Are you a single biker looking for love? Tired of being alone on the open road? Well, buckle up and get ready to rev your engine – Biker Planet is here! This dating site promises to be just what you need if you’re in search of that special someone who shares your passion for two wheels. But how does it measure up against other sites out there? Let’s take a closer look at this motorcycle-themed matchmaker and see if it can really deliver the goods.


Yikes! Biker Planet is like a rusty Harley – it looks cool but doesn’t run. It’s not worth your time or money, trust me. This dating site has all the bells and whistles of a great online platform, but when you get on board you’ll quickly realize that there are no riders in sight! The whole experience feels like riding an empty highway – lonely and boring. Plus, the profiles seem outdated so don’t expect to find any real bikers here – just posers trying to look tough for their profile pics! Save yourself some trouble and steer clear of this one; I promise you won’t be missing out on anything special with Biker Planet.

Biker Planet in 10 seconds

  • Biker Planet is a dating site for bikers and motorcycle enthusiasts.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to connect users with compatible partners.
  • It offers both free and premium subscriptions, with prices ranging from $9.99 to $29.99 per month.
  • The premium subscription includes features such as unlimited messaging and profile highlighting.
  • Biker Planet also has an app available on iOS and Android devices.
  • Its pricing is competitive compared to other similar sites on the market.
  • It provides a secure environment with encrypted data and user authentication.
  • It also has special features such as “Biker News” which keeps users up-to-date on events in the biking community.
  • Users can also search for biker-friendly places to visit and connect with local bikers.
  • Biker Planet offers 24/7 customer support to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Pros & Cons

  • Biker Planet is great for finding fellow bikers who share your passion.
  • The site has a friendly, welcoming community of like-minded people.
  • It’s easy to find potential matches with the advanced search feature.
  • It’s not free – you have to pay for a membership.
  • Limited search options make it hard to find the right match.
  • No mobile app available, so you can’t access your account on-the-go.
  • The website design is outdated and clunky compared to other dating sites.
  • Some users report that they’ve received fake messages from bots or scammers on Biker Planet

How we reviewed Biker Planet

When it comes to reviewing Biker Planet, we don’t mess around. We wanted to get the full experience of this dating site so that our readers could make an informed decision about whether or not they should join. To do this, we tested both free and paid versions for a period of 10 days while sending out over 200 messages in total. We also took time exploring all the features available on Biker Planet such as searching by location and interests, creating a profile page with photos/videos/audio clips etc., viewing other user profiles and checking out their favorite bikers list (if applicable). Additionally, we looked into how well-designed each feature was from UI perspective; were there any bugs? Was navigation easy? Did everything work as expected? We made sure no stone was left unturned! Finally, after gathering all the data needed for review purposes – including customer service responses -we put together an honest assessment based on our findings which you can read here: [insert link]. Our commitment to providing detailed reviews sets us apart from other review sites who often just skim through products without giving them proper attention they deserve.

Signing up

Registering on Biker Planet is a piece of cake! The process takes no time at all, and you’ll be ready to start meeting other bikers in minutes. First off, the website requires that users are 18 years or older before they can join. So if you’re under age don’t even bother trying – it won’t work out for ya! Once you’ve confirmed your age eligibility though, the rest is smooth sailing. All that’s required to sign up is an email address and some basic information about yourself like gender identity, location etc.. It also helps if you upload a profile picture so people know who they’re talking too (which I highly recommend). The registration form itself isn’t overly complicated either; just fill in what feels right and move onto the next step – easy peasy lemon squeezy! After submitting your details there may be additional questions depending on how detailed your answers were but these should only take a few seconds more to complete…and then boom!, You’re donezo!. As far as cost goes it doesn’t get any better than this: free-ninety-nine!! That’s right folks – registering with Biker Planet will set ya back nada dollars which makes me pretty darn happy since most dating sites charge quite steep fees nowadays…it’s nice when something comes along without breaking my wallet open wide y’know?

All things considered signing up with Biker Planet couldn’t have been easier really; from start to finish it took less than five minutes including uploading my photo so overall not bad at all considering its purpose. Now I’m raring go meet some fellow two wheelers online – here we come motorcycle lovers!!

  • These are the things you will need to register on Biker Planet:
  • A valid email address
  • A profile picture
  • Your age
  • Your gender
  • Your location
  • Your interests and hobbies
  • Your desired relationship type

Mobile App

Ah, Biker Planet. It’s the dating site for bikers and those who love them! But does it have a mobile app? Well, I’m here to tell you that unfortunately (and surprisingly) no – there is currently no official Biker Planet app available on either iOS or Android devices.

It seems strange that such an established online dating platform doesn’t offer its users a way to access their profiles while they’re out and about – after all, isn’t one of the main benefits of using an online service like this being able to find potential dates wherever you are? Plus with so many other sites offering apps these days it can be hard not having one when your competitors do.

That said though, if you really want some kind of ‘Biker Planet’ experience on your phone then don’t despair – just use the website version instead! The mobile-friendly interface works great in any browser window so even if there isn’t a dedicated app yet at least everything still looks good on smaller screens too. You’ll get most features from desktop mode but obviously things like notifications will be missing until someone decides to develop something more tailored specifically for smartphones… which hopefully won’t take too long as we could all benefit from having easy access whenever needed!

In conclusion then: yes it would certainly be nice if Biker Planet had its own native application but thankfully since their website works well enough in browsers we haven’t been left completely high and dry without anything else available – phewf!!

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site that will make your head spin, then Biker Planet is not the one. From its outdated design to its clunky user interface, this biker-themed online dating platform leaves much to be desired in terms of aesthetics and usability.

