Are you looking for a dating site that’s as curvy and full of life as you are? Well, look no further than BBWDesire! But is it really worth your time? We’ll take an in-depth dive into this popular plus size dating platform to find out. Is the interface user friendly or will it leave you frustrated? How active is the community – can users expect to get plenty of matches or should they keep their expectations low? And most importantly: does BBWDesire deliver on its promise of helping singles connect with likeminded people who appreciate them just the way they are?! Read our review now and discover all there is to know about this unique online destination!


BBWDesire is like a bad date: it looks good on paper, but in reality you’re just wasting your time and money. It’s not worth the effort to even sign up! All of the profiles seem fake, and I’ve yet to find someone who actually responds or meets up with me. Plus, there are so many better options out there that offer more features for less money – why bother? Save yourself some heartache (and cash) by steering clear of BBWDesire – trust me!

BBWDesire in 10 seconds

  • BBWDesire is an online dating site for people looking to meet plus-sized partners.
  • The matching algorithm of BBWDesire helps users find compatible matches based on their interests and preferences.
  • BBWDesire offers a variety of pricing options, including monthly, quarterly, and annual subscriptions.
  • Monthly subscriptions start at $24.95, quarterly subscriptions at $49.95, and annual subscriptions at $99.95.
  • BBWDesire does not have an app but can be accessed through its website.
  • BBWDesire’s pricing is competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • BBWDesire has strict privacy policies in place to protect user data.
  • BBWDesire provides users with the ability to block and report suspicious activity.
  • BBWDesire also offers a “Safe Mode” feature that allows users to hide their profile from certain users.
  • BBWDesire has a “Virtual Gifts” feature that allows users to send virtual gifts to potential matches.

Pros & Cons

  • BBWDesire makes it easy to find like-minded people who appreciate a larger body type.
  • The site has an extensive range of features that make finding potential matches enjoyable and efficient.
  • It’s free to join, so you can start meeting new people right away!
  • The search filters are limited.
  • Not many active users on the site.
  • Messaging is only available to paying members.
  • Limited customer service options for non-paying members.
  • There have been reports of fake profiles and scammers on BBWDesire

How we reviewed BBWDesire

To review BBWDesire, my team and I took a comprehensive approach. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site to get an accurate picture of what users can expect from each one. To really dive deep into our review process, we sent out over 200 messages in total across multiple days using different profiles with various interests so that we could see how other members responded to us as well as measure response rates. We also looked at all features available on BBWDesire such as profile creation options, messaging tools, search filters etc., making sure they were easy-to-use for people who may not be tech savvy or familiar with online dating sites. Additionally, we conducted extensive research about safety measures implemented by this website including encryption protocols used for data security and privacy policies which are crucial when it comes to any type of online service involving personal information exchange between two parties (in this case – daters). Finally but most importantly – customer support was taken into consideration during our evaluation process too; since having access to timely help is essential if something goes wrong while you’re navigating through your account settings or trying contact someone else via email/chat feature on the platform itself! All these steps set us apart from other reviews websites because instead just giving opinions based off surface level observations -we went above & beyond ensuring every aspect related user experience has been thoroughly analyzed before coming up with final verdicts regarding its overall usability & effectiveness.

Help & Support

When it comes to customer support, BBWDesire is a total flop. Trying to get help from them is like pulling teeth – you’ll probably never hear back! I contacted their team several times and not once did they provide me with the answers I was looking for.

Their website claims that there’s an FAQ page where users can find all sorts of helpful information but when you click on it, nothing happens. It seems as if this feature has been abandoned by the company or something because it just doesn’t work anymore. Not only that but even if someone does manage to contact their support team (which takes forever), don’t expect any quick responses either – these guys are about as slow as molasses in January!

It almost feels like they don’t want people using their site at all; maybe they’re trying too hard to keep up appearances? Who knows what goes through management’s mind sometimes… All jokes aside though, no one should have such terrible service especially since we’re talking about online dating here – a field which requires constant communication between customers and staff members alike in order for everything else (like matchmaking) to run smoothly..

At least other sites make some sort of effort towards providing better customer experience: live chat options so users can talk directly with agents who know how things work around there; detailed explanations regarding payment plans etc.; well-written tutorials explaining different features available on the platform… The list could go on and on really but unfortunately none of those exist over at BBWDesire headquarters – zero effort put into making sure everyone gets along nicely while using its services.

To sum up my review: unless you feel comfortable dealing with poor response time & lacklustre assistance then steer clear away from this place altogether ’cause chances are your questions will remain unanswered indefinitely otherwise!

Mobile App

Well, BBWDesire doesn’t have a mobile app – yet. But that’s not to say they won’t get one in the future! It seems like more and more dating sites are jumping on the bandwagon of having an app these days so it wouldn’t be surprising if BBWDesire followed suit soon enough. There could be a few reasons why they haven’t released an app just yet – maybe their resources are limited or perhaps there is some technical issue holding them back from releasing one.

If/when BBW Desire does release its own native mobile application, users can expect plenty of features designed to make online dating easier than ever before: you’ll likely find all your favorite site functions such as messaging other members and searching for potential matches right at your fingertips! Plus, with push notifications popping up when someone sends you a message or adds you as friend will help keep conversations going even when users aren’t actively using the platform itself (how convenient!). And since most apps tend to run faster than web browsers do on smartphones and tablets, this means navigating through profiles should feel smoother too which makes finding love that much quicker!
The only downside? Most apps cost money either upfront or via subscription fees; however given how popular free-to-use services seem to be nowadays we can hope that any official version of BBWDessire would follow suit without costing anything extra out pocket (fingers crossed).

