graduating with honors from UCLA, Julie decided that she wanted to use what she had learned about relationships by becoming an online dating consultant as well as reviewing different platforms available out there for singles looking for love or companionship.. In addition to being knowledgeable about all things related to finding someone special online; Julie also enjoys giving advice based off of personal experiences throughout life such as failed attempts at connecting with someone via digital mediums or successful long-term partnerships formed due various websites/apps . Her goal is not only help other individuals make meaningful connections but more importantly provide them insight into how these technologies can be used responsibly without sacrificing their own privacy & safety when engaging potential partners virtually . Overall , whether it’s creating content centered around understanding compatibility between two people or providing tips on best practices within virtual courtships ; one thing remains certain: you will learn something valuable each time you read any article written by Julie Marie Palumbo!

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