To start with the design: it looks like something out of an early 2000s website – all bright colors and flashing lights – which can be pretty overwhelming if you’re trying to find someone special! The background image featuring a motorcyclist riding off into the sunset doesn’t do anything for me either; I think they could have gone with something more modern or eye-catching instead. And let’s just say that when it comes to fonts… well, there are better choices than Comic Sans! The usability isn’t any better either; navigating around Biker Planet feels slow and cumbersome due mainly because of how cluttered everything seems onscreen at once. There aren’t many features available unless you pay up for their premium subscription service – so don’t expect too much from them without shelling out some cash first (which really rubs me up the wrong way). Plus, even after paying extra money there still aren’t any major UI improvements – no new designs or graphics whatsoever – so overall I’d give their UX/UI experience two thumbs down!

In conclusion? Unless vintage websites are your thing then steer clear from this particular ‘planet’. It may look cool but trust me when I say it won’t get your heart racing anytime soon…

Help & Support

If you’re looking for a dating site that offers support, Biker Planet isn’t the one. I recently tried to access their customer service and it was an absolute nightmare! The response time is painfully slow – if they respond at all. And forget about finding any helpful answers on their FAQ page; there doesn’t seem to be one!

I contacted them a couple of times but never got any kind of response or help whatsoever. It’s like talking into thin air – no answer in sight. To make matters worse, when I did get an email back from someone who claimed to be part of the team (though how they managed that with such poor communication skills remains unclear), it didn’t even address my issue properly – talk about hitting your head against a brick wall!

It seems like Biker Planet don’t really care too much about providing good customer service which makes me wonder what else might not meet expectations? If this is anything to go by then potential users should think twice before signing up here as chances are high you won’t find anyone willing or able enough on the other side ready and waiting for your queries either… So yeah, steer clear folks – save yourself some trouble down the line because let me tell ya: dealing with these guys ain’t worth it!


When it comes to Biker Planet, I’m not impressed with the pricing. It’s definitely not free – you’ll have to shell out some cash if you want access to all of its features. Sure, there are a few things that can be done without paying for a subscription but let’s face it: most people don’t go on dating sites just for fun!

The paid subscriptions aren’t competitively priced either; they’re pretty steep compared to other dating websites in this space. Plus, the benefits of getting one seem kind of meh – sure there are more search options and such but is that really worth shelling out your hard-earned money? Not so much… If you do decide take the plunge and get a subscription anyway then good luck – hopefully Biker Planet will treat ya right!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, Upload photos, Send flirts, Search for matches, View profiles, Receive messages from paying members
Gold $29.95/month All features of free plan, Unlimited messaging, See who’s viewed your profile, Advanced search options, Hide your profile from others
VIP $39.95/month All features of Gold plan, Profile highlighted in search results, Get priority customer service, See who’s interested in you

Similar Sites

Alternative dating sites for bikers include BikerOrNot, Meet Local Bikers, and DateBikerToday. These websites offer similar features to those found on Biker Planet such as the ability to search for other riders in your area or around the world.

  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for motorcycle enthusiasts looking to meet other riders.
  • Best for people who want to find someone with similar interests and hobbies.
  • Best for bikers seeking companionship or a long-term relationship.


1. How to use Biker Planet without paying?

Using Biker Planet without paying is not recommended as it limits your ability to connect with other users. It’s best to pay for a subscription in order to make the most of this dating site and increase your chances of finding someone special. Overall, free use of Biker Planet will likely leave you disappointed.

2. Is Biker Planet real?

Yes, Biker Planet is real – but it’s not the best dating site out there. It’s full of fake profiles and scammers, so I wouldn’t recommend using it if you’re looking for a serious relationship. You’d be better off going with one of the more reputable sites instead.

3. What are Biker Planet alternatives?

Biker Planet is a joke, there are much better alternatives out there. If you’re looking for something serious I’d suggest avoiding it altogether and checking out some of the more reputable sites instead. Don’t waste your time with Biker Planet – trust me on this one!

4. Can you send messages for free on Biker Planet?

No, you can’t send messages for free on Biker Planet. It’s a paid service and that’s really annoying because it makes the whole dating process more complicated than it needs to be. Plus, I don’t think people should have to pay just to talk with someone they’re interested in!

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By Jennifer Styers

Jennifer Styers is an online dating expert and author with a passion for helping people find the perfect match. She has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps since her college days, when she first realized that there was more to relationships than just meeting someone in person. Jennifer holds a degree in Psychology from Columbia University, which gave her insight into human behavior and what motivates us to seek out potential partners. After graduating from university, Jennifer worked as an assistant editor at one of the leading lifestyle magazines before deciding to pursue her true calling - becoming an online dating guru! Her expertise lies not only in reviewing different platforms but also providing helpful advice about how best to navigate them so users can get maximum benefit out of their experience. With over 10 years' worth of research under her belt combined with real-life experiences gained through interviewing hundreds of couples who have found love via these websites or apps, Jennifer knows exactly what it takes for two people looking for romance on the internet make it work long term. In addition to being featured regularly by some major media outlets such as The New York Times Magazine & Cosmopolitan magazine , she's written several books including 'The Online Dating Guide: How To Find Love On The Internet'. This book provides readers with invaluable tips on creating successful profiles while avoiding common pitfalls like catfishing or scammers – something all too familiar within this space! It’s no wonder why many consider Jennifer Styers ‘the go-to girl’ when it comes down finding your soulmate using digital means; whether you're single or already taken but want spruce up your relationship game plan -she's got you covered!

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