Overall though I think adding an official mobile application would definitely benefit both current & prospective members alike by providing access no matter where life takes them while also allowing quick responses whenever needed – plus who knows what else might come along with it?! In short: let’s cross our fingers & toes hoping for good news sooner rather than later 😉

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site with an outdated design and poor usability, then BBWDesire is the one for you! The colors are dull and drab, making it look like something from the early 2000s. It’s not very user-friendly either – navigating around can be confusing at times. Plus, there isn’t much to do on this website without paying for a subscription plan.

The interface of BBWDesire looks like someone took all the worst aspects of web design in 1998 and threw them together into one big mess. Everything seems cluttered and overwhelming; nothing stands out or draws your attention away from everything else that’s going on in this visual disaster zone! And if I’m being honest here: even though they claim their UI has been improved upon after purchasing a paid subscription – let me tell ya’, don’t believe it until you see it because what I saw was far from impressive… It almost felt as if my eyes were playing tricks on me when trying to make sense of where things were located within its pages; talk about frustratingly difficult navigation menus!! Yikes… If only they had taken some time off to update their designs instead of just slapping something together real quick so people could pay up more money than necessary…. smh (shaking my head).

And speaking about payment plans – did anyone say hidden fees? Well yeah… turns out there are quite few additional costs associated with using certain features which aren’t clearly stated anywhere before signing up – sneaky move right there.. Not cool guys.. not cool at all!!! To top things off, most users have reported experiencing lags while browsing through profiles due to slow loading speeds…. No bueno!! That doesn’t exactly scream “dating site made easy" now does it?!

All jokes aside though – overall experience wise I wouldn’t recommend giving BBW Desire too much thought since its current state makes online dating seem way harder than need be… So unless drastic changes occur soon enough regarding both aesthetics & usability,I’d suggest keeping your options open by exploring other alternatives available online first before taking any further steps towards committing yourself fully onto such an unpolished platform

User Profiles

Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that promises to be the real deal, BBWDesire is not it. After testing out this website myself, I can honestly say that there are better options out there. The user profiles on BBWDesire aren’t exactly what they seem – public and open to anyone who visits the site with no way of customizing your bio or hiding your location info. It’s like an open book! Plus, even though some users have filled in their profile information such as age and interests etc., there isn’t any indication of how far away they live from each other so you could end up being miles apart (which let’s face it – ain’t gonna work).

The thing about premium subscriptions is that while sure they offer more benefits than free accounts do (such as unlimited messaging), but overall these don’t make much difference when compared to other sites where non-premium members still get access to basic features like sending messages without having too many restrictions placed upon them which makes me wonder why pay extra?

And lastly…fake profiles; oh boy did I come across plenty during my time using this service! Not only were most of them incredibly obvious but also very generic in terms of content making me think twice before interacting with someone new here…and trust me when I tell ya’ll: nobody wants catfished by fake bots pretending to be people online now do we?! So yeah…not cool at all!!

All things considered then; unless you’re really desperate for love – steer clear from this one folks ’cause its just not worth the hassle or heartache!!


BBWDesire has a lot of potential, but its pricing leaves something to be desired. On the surface it looks like you can use the site for free, but that’s not really true – most features require a paid subscription. Sure, there are some benefits to getting one (like unlimited messaging and profile viewing), but they come at quite a cost! The prices aren’t competitive either; in fact they’re pretty steep compared to other dating sites out there.

Bottom line: if you want access to all BBWDesire’s features then expect your wallet or purse strings to take quite the hit!

Plan Price Features
Basic $29.95/month Search, Chat, Send Winks, View Profiles
Gold $34.95/month All Basic Features, Advanced Search, See Who’s Online Now
Platinum $39.95/month All Gold Features, Top Listing in Searches, Highlighted Profile

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to BBWDesire include Plus Size Dating, WooPlus, and LargeFriends. These sites provide a safe space for plus-size singles to connect with one another in an accepting environment.

  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for people who are looking to date someone with a larger body type.
  • Best for those seeking an accepting and non-judgmental dating environment.
  • Best for individuals interested in connecting with like-minded BBW admirers.


1. Is BBWDesire free?

No, BBWDesire is not free. It’s a paid service and you have to pay for the features that it offers. I wouldn’t recommend this site if you’re looking for something free; there are much better options out there!

2. What is BBWDesire?

BBWDesire is a dating site that seems to be focused on hookups and casual encounters. It’s not the best place for someone looking for something serious or meaningful. Overall, it’s an unimpressive online dating experience.

3. Is BBWDesire working and can you find someone there?

I tried BBWDesire and it’s definitely not worth the effort. It was a waste of time – I didn’t find anyone there, and most of the profiles seemed fake. All in all, I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for love online.

4. Is BBWDesire real?

Yes, BBWDesire is real. But I wouldn’t recommend it – the profiles are fake and the site isn’t very secure. It’s not worth your time or money!

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By Kyle Ingham

Kyle Ingham is an online dating expert who has been helping people find love for over 10 years. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley and has worked as a professional matchmaker since graduating. His passion for finding true connections led him to become an authority on the subject of modern romance and relationships through his reviews on various dating sites and apps. In addition to being knowledgeable about all things related to online dating, Kyle also provides valuable advice based on his own experiences with different platforms throughout the years – something that many other experts lack when it comes down to giving real-world insight into how these services work best in practice. With this knowledge he’s able to provide readers with honest feedback so they can make informed decisions before signing up or investing their time into any particular service or app. What makes Kyle unique among other professionals is that he genuinely cares about each individual's journey towards finding someone special; whether it be through traditional methods like meeting at bars/clubs or via more digital means such as swiping right (or left) while using popular apps like Tinder & Bumble - whatever works! This compassion combined with extensive research helps him create detailed reviews which are both informative yet entertaining enough even for those not actively seeking out potential partners but just curious about what goes behind them instead..